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Students' perceptions on chatbots' potential and design characteristics in healthcare education

Stathakarou, Natalia; Nifakos, Sokratis; Karlgren, Klas; Konstantinidis, Stathis T.; Bamidis, Panagiotis D.; Pattichis, Constantinos S.; Davoody, Nadia

Students' perceptions on chatbots' potential and design characteristics in healthcare education Thumbnail


Natalia Stathakarou

Sokratis Nifakos

Klas Karlgren

Panagiotis D. Bamidis

Constantinos S. Pattichis

Nadia Davoody


John Mantas

Arie Hasman

Mowafa S. Househ

Parisis Gallos

Emmanouil Zoulias


Chatbots may have the potential to support healthcare education by enabling personalized learning. Trust is a pre-requisite for the users to accept the chatbots. In this study we analyzed students' assignments of the MSc course "User Needs, Requirements Engineering and Evaluation" at Karolinska Institutet, aiming to explore the chatbots' potential in healthcare education and the design characteristics of chatbots that may enhance the trust. The students identified two courses: pharmacology and medical law, that have the potential to leverage chatbots' characteristics. Our analyses on the design characteristics they suggested resulted in: recognition; visibility of system status; anthropomorphism in communication; knowledge expertise, linguistic consistency; realistic interaction. Our results are in line with previous research. Future studies could investigate the educational impact on the learning outcomes and students' satisfaction when interacting with chatbots.


Stathakarou, N., Nifakos, S., Karlgren, K., Konstantinidis, S. T., Bamidis, P. D., Pattichis, C. S., & Davoody, N. (2020). Students' perceptions on chatbots' potential and design characteristics in healthcare education. In J. Mantas, A. Hasman, M. S. Househ, P. Gallos, & E. Zoulias (Eds.), The importance of health informatics in public health during a pandemic (209-212). IOS Press.

Publication Date 2020
Deposit Date Oct 19, 2020
Publicly Available Date Oct 20, 2020
Publisher IOS Press
Pages 209-212
Series Title Studies in health technology and informatics
Series Number 272
Series ISSN 1879-8365
Book Title The importance of health informatics in public health during a pandemic
ISBN 9781643680927
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date May 12, 2020