What works to end modern slavery? A review of evidence on policy and interventions in the context of justice
Schwarz, K., Valverde-Cano, A., & Baumeister, H. (2020). What works to end modern slavery? A review of evidence on policy and interventions in the context of justice. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research
All Outputs (4109)
What works to end modern slavery? A review of evidence on policy and interventions in the context of crisis (2020)
Davy, D., Schwarz, K., Baumeister, H., Valverde-Cano, A., & Peake, K. (2020). What works to end modern slavery? A review of evidence on policy and interventions in the context of crisis. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research
After Enslavement Ends: Ensuring Redress for Victims (2020)
Book Chapter
Schwarz, K. (2020). After Enslavement Ends: Ensuring Redress for Victims. In K. Bales, & Z. Trodd (Eds.), The Antislavery Usable Past: History’s Lessons for How We End Slavery Today (133-156). Rights Lab, University of Nottingham
Filosofía y literatura. De la generación finisecular a la generación de 1927: la figura del nuevo intelectual (2020)
Book Chapter
Roberts, S. (2020). Filosofía y literatura. De la generación finisecular a la generación de 1927: la figura del nuevo intelectual. In J. L. Mora García, & M. Sonlleva Velasco (Eds.), Educación, Cultura y Sociedad.: Génesis y desarrollo de un proyecto reformista (193-208). Real Academia de Historia y Arte de San QuirceThis chapter looks at the changing role of the intellectual in Spain between 1900 and 1931, focusing above all on the intellectual's relationship with education.
Unamuno’s press articles: the badge of identity of the Unamunian intellectual (2020)
Book Chapter
Roberts, S. (2020). Unamuno’s press articles: the badge of identity of the Unamunian intellectual. In L. Álvarez-Castro (Ed.), Approaches to teaching the works of Miguel de Unamuno (93-98). Modern Language AssociationThis chapter looks at the history of Unamuno's press articles and suggests ways in which these articles can be taught in university classrooms.
Pulling Back the Curtain on the Wizards of Oz (2020)
Journal Article
Porcheron, M., Fischer, J. E., & Reeves, S. (2020). Pulling Back the Curtain on the Wizards of Oz. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 4(CSCW3), Article 243. https://doi.org/10.1145/3432942The Wizard of Oz method is an increasingly common practice in HCI and CSCW studies as part of iterative design processes for interactive systems. Instead of designing a fully-fledged system, the 'technical work' of key system components is completed... Read More about Pulling Back the Curtain on the Wizards of Oz.
A framework for differentiation in composed digital-physical products (2020)
Journal Article
Baumers, M., Ashcroft, I., Benford, S., Flintham, M., Koleva, B., Tóth, Z., & Winklhofer, H. (2020). A framework for differentiation in composed digital-physical products. International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 13(4), 286-298. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJMMS.2020.112351Product-service systems (PSS) composed of physical products and digital services are emerging as an important new product category. In this paper we suggest that the established metaphor of 'layering' is insufficient to capture the diverse ways in wh... Read More about A framework for differentiation in composed digital-physical products.
Why Garden In Schools? (2020)
Earl, A., & Thomson, P. (2020). Why Garden In Schools?. Routledge
A Comparative Exploration of Quality Assurance Results by the Third-Party Pharmaceutical Education Evaluation in Japan (2020)
Journal Article
Takeda, K., & Arakawa, N. (2021). A Comparative Exploration of Quality Assurance Results by the Third-Party Pharmaceutical Education Evaluation in Japan. Pharmacy, 9(1), 9. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmacy9010006Background: The Standards for the Establishment of Universities in Japan were revised; subsequently, the number of schools or universities of pharmacy/pharmaceutical sciences increased from 46 in 2002 to 74 in 2016.The pharmacy education programme wa... Read More about A Comparative Exploration of Quality Assurance Results by the Third-Party Pharmaceutical Education Evaluation in Japan.
Self-Induced Transparency in Warm and Strongly Interacting Rydberg Gases (2020)
Journal Article
Bai, Z., Adams, C. S., Huang, G., & Li, W. (2020). Self-Induced Transparency in Warm and Strongly Interacting Rydberg Gases. Physical Review Letters, 125(26), Article 263605. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.263605We study dispersive optical nonlinearities of short pulses propagating in high number density, warm atomic vapors where the laser resonantly excites atoms to Rydberg P states via a single-photon transition. Three different regimes of the light-atom i... Read More about Self-Induced Transparency in Warm and Strongly Interacting Rydberg Gases.
The corona-virus disease 2019 pandemic compromised routine care for hypertension: a survey conducted among excellence centers of the European Society of Hypertension (2020)
Journal Article
Weber, T., Januszewicz, A., Agabiti Rosei, E., Tsioufis, K., Okorie, M., Stergiou, G. S., Volpe, M., Kreutz, R., Abraham, G., Azizi, M., Barna, I., Kunz Sebba Barroso, W., Brguljan, J., Chapman, N., De Backer, T., Dorobantu, M., Eckert, S., Gaciong, Z., Giannattasio, C., Glover, M., …Zweiker, R. (2021). The corona-virus disease 2019 pandemic compromised routine care for hypertension: a survey conducted among excellence centers of the European Society of Hypertension. Journal of Hypertension, 39(1), 190-195. https://doi.org/10.1097/HJH.0000000000002703Background: The Covid-19 pandemic caused a shutdown of healthcare systems in many countries. We explored the impact on hypertension care in the Excellence Center (EC) network of the European Society of Hypertension. Methods: We conducted a 17-questio... Read More about The corona-virus disease 2019 pandemic compromised routine care for hypertension: a survey conducted among excellence centers of the European Society of Hypertension.
Changes in IgA-targeted microbiota following fecal transplantation for recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection (2020)
Journal Article
Huus, K. E., Frankowski, M., Pučić-Baković, M., Vučković, F., Lauc, G., Mullish, B. H., Marchesi, J. R., Monaghan, T. M., Kao, D., & Finlay, B. B. (2021). Changes in IgA-targeted microbiota following fecal transplantation for recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection. Gut Microbes, 13(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/19490976.2020.1862027Secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) interacts with intestinal microbiota and promotes mucosal homeostasis. IgA-bacteria interactions are altered during inflammatory diseases, but how these interactions are shaped by bacterial, host, and environmental fa... Read More about Changes in IgA-targeted microbiota following fecal transplantation for recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection.
Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 21st Annual Conference, TAROS 2020, Nottingham, UK, September 16, 2020: Proceedings (2020)
Mohammad, A., Dong, X., & Russo, M. (Eds.). (2020). Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 21st Annual Conference, TAROS 2020, Nottingham, UK, September 16, 2020: Proceedings. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-63486-5
Workforce impacts of Covid-19 in the UK (2020)
Journal Article
Blake, H. (2020). Workforce impacts of Covid-19 in the UK. Health Psychology Update, 29(Special issue), 41-43
Caves and rock shelters, burials and smelting (2020)
Journal Article
Pearce, M. (2020). Caves and rock shelters, burials and smelting. Metalla, Sonderheft 10, 17-21. https://doi.org/10.46586/metalla.v.2020.i10This paper is an extended abstract for the International Conference on Resources and Transformation in Pre-modern Societies, Bochum 19–21 November 2020, 11 December 2020 and 15 January 2021. It discusses the world view of Copper Age and Early Bronze... Read More about Caves and rock shelters, burials and smelting.
Mitogenomic phylogeny and fossil-calibrated mutation rates for all F- and M-type mtDNA genes of the largest freshwater mussel family, the Unionidae (Bivalvia) (2020)
Journal Article
Zieritz, A., Froufe, E., Bolotov, I., Gonçalves, D. V., Aldridge, D. C., Bogan, A. E., Gan, H. M., Gomes-Dos-Santos, A., Sousa, R., Teixeira, A., Varandas, S., Zanatta, D., & Lopes-Lima, M. (2021). Mitogenomic phylogeny and fossil-calibrated mutation rates for all F- and M-type mtDNA genes of the largest freshwater mussel family, the Unionidae (Bivalvia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 193(3), 1088-1107. https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa153The Unionidae represent an excellent model taxon for unravelling the drivers of freshwater diversity, but, phylogeographic studies on Southeast Asian taxa are hampered by lack of a comprehensive phylogeny and mutation rates for this fauna. We present... Read More about Mitogenomic phylogeny and fossil-calibrated mutation rates for all F- and M-type mtDNA genes of the largest freshwater mussel family, the Unionidae (Bivalvia).
How might modern slavery risk in English adult social care procurement be reduced? (2020)
Journal Article
Emberson, C., & Trautrims, A. (2020). How might modern slavery risk in English adult social care procurement be reduced?. Public Procurement Law Review, 29(6), 390-404UK legislation, in the form of the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 (hereafter SVA) and more recently the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (hereafter MSA) has begun to acknowledge the role public procurement can play in improving social sustainability.... Read More about How might modern slavery risk in English adult social care procurement be reduced?.
Barriers and facilitators to type 2 diabetes management in the Caribbean region: a qualitative systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Nixon, A. L., Leonardi-Bee, J., Wang, H., & Chattopadhyay, K. (2021). Barriers and facilitators to type 2 diabetes management in the Caribbean region: a qualitative systematic review. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19(5), 911-965. https://doi.org/10.11124/jbisrir-d-19-00424Objective:The objective of this systematic review was to summarize the barriers and facilitators to type 2 diabetes mellitus management in the Caribbean region.Introduction:The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Caribbean is of significant... Read More about Barriers and facilitators to type 2 diabetes management in the Caribbean region: a qualitative systematic review.
Walking the Talk: moving forwards with sustained shared thinking and dialogic teaching (2020)
Journal Article
GRIPTON, C., & KNIGHT, R. (2020). Walking the Talk: moving forwards with sustained shared thinking and dialogic teaching. Forum: for Promoting 3-19 Comprehensive Education, 62(1), 31-40. https://doi.org/10.15730/forum.2020.62.1.31
Students' perceptions on chatbots' potential and design characteristics in healthcare education (2020)
Book Chapter
Stathakarou, N., Nifakos, S., Karlgren, K., Konstantinidis, S. T., Bamidis, P. D., Pattichis, C. S., & Davoody, N. (2020). Students' perceptions on chatbots' potential and design characteristics in healthcare education. In J. Mantas, A. Hasman, M. S. Househ, P. Gallos, & E. Zoulias (Eds.), The importance of health informatics in public health during a pandemic (209-212). IOS Press. https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI200531Chatbots may have the potential to support healthcare education by enabling personalized learning. Trust is a pre-requisite for the users to accept the chatbots. In this study we analyzed students' assignments of the MSc course "User Needs, Requireme... Read More about Students' perceptions on chatbots' potential and design characteristics in healthcare education.