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‘It’s not what it looks like. I’m Santa’: connecting community through film (2014)
Journal Article
Jones, S., & McIntyre, J. (2014). ‘It’s not what it looks like. I’m Santa’: connecting community through film. Changing English, 21(4),

The lived experiences of young people are becoming increasingly marginalised within the narrowly defined curricula of neoliberal contexts. Many young people are also cast within the media according to deficit discourses of youth, which contributes to... Read More about ‘It’s not what it looks like. I’m Santa’: connecting community through film.

“Dolls or teddies?”: constructing lesbian identity through community-specific practice. (2014)
Journal Article
Jones, L. (2014). “Dolls or teddies?”: constructing lesbian identity through community-specific practice. Journal of Language and Sexuality, 3(2),

The concept of ‘community’ often presents a problem for queer linguists. ‘The gay community’ is often viewed as an impossible site for research due to its imagined status,
whilst local communities of gay people have been considered too heterogeneous... Read More about “Dolls or teddies?”: constructing lesbian identity through community-specific practice..

Advanced DC zonal marine power system protection (2014)
Journal Article
Jia, K., Christopher, E., Thomas, D. W., & Sumner, M. (2014). Advanced DC zonal marine power system protection. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 8(2),

A new Active Impedance Estimation (AIE) based protection strategy which is suitable for utilization in a DC zonal marine power distribution system is presented. This method uses two triangular current "spikes" injections for system impedance estimati... Read More about Advanced DC zonal marine power system protection.

Christian Vikings: Norsemen in Western Europe in the 12th century (2014)
Book Chapter
Jesch, J. (2014). Christian Vikings: Norsemen in Western Europe in the 12th century. In P. Bauduin, & A. Musin (Eds.), Vers l'Orient et vers l'Occident: regards croisés sur les dynamiques et les transferts culturels des Vikings à la Rous ancienne = Eastwards and Westwards: multiple perspectives on the dynamics and cultural transfers from the vikings to the early Rus'. Presses universitaires de Caen

From the late 11th century onwards, northern Europeans were also infected with the crusading spirit that swept the whole of Europe. With their knowledge of the East, their military abilities and experience, and their relatively new enthusiasm for Chr... Read More about Christian Vikings: Norsemen in Western Europe in the 12th century.

Human responses to climate change: social representation, identity and socio-psychological action (2014)
Journal Article
Jaspal, R., Nerlich, B., & Cinirella, M. (2014). Human responses to climate change: social representation, identity and socio-psychological action. Environmental Communication, 8(1),

Climate change is one of the most important global challenges in the twenty-first century, given that a changing climate is likely to have negative and potentially irreversible consequences for the environment and human beings. Drawing upon Social Re... Read More about Human responses to climate change: social representation, identity and socio-psychological action.

When climate science became climate politics: British media representations of climate change in 1988 (2014)
Journal Article
Jaspal, R., & Nerlich, B. (2014). When climate science became climate politics: British media representations of climate change in 1988. Public Understanding of Science, 23(2),

Climate change has become a pressing environmental concern for scientists, social commentators and politicians. Previous social science research has explored media representations of climate change in various temporal and geographical contexts. Throu... Read More about When climate science became climate politics: British media representations of climate change in 1988.

Fracking in the UK press: Threat dynamics in an unfolding debate (2014)
Journal Article
Jaspal, R., & Nerlich, B. (2014). Fracking in the UK press: Threat dynamics in an unfolding debate. Public Understanding of Science, 23(3),

Shale gas is a novel source of fossil fuel which is extracted by induced hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”. This article examines the socio-political dimension of fracking as manifested in the UK press at three key temporal points in the debate on... Read More about Fracking in the UK press: Threat dynamics in an unfolding debate.

Electronic monitoring of adherence to inhaled medication in asthma (2014)
Journal Article
Howard, S., Lang, A., Patel, M. D. K., Sharples, S., & Shaw, D. E. (2014). Electronic monitoring of adherence to inhaled medication in asthma. Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews, 10(1),

The main treatment of asthma is inhaled corticosteroids. However adherence to these medications in asthma is often poor, with low adherence associated with excessive health care costs and an increased risk of emergency room visits and mortality. Alth... Read More about Electronic monitoring of adherence to inhaled medication in asthma.

Is my rival’s rival a friend? Popular third-party perceptions of territorial disputes in East Asia (2014)
Journal Article
Horesh, N., Kim, H. J., Mauch, P., & Sullivan, J. (2014). Is my rival’s rival a friend? Popular third-party perceptions of territorial disputes in East Asia. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 32(1),

This article examines how China's rise and increasing tensions with Japan are portrayed by South Korean bloggers. The deterioration in relations between China and Japan over the last two years generally projects onto the ways and means by which China... Read More about Is my rival’s rival a friend? Popular third-party perceptions of territorial disputes in East Asia.

Collaborative socially responsible practices for improving the position of Chinese workers in global supply chains (2014)
Journal Article
Hofman, P. S., Wu, B., & Liu, K. (2014). Collaborative socially responsible practices for improving the position of Chinese workers in global supply chains. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 43(4),

In this paper we evaluate three projects with the participation of 40 supplier firms in several Chinese coastal provinces representing multi-stakeholder efforts to provide alternative channels through which workers can voice their concerns. The suppl... Read More about Collaborative socially responsible practices for improving the position of Chinese workers in global supply chains.

Understanding teaching assistant self-efficacy in role and in training: its susceptibility to influence (2014)
Journal Article
Higgins, H. J., & Gulliford, A. (2014). Understanding teaching assistant self-efficacy in role and in training: its susceptibility to influence. Educational Psychology in Practice, 30(2),

There has been a noted growth in the number of teaching assistants (TAs) in mainstream schools (DfE, 2013a). Research is inconclusive about their efficacy at changing outcomes for children (Alborz et al 2009; Blatchford et al, 2009) and has proposed... Read More about Understanding teaching assistant self-efficacy in role and in training: its susceptibility to influence.

Circular polarization in n-type resonant tunneling diodes with Si delta-doping in the quantum well (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Herval, L. S., Galeti, H., Orsi Gordo, V., Galvao Gobato, Y., Brasil, M., Taylor, D., & Henini, M. Circular polarization in n-type resonant tunneling diodes with Si delta-doping in the quantum well. Presented at 29th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices (SBMicro) 2014

In this work, we have investigated magneto-transport and polarization resolved photoluminescence of a GaAs/AlGaAs resonant tunneling diode with Si delta-doping at the center of the quantum well under a magnetic field parallel to the tunnel current. T... Read More about Circular polarization in n-type resonant tunneling diodes with Si delta-doping in the quantum well.

Susceptibility of shallow foundation to rocking and sliding movements during seismic loading (2014)
Book Chapter
Heron, C., Haigh, S., & Madabhushi, G. (2014). Susceptibility of shallow foundation to rocking and sliding movements during seismic loading. In Seismic evaluation and rehabilitation of structures (407-424). Springer.

Current design codes prevent the rocking and sliding of shallow foundations during seismic loading despite much research indicating the beneficial nature of allowing such movements. The primary benefit is the partial isolation of the structure from t... Read More about Susceptibility of shallow foundation to rocking and sliding movements during seismic loading.

Assessing the benefits of auditory training to real-world listening: identifying appropriate and sensitive outcomes (2014)
Book Chapter
Henshaw, H., & Ferguson, M. A. (2014). Assessing the benefits of auditory training to real-world listening: identifying appropriate and sensitive outcomes. In T. Dau, & S. Santurette (Eds.), Auditory plasticity - listening with the brain. Danavox Jubilee Foundation

Auditory training is an intervention that aims to improve auditory performance and help alleviate the difficulties associated with hearing loss. To be an effective intervention, any task-specific learning needs to transfer to functional benefits in r... Read More about Assessing the benefits of auditory training to real-world listening: identifying appropriate and sensitive outcomes.

Musical intersections across the digital and physical (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hazzard, A., Benford, S., Chamberlain, A., Greenhalgh, C., & Kwon, H. Musical intersections across the digital and physical. Presented at DMRN+9: Digital Music Research Network (EPSRC)

Digital musical experiences are commonplace, everyday occurrences for many of us. Digital technologies facilitate where, how and what we access, and they increasingly offer new methods for capturing, sharing, enhancing and supporting such musical exp... Read More about Musical intersections across the digital and physical.

The application of specific point energy analysis to laser cutting with 1 μm laser radiation (2014)
Journal Article
Hashemzadeh, M., Suder, W., Williams, S., Powell, J., Kaplan, A., & Voisey, K. (2014). The application of specific point energy analysis to laser cutting with 1 μm laser radiation. Physics Procedia, 56,

Specific point energy (SPE) is a concept that has been successfully used in laser welding where SPE and power density determine penetration depth. This type of analysis allows the welding characteristics of different laser systems to be directly comp... Read More about The application of specific point energy analysis to laser cutting with 1 μm laser radiation.

Fibre laser piercing of mild steel: the effects of power intensity, gas type and pressure (2014)
Journal Article
Hashemzadeh, M., Powell, J., & Voisey, K. (2014). Fibre laser piercing of mild steel: the effects of power intensity, gas type and pressure. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 55,

Laser piercing is used to generate a starting point for laser cutting. The pierced hole is normally larger than the kerf width, which means that it cannot lie on the cut line. An experimental program investigating the piercing process as a function o... Read More about Fibre laser piercing of mild steel: the effects of power intensity, gas type and pressure.

On infimum Dickey–Fuller unit root tests allowing for a trend break under the null (2014)
Journal Article
Harvey, D. I., Leybourne, S. J., & Taylor, A. R. (2014). On infimum Dickey–Fuller unit root tests allowing for a trend break under the null. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 78,

Trend breaks appear to be prevalent in macroeconomic time series. Consequently, to avoid the catastrophic impact that unmodelled trend breaks have on power, it is standard empirical practice to employ unit root tests which allow for such effects. A p... Read More about On infimum Dickey–Fuller unit root tests allowing for a trend break under the null.