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Introduction: European adult education policy in question (2014)
Book Chapter
Holford, J., & Milana, M. (2014). Introduction: European adult education policy in question. In M. Milana, & J. Holford (Eds.), Adult education policy and the European Union: theoretical and methodological perspectives. Sense Publishers

Experimental Evaluation and Efficiency Optimisation of a Grid-Connected Converter for Household Energy Storage Applications (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kulsangcharoen, P., Asher, G., Rashed, M., Klumpner, C., Patel, C., & De, D. (2014, April). Experimental Evaluation and Efficiency Optimisation of a Grid-Connected Converter for Household Energy Storage Applications. Presented at 7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2014), Manchester, UK

This paper presents the design and the experimental evaluation of a power converter for energy storage applications suitable for household installation or to facilitate distributed energy storage capability within a local/community low-voltage grid.... Read More about Experimental Evaluation and Efficiency Optimisation of a Grid-Connected Converter for Household Energy Storage Applications.

Distractions during critical phases of anaesthesia for caesarean section: an observational study (2014)
Journal Article
Jenkins, A., Wilkinson, J. V., Akeroyd, M. A., & Broom, M. A. (2015). Distractions during critical phases of anaesthesia for caesarean section: an observational study. Anaesthesia, 70(5), 543-548.

Aviation's 'sterile cockpit' rule holds that distractions on the flight deck should be kept at a minimum during critical phases of flight. To assess current practice at comparable points during obstetric regional anaesthesia, we measured ambient nois... Read More about Distractions during critical phases of anaesthesia for caesarean section: an observational study.

Corticosterone protects against memory impairments and reduced hippocampal BDNF levels induced by a chronic low dose of ethanol in C57BL/6J mice (2014)
Journal Article
Elsaed Ebada, M., Latif, L. M., Kendall, D. A., & Pardon, M.-C. (2014). Corticosterone protects against memory impairments and reduced hippocampal BDNF levels induced by a chronic low dose of ethanol in C57BL/6J mice. Romanian journal of morphology and embryology = Revue roumaine de morphologie et embryologie, 55(4),

Acute low doses of ethanol can produce reversible memory deficits, but it is unknown whether they persist upon chronic use. We investigated whether the chronic intake of a low dose of ethanol induces memory impairments in the ethanol-preferring C57BL... Read More about Corticosterone protects against memory impairments and reduced hippocampal BDNF levels induced by a chronic low dose of ethanol in C57BL/6J mice.

A potential role for cannabinoid receptors in the therapeutic action of fenofibrate (2014)
Journal Article
Priestley, R. S., Nickolls, S. A., Alexander, S. P. H., & Kendall, D. A. (2015). A potential role for cannabinoid receptors in the therapeutic action of fenofibrate. FASEB Journal, 29(4), 1446-1455.

Cannabinoids are reported to have actions through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), which led us to investigate PPAR agonists for activity at the cannabinoid receptors. Radio-ligand binding and functional assays were conducted usin... Read More about A potential role for cannabinoid receptors in the therapeutic action of fenofibrate.

Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency after Ischaemic Stroke’ (TARDIS) trial (2014)
Journal Article
Bath, P. M., Robson, K., Woodhouse, L. J., Sprigg, N., Dineen, R. A., & Pocock, S. J. (2015). Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency after Ischaemic Stroke’ (TARDIS) trial. International Journal of Stroke, 10(3),

Rationale: Antiplatelet agents such as aspirin, clopidogrel and dipyridamole are effective in reducing the risk of recurrence after a stroke. Importantly, the risk of recurrence is highest immediately after the index event while antiplatelets cause b... Read More about Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency after Ischaemic Stroke’ (TARDIS) trial.

Identifying the ischaemic penumbra using pH-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (2014)
Journal Article
Harston, G. W. J., Tee, Y. K., Blockley, N., Okell, T. W., Thandeswaran, S., Shaya, G., Sheerin, F., Cellerini, M., Payne, S., Jezzard, P., Chappell, M., & Kennedy, J. (2015). Identifying the ischaemic penumbra using pH-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Brain, 138(1), 36-42.

© 2014 The Author. The original concept of the ischaemic penumbra suggested imaging of regional cerebral blood flow and metabolism would be required to identify tissue that may benefit from intervention. Amide proton transfer magnetic resonance imagi... Read More about Identifying the ischaemic penumbra using pH-weighted magnetic resonance imaging.

Elasto-plastic finite element analysis of titanium metal matrix composite shafts under torsional loading (2014)
Journal Article
Hyde, T. H., Punyong, K., & Becker, A. A. (2015). Elasto-plastic finite element analysis of titanium metal matrix composite shafts under torsional loading. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 50(3), 199-216.

Elasto-plastic finite element analyses of titanium metal matrix composite shafts subjected to torsional loading are presented based on a unit cell approach. The analyses cover different volume fractions and different values of the coefficient of fric... Read More about Elasto-plastic finite element analysis of titanium metal matrix composite shafts under torsional loading.

Combining two-directional synthesis and tandem reactions. Part 21: Exploitation of a dimeric macrocycle for chain terminus differentiation and synthesis of an sp3-rich library (2014)
Journal Article
Storr, T. E., Cully, S. J., Rawling, M. J., Lewis, W., Hamza, D., Jones, G., & Stockman, R. A. (2015). Combining two-directional synthesis and tandem reactions. Part 21: Exploitation of a dimeric macrocycle for chain terminus differentiation and synthesis of an sp3-rich library. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 23(11),

The application of a tandem condensation/cyclisation/[3+2]-cycloaddition/elimination reaction gives an sp3-rich tricyclic pyrazoline scaffold with two ethyl esters in a single step from a simple linear starting material. The successive hydrolysis and... Read More about Combining two-directional synthesis and tandem reactions. Part 21: Exploitation of a dimeric macrocycle for chain terminus differentiation and synthesis of an sp3-rich library.

Selective element fission approach for fast FEM simulation of incremental sheet forming based on dual-mesh system (2014)
Journal Article
Zhang, M. H., Lu, B., Chen, J., Long, H., & Ou, H. (2015). Selective element fission approach for fast FEM simulation of incremental sheet forming based on dual-mesh system. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 78(5-8), 1147-1160.

Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a highly versatile and flexible process for producing low batches of sheet metal parts. Although finite element (FE) method is a key approach in the study of material deformation in metal forming processes, the appl... Read More about Selective element fission approach for fast FEM simulation of incremental sheet forming based on dual-mesh system.

Influence of waxes on adhesion properties of bituminous binders (2014)
Journal Article
Lamperti, R., Grenfell, J., Sangiorgi, C., Lantieri, C., & Airey, G. D. (2015). Influence of waxes on adhesion properties of bituminous binders. Construction and Building Materials, 76,

The benefits at the base of WMA technologies are well established in the literature. They include the reduction in the energy consumption during the production of mixtures, the reduction in the emissions to the atmosphere in the production plant and... Read More about Influence of waxes on adhesion properties of bituminous binders.

Simulating Thermochromic and Heat Mirror Glazing Systems in Hot and Cold Climates (2014)
Journal Article
Kokogiannakis, G., Darkwa, J., & Aloisio, C. (2014). Simulating Thermochromic and Heat Mirror Glazing Systems in Hot and Cold Climates. Energy Procedia, 62, 22-31.

This paper investigates the potential energy requirements for heating and cooling when using a thermochromic glazing system on a highly glazed tall office building and comparisons are made with the respective performance of two heat mirror units and... Read More about Simulating Thermochromic and Heat Mirror Glazing Systems in Hot and Cold Climates.

Relative recency influences object-in-context memory (2014)
Journal Article
Tam, S. K., Bonardi, C., & Robinson, J. (2015). Relative recency influences object-in-context memory. Behavioural Brain Research, 281,

In two experiments rats received training on an object-in-context (OIC) task, in which they received preexposure to object A in context x, followed by exposure to object B in context y. In a subsequent test both A and B are presented in either contex... Read More about Relative recency influences object-in-context memory.

Capital structure and the issuance of corporate bonds in emerging Asia (2014)
Book Chapter
Mizen, P., Packer, F., Remolona, E., & Tsoukas, S. (2014). Capital structure and the issuance of corporate bonds in emerging Asia. In I. J. Azis, & H. S. Shin (Eds.), Global Shock, Risks, and Asian Financial Reform. Edward Elgar.

In emerging Asia's local-currency bond market, the government bond segments have largely come of age while the corporate bond markets have remained immature. This paper focuses on the question of what drives corporate bond issuance, an issue of great... Read More about Capital structure and the issuance of corporate bonds in emerging Asia.

What have studies of non-industrialized countries told us about the cause of allergic disease? (2014)
Journal Article
Fogarty, A. W. (in press). What have studies of non-industrialized countries told us about the cause of allergic disease?. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 45(1),

The increase in allergic diseases that was observed in countries that had experienced rapid economic growth since the mid-20th century initiated a search for environmental exposures that may explain these phenomena that continues to the present day.... Read More about What have studies of non-industrialized countries told us about the cause of allergic disease?.

A systematic review of strategies used to increase recruitment of people with cancer or organ failure into clinical trials: implications for palliative care research (2014)
Journal Article
Boland, J., Currow, D. C., Wilcock, A., Tieman, J., Hussain, J. A., Pitsillides, C., Abernethy, A. P., & Johnson, M. J. (in press). A systematic review of strategies used to increase recruitment of people with cancer or organ failure into clinical trials: implications for palliative care research. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 49(4), Article 762-772.e5.

Context. The challenges of palliative care clinical trial recruitment are well documented.
Objectives. The aim of the study was to review tested strategies to improve recruitment to trials of people with a range of conditions who may access palliati... Read More about A systematic review of strategies used to increase recruitment of people with cancer or organ failure into clinical trials: implications for palliative care research.

Two-dimensional state sum models and spin structures (2014)
Journal Article
Barrett, J. W., & Tavares, S. O. G. (2014). Two-dimensional state sum models and spin structures. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 336(1), 63-100.

The state sum models in two dimensions introduced by Fukuma, Hosono and Kawai are generalised by allowing algebraic data from a non-symmetric Frobenius algebra. Without any further data, this leads to a state sum model on the sphere. When the data is... Read More about Two-dimensional state sum models and spin structures.

Football: spectacularly insignificant or unspectacularly significant? (2014)
Journal Article
Stone, C. (2014). Football: spectacularly insignificant or unspectacularly significant?. Soccer and Society, 18(4), 445-461.

Football supporters are often projected as being obsessed, emotionally saturated and intensely involved with their club. This may be true for some, but much of the time, the consumption of football is mundanely incorporated with other routine behavio... Read More about Football: spectacularly insignificant or unspectacularly significant?.

Improvement over time in outcomes for patients undergoing endoscopic therapy for Barrett's oesophagus-related neoplasia: 6-year experience from the first 500 patients treated in the UK patient registry (2014)
Journal Article
Haidry, R. J., Butt, M. A., Dunn, J. M., Gupta, A., Lipman, G., Smart, H. L., Bhandari, P., Smith, L., Willert, R., Fullarton, G., Di Pietro, M., Gordon, C., Penman, I., Barr, H., Patel, P., Kapoor, N., Hoare, J., Narayanasamy, R., Ang, Y., Veitch, A., …Lovat, L. B. (2015). Improvement over time in outcomes for patients undergoing endoscopic therapy for Barrett's oesophagus-related neoplasia: 6-year experience from the first 500 patients treated in the UK patient registry. Gut, 64(8), 1192-1199.

Background Barrett's oesophagus (BE) is a pre-malignant condition leading to oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC). Treatment of neoplasia at an early stage is desirable. Combined endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) followed by radiofrequency ablation (RFA... Read More about Improvement over time in outcomes for patients undergoing endoscopic therapy for Barrett's oesophagus-related neoplasia: 6-year experience from the first 500 patients treated in the UK patient registry.