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Impedance sensitive STATCOM control for systems supported by renewable generation (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rose, C. J., Sumner, M., Thomas, D. W., & Christopher, E. Impedance sensitive STATCOM control for systems supported by renewable generation. Presented at 3rd Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2014)

Reactive power control is known to be an effective means of controlling voltage; however, for optimal performance, the system reactance must be known. Power systems with high re-newable energy penetration have been known to have voltage stability iss... Read More about Impedance sensitive STATCOM control for systems supported by renewable generation.

Calculation of the vibrational frequencies of carbon clusters and fullerenes with empirical potentials (2014)
Journal Article
Do, H., & Besley, N. A. (2014). Calculation of the vibrational frequencies of carbon clusters and fullerenes with empirical potentials. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(5), 3898-3908.

© the Owner Societies 2015. Vibrational frequencies for carbon clusters, fullerenes and nanotubes evaluated using empirical carbon-carbon potentials are presented. For linear and cyclic clusters, frequencies evaluated with the reactive empirical bond... Read More about Calculation of the vibrational frequencies of carbon clusters and fullerenes with empirical potentials.

Biological and clinical significance of PARP1 protein expression in breast cancer (2014)
Journal Article
Green, A. R., Caracappa, D., Benhasouna, A. A., Alshareeda, A., Nolan, C. C., Macmillan, R. D., Madhusudan, S., Ellis, I. O., & Rakha, E. A. (2015). Biological and clinical significance of PARP1 protein expression in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 149(2), 353-362.

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP1) is a key facilitator of DNA repair. PARP inhibitors have gained recent attention as promising therapeutic agents for the treatment of solid tumours including breast cancer (BC). However, the biological and clinic... Read More about Biological and clinical significance of PARP1 protein expression in breast cancer.

Acyl-chain elongation drives ketosynthase substrate selectivity in trans-acyltransferase polyketide synthases (2014)
Journal Article
Jenner, M., Afonso, J. P., Bailey, H. R., Frank, S., Kampa, A., Piel, J., & Oldfield, N. J. (2015). Acyl-chain elongation drives ketosynthase substrate selectivity in trans-acyltransferase polyketide synthases. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 54(6),

Type I modular polyketide synthases (PKSs), responsible for the biosynthesis of many biologically active agents, possess a ketosynthase (KS) domain within each module to catalyze chain elongation.
Acylation of the KS active site Cys residue is foll... Read More about Acyl-chain elongation drives ketosynthase substrate selectivity in trans-acyltransferase polyketide synthases.

Convergent genetic and expression data implicate immunity in Alzheimer's disease (2014)
Journal Article
Bossù, P., Tsuang, D. W., Lleò, A., Wallon, D., Todd, S., Dufouil, C., Myers, A. J., Larson, E. B., McGuinness, B., Kamboh, M. I., Huentelman, M. J., Goate, A. M., Rubinsztein, D. C., Letteneur, L., Lovestone, S., Evans, D., Johnston, J. A., De Jager, P. L., Lopez, O. L., Crane, P. K., …Holmans, P. (2015). Convergent genetic and expression data implicate immunity in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 11(6), 658-671.

© 2015, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD) is heritable with 20 genes showing genome-wide association in the International Genomics of Alzheimer's Project (IGAP). To identify the biology underly... Read More about Convergent genetic and expression data implicate immunity in Alzheimer's disease.

Measuring sub-mm structural displacements using QDaedalus: a digital clip-on measuring system developed for total stations (2014)
Journal Article
Charalampous, E., Psimoulis, P., Guillaume, S., Spiridonakos, M., Klis, R., Burki, B., Rothacher, M., Chatzi, E., Luchsinger, R., & Feltrin, G. (2015). Measuring sub-mm structural displacements using QDaedalus: a digital clip-on measuring system developed for total stations. Applied Geomatics, 7(2),

The monitoring of rigid structures of modal frequencies greater than 5 Hz and sub-mm displacement is mainly based so far on relative quantities from accelerometers, strain gauges etc. Additionally geodetic techniques such as GPS and Robotic Total Sta... Read More about Measuring sub-mm structural displacements using QDaedalus: a digital clip-on measuring system developed for total stations.

Improving identification of familial hypercholesterolaemia in primary care: Derivation and validation of the familial hypercholesterolaemia case ascertainment tool (FAMCAT) (2014)
Journal Article
Weng, S. F., Kai, J., Neil, H. A., Humphries, S. E., & Qureshi, N. (2015). Improving identification of familial hypercholesterolaemia in primary care: Derivation and validation of the familial hypercholesterolaemia case ascertainment tool (FAMCAT). Atherosclerosis, 238(2),

Objective: Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is a common autosomal dominant disorder. The vast majority of affected individuals remain undiagnosed, resulting in lost opportunities for preventing premature heart disease. Better use of r... Read More about Improving identification of familial hypercholesterolaemia in primary care: Derivation and validation of the familial hypercholesterolaemia case ascertainment tool (FAMCAT).

“You can’t just jump on a bike and go”: a qualitative study exploring parents’ perceptions of physical activity in children with type 1 diabetes (2014)
Journal Article
Quirk, H., Blake, H., Dee, B., & Glazebrook, C. (2014). “You can’t just jump on a bike and go”: a qualitative study exploring parents’ perceptions of physical activity in children with type 1 diabetes. BMC Pediatrics, 14(1),


Parents of children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) have an important role in supporting diabetes management behaviours and helping to maintain their child’s healthy lifestyle. Physical activity has known benefits for children with... Read More about “You can’t just jump on a bike and go”: a qualitative study exploring parents’ perceptions of physical activity in children with type 1 diabetes.

Effects of bowel cleansing on the intestinal microbiota (2014)
Journal Article
Jalanka, J., Salonen, A., Salojärvi, J., Ritari, J., Immonen, O., Marciani, L., Gowland, P., Hoad, C., Garsed, K., Lam, C., Palva, A., Spiller, R. C., & de Vos, W. M. (2015). Effects of bowel cleansing on the intestinal microbiota. Gut, 64(10), 1562-1568.

Objective: An adequate bowel cleansing is essential for a successful colonoscopy. Although purgative consumption is safe for the patient, there is little consensus on how the intestinal microbiota is affected by the procedure, especially regarding th... Read More about Effects of bowel cleansing on the intestinal microbiota.

Influenza promotes collagen deposition via ?v?6 integrin-mediated transforming growth factor ? activation. (2014)
Journal Article
Jolly, L., Stavrou, A., Knox, A., Vanderstoken, G., Meliopoulos, V. A., Habgood, A., Tatler, A. L., Porte, J., Knox, A., Weinreb, P., Violette, S., Hussell, T., Kolb, M., Stampfli, M. R., Schultz-Cherry, S., & Jenkins, G. (2014). Influenza promotes collagen deposition via αvβ6 integrin-mediated transforming growth factor β activation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289(51), 35246-35263.

Mesenchymal stromal cells express GARP/LRRC32 on their surface: Effects on their biology and immunomodulatory capacity (2014)
Journal Article
Carrillo-Galvez, A. B., Cobo, M., Cuevas-Ocaña, S., Gutiérrez-Guerrero, A., Sánchez-Gilabert, A., Bongarzone, P., García-Pérez, A., Muñoz, P., Benabdellah, K., Toscano, M. G., Martín, F., & Anderson, P. (2015). Mesenchymal stromal cells express GARP/LRRC32 on their surface: Effects on their biology and immunomodulatory capacity. STEM CELLS, 33(1), 183-195.

Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) represent a promising tool for therapy in regenerative medicine, transplantation, and autoimmune disease due to their trophic and immunomodulatory activities. However, we are still far from understanding the mechanism... Read More about Mesenchymal stromal cells express GARP/LRRC32 on their surface: Effects on their biology and immunomodulatory capacity.

Recognition of Haptic Interaction Patterns in Dyadic Joint Object Manipulation (2014)
Journal Article
Madan, C. E., Kucukyilmaz, A., Sezgin, T. M., & Basdogan, C. (2015). Recognition of Haptic Interaction Patterns in Dyadic Joint Object Manipulation. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 8(1), 54-66.

The development of robots that can physically cooperate with humans has attained interest in the last decades. Obviously, this effort requires a deep understanding of the intrinsic properties of interaction. Up to now, many researchers have focused o... Read More about Recognition of Haptic Interaction Patterns in Dyadic Joint Object Manipulation.

The Iron Cage of Liberalism: International Politics and Unarmed Revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa (2014)
Ritter, D. (2014). The Iron Cage of Liberalism: International Politics and Unarmed Revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa. Oxford University Press.

Revolutions no longer stand to be recognized. In contrast to the processes of political and social change spearheaded—and romanticized—by revolutionaries like Lenin and Mao, contemporary revolutions no longer require violent struggle in order to secu... Read More about The Iron Cage of Liberalism: International Politics and Unarmed Revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa.

Variation in the inter-service intervals of UK dairy cows (2014)
Journal Article
Remnant, J., Green, M. J., Huxley, J., & Hudson, C. (2015). Variation in the inter-service intervals of UK dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 98(2),

An understanding of the normal estrous cycle length of the cow is important when managing and monitoring dairy herd fertility. Whilst the normal inter-ovulatory interval is widely considered to be 21 days, some studies have found alternative interval... Read More about Variation in the inter-service intervals of UK dairy cows.

Prebiotic and probiotic agents enhance antibody-based immune responses to Salmonella Typhimurium infection in pigs (2014)
Journal Article
Naqid, I. A., Owen, J. P., Maddison, B. C., Gardner, D. S., Foster, N., Tchorzewska, M., La Ragione, R. M., & Gough, K. C. (2015). Prebiotic and probiotic agents enhance antibody-based immune responses to Salmonella Typhimurium infection in pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 201, 57-65.

Salmonellosis causes significant economic losses to the pig industry and contaminated pork products are an important source of Salmonella for humans. The EU ban on the use of antibiotic growth promoters in pig production, and the emergence of antibio... Read More about Prebiotic and probiotic agents enhance antibody-based immune responses to Salmonella Typhimurium infection in pigs.

An investigation of the efficacy of a polyvalent mastitis vaccine using different vaccination regimens under field conditions in the United Kingdom (2014)
Journal Article
Bradley, A., Breen, J., Payne, B., White, V., & Green, M. (2015). An investigation of the efficacy of a polyvalent mastitis vaccine using different vaccination regimens under field conditions in the United Kingdom. Journal of Dairy Science, 98(3),

Vaccination can play a useful role in mastitis control programs, although there is a relative dearth of large, well-controlled field efficacy studies. This paper presents the findings on the use of a commercially available vaccine (Startvac, Hipra UK... Read More about An investigation of the efficacy of a polyvalent mastitis vaccine using different vaccination regimens under field conditions in the United Kingdom.

Data-informed fuzzy measures for fuzzy integration of intervals and fuzzy numbers (2014)
Journal Article
Havens, T. C., Anderson, D. T., & Wagner, C. (2015). Data-informed fuzzy measures for fuzzy integration of intervals and fuzzy numbers. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 23(5),

The fuzzy integral (FI) with respect to a fuzzy measure (FM) is a powerful means of aggregating information. The most popular FIs are the Choquet and Sugeno, and most research focuses on these two variants. The arena of the FM is much more populated,... Read More about Data-informed fuzzy measures for fuzzy integration of intervals and fuzzy numbers.

Contrasting patterns of turnover between plants, pollinators and their interactions (2014)
Journal Article
Norfolk, O., Eichhorn, M. P., & Gilbert, F. S. (2015). Contrasting patterns of turnover between plants, pollinators and their interactions. Diversity and Distributions, 21(4),

Aim: Biogeographers typically assess patterns of diversity across landscapes. As interacting groups often exhibit contrasting trends, this leads to variation in the structure of interaction networks and thereby influences ecosystem processes. Here we... Read More about Contrasting patterns of turnover between plants, pollinators and their interactions.

Beyond risk-taking: effects of psychological safety on cooperative goal interdependence and prosocial behavior (2014)
Journal Article
Leung, K., Deng, H., Wang, J., & Zhou, F. (2015). Beyond risk-taking: effects of psychological safety on cooperative goal interdependence and prosocial behavior. Group and Organization Management, 40(1),

In addition to risk-taking behavior, we propose that psychological safety also promotes prosocial behavior through cooperative goal interdependence. To differentiate these two types of effects, we contrasted the moderating effects of two interpersona... Read More about Beyond risk-taking: effects of psychological safety on cooperative goal interdependence and prosocial behavior.