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Benzamil sensitive ion channels contribute to volume regulation in canine chondrocytes (2013)
Journal Article
Lewis, R., Feetham, C., Gentles, L., Penny, J., Tregilgas, L., Tohami, W., Mobasheri, A., & Barrett-Jolley, R. (2013). Benzamil sensitive ion channels contribute to volume regulation in canine chondrocytes. British Journal of Pharmacology, 168(7),

Background and Purpose: Chondrocytes exist within cartilage and serve to maintain the extracellular matrix. It has been postulated that osteoarthritic (OA) chondrocytes lose the ability to regulate their volume, affecting extracellular matrix product... Read More about Benzamil sensitive ion channels contribute to volume regulation in canine chondrocytes.

Soil-type influences human selenium status and underlies widespread selenium deficiency risks in Malawi (2013)
Journal Article
Hurst, R., Siyame, E. W., Young, S. D., Chilimba, A. D., Joy, E. J., Black, C. R., Ander, E. L., Watts, M. J., Chilima, B., Gondwe, J., Kang’ombe, D., Stein, A. J., Fairweather-Tait, S. J., Gibson, R. S., Kalimbira, A. A., & Broadley, M. R. (2013). Soil-type influences human selenium status and underlies widespread selenium deficiency risks in Malawi. Scientific Reports, 3(1425),

Selenium (Se) is an essential human micronutrient with critical roles in immune functioning and antioxidant defence. Estimates of dietary Se intakes and status are scarce for Africa although crop surveys indicate deficiency is probably widespread in... Read More about Soil-type influences human selenium status and underlies widespread selenium deficiency risks in Malawi.

Detection of porcine circovirus type 2 and viral replication by in situ hybridization in primary lymphoid organs from naturally and experimentally infected pigs (2013)
Journal Article
Hansen, M., Segales, J., Fernandes, L., Grau-Roma, L., Bille-Hansen, V., Larsen, L., & Nielsen, O. (in press). Detection of porcine circovirus type 2 and viral replication by in situ hybridization in primary lymphoid organs from naturally and experimentally infected pigs. Veterinary Pathology, 50(6),

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infection is the cause of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). It has been speculated whether cell types permissive of replication are found in the primary lymphoid organs and whether infection of these... Read More about Detection of porcine circovirus type 2 and viral replication by in situ hybridization in primary lymphoid organs from naturally and experimentally infected pigs.

Lateral root morphogenesis is dependent on the mechanical properties of the overlaying tissues (2013)
Journal Article
Lucas, M., Kenobi, K., Von Wangenheim, D., Voß, U., Swarup, K., De Smet, I., Van Damme, D., Lawrence, T., Péret, B., Moscardi, E., Barbeau, D., Godin, C., Salt, D., Guyomarc'h, S., Stelzer, E. H., Maizel, A., Laplaze, L., & Bennett, M. J. (2013). Lateral root morphogenesis is dependent on the mechanical properties of the overlaying tissues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(13), 5229-5234.

In Arabidopsis, lateral root primordia (LRPs) originate from pericycle cells located deep within the parental root and have to emerge through endodermal, cortical, and epidermal tissues. These overlaying tissues place biomechanical constraints on the... Read More about Lateral root morphogenesis is dependent on the mechanical properties of the overlaying tissues.

Differential activation of killer cells in the circulation and the lung: a study of current smoking status and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (2013)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Urbanowicz, R. A., Tighe, P. J., Todd, I., Corne, J. M., & Fairclough, L. C. (2013). Differential activation of killer cells in the circulation and the lung: a study of current smoking status and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). PLoS ONE, 8(3), Article e58556.

Background:CD8+ T-lymphocytes, natural killer T-like cells (NKT-like cells, CD56+CD3+) and natural killer cells (NK cells, CD56+CD3−) are the three main classes of human killer cells and they are implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive... Read More about Differential activation of killer cells in the circulation and the lung: a study of current smoking status and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Tobacco imagery on prime time UK television (2013)
Journal Article
Lyons, A., McNeill, A., & Britton, J. (2013). Tobacco imagery on prime time UK television. Tobacco Control,

Background: Smoking in films is a common and well
documented cause of youth smoking experimentation
and uptake and hence a significant health hazard. The
extent of exposure of young people to tobacco imagery
in television programming has to date be... Read More about Tobacco imagery on prime time UK television.

Trifluoromethylation of Allylsilanes under Photoredox Catalysis (2013)
Journal Article
Mizuta, S., Engle, K. M., Verhoog, S., Galicia-López, O., O’Duill, M., Médebielle, M., Wheelhouse, K., Rassias, G., Thompson, A. L., & Gouverneur, V. (2013). Trifluoromethylation of Allylsilanes under Photoredox Catalysis. Organic Letters, 15(6), 1250–1253.

A new catalytic method to access allylic secondary CF3 products is described. These reactions use the visible light excited Ru(bpy)3Cl2·6H2O catalyst and the Togni or Umemoto reagent as the CF3 source. The photoredox catalytic manifold delivers enant... Read More about Trifluoromethylation of Allylsilanes under Photoredox Catalysis.

Allele-specific RNA interference rescues the long-QT syndrome phenotype in human-induced pluripotency stem cell cardiomyocytes (2013)
Journal Article
Matsa, E., Dixon, J. E., Medway, C., Georgiou, O., Patel, M. J., Morgan, K., Kemp, P. J., Staniforth, A., Mellor, I., & Denning, C. (2014). Allele-specific RNA interference rescues the long-QT syndrome phenotype in human-induced pluripotency stem cell cardiomyocytes. European Heart Journal, 35(16), 1078-1087.

Aims Long-QT syndromes (LQTS) are mostly autosomal-dominant congenital disorders associated with a 1:1000 mutation frequency, cardiac arrest, and sudden death. We sought to use cardiomyocytes derived from human-induced pluripotency stem cells (hiPSCs... Read More about Allele-specific RNA interference rescues the long-QT syndrome phenotype in human-induced pluripotency stem cell cardiomyocytes.

Transition to adult mental health services for young people with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A qualitative analysis of their experiences (2013)
Journal Article
Swift, K. D., Hall, C. L., Marimuttu, V., Redstone, L., Sayal, K., & Hollis, C. (2013). Transition to adult mental health services for young people with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A qualitative analysis of their experiences. BMC Psychiatry, 13, Article 74.

There is little research on the process of transition between child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and adult mental health services (AMHS). More recently, there is growing recognition that Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Di... Read More about Transition to adult mental health services for young people with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A qualitative analysis of their experiences.

Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 activation during exposure to novelty stress protects against alzheimer's disease-like cognitive decline in AβPP/PS1 Mice (2013)
Journal Article
Scullion, G. A., Hewitt, K. N., & Pardon, M.-C. (2013). Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 activation during exposure to novelty stress protects against alzheimer's disease-like cognitive decline in AβPP/PS1 Mice. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 34(3), 781-793.

A lifestyle rich in physical and mental activities protects against Alzheimer's disease (AD) but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. We have proposed that this is mediated by a stress response and have shown that repeated exposure to novelty stres... Read More about Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 activation during exposure to novelty stress protects against alzheimer's disease-like cognitive decline in AβPP/PS1 Mice.

What promotes greater use of the corporate bond market? A study of the issuance behaviour of firms in Asia (2013)
Journal Article
Mizen, P., & Tsoukas, S. (2014). What promotes greater use of the corporate bond market? A study of the issuance behaviour of firms in Asia. Oxford Economic Papers, 66(1), 227-253.

This paper investigates bond market development in Asia by exploring the determinants of firms’ decisions to issue public debt in a range of Asian economies. Using a novel database covering the period 1995 to 2007, we use comparable micro level panel... Read More about What promotes greater use of the corporate bond market? A study of the issuance behaviour of firms in Asia.

Efficacy and safety of maintenance and reliever combination budesonide–formoterol inhaler in patients with asthma at risk of severe exacerbations: a randomised controlled trial (2013)
Journal Article
Patel, M., Pilcher, J., Pritchard, A., Perrin, K., Travers, J., Shaw, D., Holt, S., Harwood, M., Black, P., Weatherall, M., & Beasley, R. (2013). Efficacy and safety of maintenance and reliever combination budesonide–formoterol inhaler in patients with asthma at risk of severe exacerbations: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 1(1), 32-42.

The Single combination budesonide–formoterol inhaler Maintenance And Reliever Therapy (SMART) regimen reduces severe asthma exacerbations in patients, but whether the high doses of corticosteroid and β agonist increase the risk of adverse... Read More about Efficacy and safety of maintenance and reliever combination budesonide–formoterol inhaler in patients with asthma at risk of severe exacerbations: a randomised controlled trial.

Structural reorganisation of cellulose fibrils in hydrothermally deconstructed lignocellulosic biomass and relationships with enzyme digestibility (2013)
Journal Article
Ibbett, R., Gaddipati, S., Hill, S., & Tucker, G. A. (2013). Structural reorganisation of cellulose fibrils in hydrothermally deconstructed lignocellulosic biomass and relationships with enzyme digestibility. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 6(1), Article 33.

Background: The investigation of structural organisation in lignocellulose materials is important to understand
changes in cellulase accessibility and reactivity resulting from hydrothermal deconstruction, to allow development
of strategies to maxi... Read More about Structural reorganisation of cellulose fibrils in hydrothermally deconstructed lignocellulosic biomass and relationships with enzyme digestibility.

Gold Nanoparticles with Self-Assembled Cysteine Monolayer Coupled to Nitrate Reductase in Polypyrrole Matrix Enhanced Nitrate Biosensor (2013)
Journal Article
Madasamy, T., Pandiaraj, M., Kanugula, A. K., Rajesh, S., Bhargava, K., Sethy, N. K., Kotamraju, S., & Karunakaran, C. (2013). Gold Nanoparticles with Self-Assembled Cysteine Monolayer Coupled to Nitrate Reductase in Polypyrrole Matrix Enhanced Nitrate Biosensor. Advanced Chemistry Letters, 1(1), 2-9.

Modified prone position to dissect the popliteal fossa (2013)
Journal Article
Boulemden, A., Ritzmann, T., Liptrot, S., Abbas, A., & Makhdoomi, K. R. (2013). Modified prone position to dissect the popliteal fossa. Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England, 95(2), 110-112.

Introduction: Traditionally, the prone position is used for dissecting the popliteal fossa, which requires endotracheal intubation. Access to the airway in this position is limited, hence the complications. It is not surprising that the prone positio... Read More about Modified prone position to dissect the popliteal fossa.

Identifying road defect information from smartphones (2013)
Journal Article
Byrne, M., Parry, T., Isola, R., & Dawson, A. (2013). Identifying road defect information from smartphones. Road and Transport Research Journal, 22(1), 39-50

Defect repair, for example potholes, is one of the most common and expensive tasks of road maintenance. One of the difficulties of this form of asset management is in identifying these defects early. Although a defect may take many years to initiate,... Read More about Identifying road defect information from smartphones.

Physics-of-failure lifetime prediction models for wire bond interconnects in power electronic modules (2013)
Journal Article
Yang, L., Agyakwa, P. A., & Johnson, C. M. (2013). Physics-of-failure lifetime prediction models for wire bond interconnects in power electronic modules. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 13(1),

This paper presents a review of the commonly adopted physics-of-failure-based life prediction models for wire
bond interconnects in power electronic modules. In the discussed models, lifetime is generally accounted for by loading temperature extreme... Read More about Physics-of-failure lifetime prediction models for wire bond interconnects in power electronic modules.

Peer education for advance care planning: volunteers’ perspectives on training and community engagement activities (2013)
Journal Article
Seymour, J. E., Almack, K., Kennedy, S., & Froggatt, K. (2013). Peer education for advance care planning: volunteers’ perspectives on training and community engagement activities. Health Expectations, 16(1),

Background  Peer education by volunteers may aid attitudinal change, but there is little understanding of factors assisting the preparation of peer educators. This study contributes to conceptual understandings of how volunteers may be prepared to wo... Read More about Peer education for advance care planning: volunteers’ perspectives on training and community engagement activities.

Do patients registered with CAM-trained GPs really use fewer health care resources and live longer? A response to Kooreman and Baars. Eur J Health Econ (2012). 13:469–776 (2013)
Journal Article
Sampson, C. J., Whitehurst, D. G. T., & Street, A. (2013). Do patients registered with CAM-trained GPs really use fewer health care resources and live longer? A response to Kooreman and Baars. Eur J Health Econ (2012). 13:469–776. European Journal of Health Economics,