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Electrostatic Nonlinear Trimming of Ring-Based MEMS Coriolis Vibrating Gyroscopes (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Arifin, D. J., & Mcwilliam, S. (2022, July). Electrostatic Nonlinear Trimming of Ring-Based MEMS Coriolis Vibrating Gyroscopes. Presented at 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2022), Lyon, France

The effects of electrostatic nonlinearity on rate measuring performance of a capacitive MEMS Coriolis Vibrating Gyroscope (CVG) with an imperfect sensing element are investigated. The electrostatic nonlinearity is a result of large amplitude vibratio... Read More about Electrostatic Nonlinear Trimming of Ring-Based MEMS Coriolis Vibrating Gyroscopes.

Analyzing the Influence of Student Problem Solving Approaches on Learning Through Teaching in Mathematics Education (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Woods, P., Copur-Gencturk, Y., & Atabas, S. (2022, June). Analyzing the Influence of Student Problem Solving Approaches on Learning Through Teaching in Mathematics Education. Presented at 16th International Conference of the Learnng Sciences (ICLS) 2022, Hiroshima, Japan and online

While previous research has examined what students learn as they agentically solve mathematics problems, less is known about what teachers learn through this process. We use this paper to address this oversight by analyzing interviews, lesson plans,... Read More about Analyzing the Influence of Student Problem Solving Approaches on Learning Through Teaching in Mathematics Education.

Environments, Spaces, Knowledges: New and Emerging Research in Historical Geography (2022)
Newman, B., R. Martin, P., & Crawford, L. (Eds.). (2022). Environments, Spaces, Knowledges: New and Emerging Research in Historical Geography. RGS-IBG

The Covid-19 pandemic had a major impact on our everyday lives and, sadly, this impact will continue to last for many. The pandemic impacted the Historical Geography Research Group’s ability to conduct business as usual and this volume, which was due... Read More about Environments, Spaces, Knowledges: New and Emerging Research in Historical Geography.

PM2. 5 and NO2 exposure in different vehicle cabins with standard pollen and activated carbon filters (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Matthaios, V., Rooney, D., Cowell, N., Harrison, R., Koutrakis, P., & Bloss, W. (2022, May). PM2. 5 and NO2 exposure in different vehicle cabins with standard pollen and activated carbon filters. Presented at EGU General Assembly 2022, Viena, Austria and online

Vehicle cabins are confined spaces where air quality can easily be reduced or improved by a combination of: ventilation settings, cabin air filter and route choice. By regulating the indoor-outdoor exchange rate using the vehicle's ventilation system... Read More about PM2. 5 and NO2 exposure in different vehicle cabins with standard pollen and activated carbon filters.

When is Architecture Art? : Architectural Representations and the Postmodern Artworld, or, Socioaesthetics (2022)
Book Chapter
Kauffman, J. (2022). When is Architecture Art? : Architectural Representations and the Postmodern Artworld, or, Socioaesthetics. In The Routledge Companion to Architectural Drawings and Models: From Translating to Archiving, Collecting and Displaying (249-262). Routledge.

Concerns about the correlation between architecture and art found new life in the Postmodern era when architectural representations became entangled in the art world. The exhibiting and sale of architectural drawings and models at commercial gallerie... Read More about When is Architecture Art? : Architectural Representations and the Postmodern Artworld, or, Socioaesthetics.

Numerical Investigation of Impulse Waves Impacting on Dams (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Attili, T., Heller, V., & Triantafyllou, S. (2022, June). Numerical Investigation of Impulse Waves Impacting on Dams. Presented at Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress From Snow to Sea, Granada, Spain

Impulse waves are generated by landslides, rockfalls and iceberg calving in water bodies such as lakes and reservoirs. These waves represent a persistent danger for dams, e.g. in the 1963 Vajont disaster an impulse wave impacted and overtopped the Va... Read More about Numerical Investigation of Impulse Waves Impacting on Dams.

Numerical Investigation of Landslide-Tsunamis Generated by Different Mass Movement Types (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Liu, J., Heller, V., & Wang, Y. (2022, June). Numerical Investigation of Landslide-Tsunamis Generated by Different Mass Movement Types. Presented at 39th IAHR World Congress (Granada, 2022), Granada, Spain

Landslide-tsunamis, also called impulse waves, are generated by mass movements, such as landslides, rock falls or iceberg calving, impacting into a water body. Past cases such as the Vajont landslide-tsunami event, which caused approximately 2000 cas... Read More about Numerical Investigation of Landslide-Tsunamis Generated by Different Mass Movement Types.

New Physical Insight into Landslide-Tsunamis Using Non-Linear Wave Decomposition (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Constance, B., & Heller, V. (2022, June). New Physical Insight into Landslide-Tsunamis Using Non-Linear Wave Decomposition. Presented at 39th IAHR World Congress, Granada, Spain

Potentially devastating tsunamis are generated by landslides impacting into water bodies. Such subaerial landslide-tsunamis are typically predicted with empirical equations, which, however, fail to appropriately capture some of the underlying physics... Read More about New Physical Insight into Landslide-Tsunamis Using Non-Linear Wave Decomposition.

Numerical Investigation of Waves Interacting with Rigid and Flexible Plates (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Attili, T., Heller, V., & Triantafyllou, S. (2022, June). Numerical Investigation of Waves Interacting with Rigid and Flexible Plates. Presented at 39th IAHR World Congress, Granada

The physics governing the impact of waves on coastal structures, referred to as wave-structure interaction (WSI), pose a serious challenge for a range of coastal applications such as oil and gas rigs, offshore wind turbine platforms, breakwaters, flo... Read More about Numerical Investigation of Waves Interacting with Rigid and Flexible Plates.

Analytical and Numerical Study of Novel Scaling Laws for Air-Water Flows (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Catucci, D., Briganti, R., & Heller, V. (2022, June). Analytical and Numerical Study of Novel Scaling Laws for Air-Water Flows. Presented at 39th IAHR World Congress (Granada, 2022), Granada, Spain

Physical modelling in the laboratory is widely used for hydraulic investigations. Froude similarity results in significant scale effects in small models for flows involving air-entrainment. Such air-water flows are essential for many hydraulic applic... Read More about Analytical and Numerical Study of Novel Scaling Laws for Air-Water Flows.

Stem cells, fitness, and aging (2022)
Book Chapter
Kitaeva, K., Kiyasov, A., Rizvanov, A., Rutland, C., & Solovyeva, V. (2022). Stem cells, fitness, and aging. In P. J. Oliveira, & J. O. Malva (Eds.), Aging: from fundamental biology to societal impact (385-405). Elsevier.

Normal development of organisms is impossible without constant renewal of cells and tissues. Continuous division can lead to the accumulation of unwanted changes in cells, the number of which, increases with age and reduces the functionality of organ... Read More about Stem cells, fitness, and aging.

Normalisation of Action Potential Data Recorded with Sharp Electrodes Maximises Its Utility for Model Development (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Barral, Y. S. H., Polonchuk, L., R. Mirams, G., Clerx, M., Page, G., Sweat, K., Abi-Gerges, N., Wang, K., & Gavaghan, D. J. (2022, September). Normalisation of Action Potential Data Recorded with Sharp Electrodes Maximises Its Utility for Model Development. Presented at 2022 Computing in Cardiology Conference, Tampere, Finland

In silico models of cardiomyocyte electrophysiology describe the various ionic currents and fluxes that lead to the formation of action potentials (APs). Experimental data used to create such models can be recorded in adult human cardiac trabeculae u... Read More about Normalisation of Action Potential Data Recorded with Sharp Electrodes Maximises Its Utility for Model Development.

Derivative-based Inference for Cell and Channel Electrophysiology Models (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clerx, M., Augustin, D., Dale-Evans, A. R., & Mirams, G. R. (2022, September). Derivative-based Inference for Cell and Channel Electrophysiology Models. Presented at 2022 Computing in Cardiology Conference, Tampere, Finland (online)

Models of ionic currents or of the cardiac action potential (AP) are frequently calibrated by defining an error function that quantifies the mismatch between simulations and data, and using numerical optimisation to find the parameter values that min... Read More about Derivative-based Inference for Cell and Channel Electrophysiology Models.

Modelling the Effect of Intracellular Calcium in the Rundown of L-Type Calcium Current (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Agrawal, A., Clerx, M., Wang, K., Polonchuk, L., Gavaghan, D. J., & Mirams, G. R. (2022, September). Modelling the Effect of Intracellular Calcium in the Rundown of L-Type Calcium Current. Presented at 2022 Computing in Cardiology Conference, Tampere, Finland

The L-type calcium current (ICaL) is a key current of the heart playing an important role in the contraction of the cardiomyocyte. Patch-clamp recordings of ionic currents can be associated with a reduction of the current magnitude with time (termed... Read More about Modelling the Effect of Intracellular Calcium in the Rundown of L-Type Calcium Current.

Interplay between group awareness and internal scripts: How information about knowledge and controversies triggers the activation of problem-solving script components (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schnaubert, L., Lichte, A., & Vogel, F. (2022, June). Interplay between group awareness and internal scripts: How information about knowledge and controversies triggers the activation of problem-solving script components. Presented at 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Hiroshima, Japan and online

Collaboration scripts and group awareness are two prominent factors for beneficial learning processes in CSCL. However, research mostly focuses on each factor independently. To inquire their mutual interaction, we investigate how different types of g... Read More about Interplay between group awareness and internal scripts: How information about knowledge and controversies triggers the activation of problem-solving script components.

Effects of Uncertainty Markers on Metacognitive Group Awareness and Regulation (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Radtke, A., & Schnaubert, L. (2022, June). Effects of Uncertainty Markers on Metacognitive Group Awareness and Regulation. Presented at 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Hiroshma, Japan and online

Social platforms provide a vast amount of resources for sharing, discussing, and searching for information. Thereby, learners need to monitor their understanding to metacognitively regulate their learning. Awareness of peers' metacognitions can affec... Read More about Effects of Uncertainty Markers on Metacognitive Group Awareness and Regulation.