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All Outputs (528)

Alien introgression in the grasses Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass) and Festuca pratensis (meadow fescue): The development of seven monosomic substitution lines and their molecular and cytological characterization (2011)
Journal Article
Harper, J., Armstead, I., Thomas, A., James, C., Gasior, D., Bisaga, M., Roberts, L., King, I., & King, J. (2011). Alien introgression in the grasses Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass) and Festuca pratensis (meadow fescue): The development of seven monosomic substitution lines and their molecular and cytological characterization. Annals of Botany, 107(8), 1313-1321.

To address the issues associated with food security, environmental change and bioenergy in the context of crop plants, the production, identification and evaluation of novel plant phenotypes is fundamental. One of the major rout... Read More about Alien introgression in the grasses Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass) and Festuca pratensis (meadow fescue): The development of seven monosomic substitution lines and their molecular and cytological characterization.

Measurements of the ultraviolet background at 4.6 < z < 6.4 using the quasar proximity effect (2011)
Journal Article
(2011). Measurements of the ultraviolet background at 4.6 < z < 6.4 using the quasar proximity effect. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412(4), 2543-2562.

We present measurements of the ionizing ultraviolet background (UVB) at z∼ 5–6 using the quasar proximity effect. The 15 quasars in our sample cover the range 4.6 < zq < 6.4, enabling the first proximity-effect measurements of the UVB at z > 5. The m... Read More about Measurements of the ultraviolet background at 4.6 < z < 6.4 using the quasar proximity effect.

All-cause mortality in people with cirrhosis compared with the general population: a population-based cohort study (2011)
Journal Article
Fleming, K. M., Aithal, G. P., Card, T. R., & West, J. (2012). All-cause mortality in people with cirrhosis compared with the general population: a population-based cohort study. Liver International, 32(1),

Background: Mortality due to cirrhosis has tripled over the last 30 years in the UK. However, we lack adequate, contemporary, population-based estimates of the excess mortality patients who are at risk compared with the general population.
Aim: To d... Read More about All-cause mortality in people with cirrhosis compared with the general population: a population-based cohort study.

Barriers to developing 'leadership' in the Sultanate of Oman (2011)
Journal Article
Common, R. K. (2011). Barriers to developing 'leadership' in the Sultanate of Oman. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 6(2), 215-228

Very little is understood about the applicability of the concept of leadership in the Arab Gulf States in general, and the Sultanate of Oman in particular. This article considers the unique context of Oman to produce an interpretation of leadership w... Read More about Barriers to developing 'leadership' in the Sultanate of Oman.

Motivating Children to Learn Effectively: Exploring the Value of Intrinsic Integration in Educational Games (2011)
Journal Article
Jacob Habgood, M. P., & Ainsworth, S. E. (2011). Motivating Children to Learn Effectively: Exploring the Value of Intrinsic Integration in Educational Games. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 20(2), 169-206.

The concept of intrinsic motivation lies at the heart of the user engagement created by digital games. Yet despite this, educational software has traditionally attempted to harness games as extrinsic motivation by using them as a sugar coating for le... Read More about Motivating Children to Learn Effectively: Exploring the Value of Intrinsic Integration in Educational Games.

Implementation of case management in long-term conditions in England: Survey and case studies (2011)
Journal Article
Challis, D., Hughes, J., Berzins, K., Reilly, S., Abell, J., Stewart, K., & Bowns, I. (2011). Implementation of case management in long-term conditions in England: Survey and case studies. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 16(1_suppl), 8-13.

Objectives: Our aim was to describe the current provision of case management arrangements in primary care for people with long-term conditions in England and identify the extent and nature of self-care support services within it. Methods: Cross-secti... Read More about Implementation of case management in long-term conditions in England: Survey and case studies.

Crohn disease: A current perspective on genetics, autophagy and immunity (2011)
Journal Article
Stappenbeck, T. S., Rioux, J. D., Mizoguchi, A., Saitoh, T., Huett, A., Darfeuille-Michaud, A., Wileman, T., Mizushima, N., Carding, S., Akira, S., Parkes, M., & Xavier, R. J. (2011). Crohn disease: A current perspective on genetics, autophagy and immunity. Autophagy, 7(4), 355-374.

Crohn disease (CD) is a chronic and debilitating inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract.1 Prevalence in western populations is 100-150/100,000 and somewhat higher in Ashkenazi Jews. Peak incidence is in early adult life, although any ag... Read More about Crohn disease: A current perspective on genetics, autophagy and immunity.

Quantum Field Theory on Curved Noncommutative Spacetimes (2011)
Journal Article
Schenkel, A. (2011). Quantum Field Theory on Curved Noncommutative Spacetimes. Proceedings of Science, 127,

We summarize our recently proposed approach to quantum field theory on noncommutative curved spacetimes. We make use of the Drinfel'd twist deformed differential geometry of Julius Wess and his group in order to define an action functional for a real... Read More about Quantum Field Theory on Curved Noncommutative Spacetimes.

Adding more fuel to the fire: an eye-tracking study of idiom processing by native and non-native speaker (2011)
Journal Article
Siyanova-Chanturia, A., Conklin, K., & Schmitt, N. (2011). Adding more fuel to the fire: an eye-tracking study of idiom processing by native and non-native speaker. Second Language Research, 27(2),

Using eye-tracking, we investigate on-line processing of idioms in a biasing story context by native and non-native speakers of English. The stimuli are idioms used figuratively (at the end of the day – ‘eventually’), literally (at the end of the day... Read More about Adding more fuel to the fire: an eye-tracking study of idiom processing by native and non-native speaker.

Bridging the gap: pracademics in foreign policy (2011)
Journal Article
Murphy, A. M., & Fulda, A. (2011). Bridging the gap: pracademics in foreign policy. PS: Political Science and Politics, 44(2),

In his seminal work Bridging the Gap: Theory and Practice in Foreign Policy, Alexander George (1993) lamented the great divide between academia and the foreign policymaking community, arguing that greater interaction between scholars and policymakers... Read More about Bridging the gap: pracademics in foreign policy.

Poo gurus? Researching the threats and opportunities presented by human waste (2011)
Journal Article
Jewitt, S. (2011). Poo gurus? Researching the threats and opportunities presented by human waste. Applied Geography, 31(2),

There is huge geographical variation in the extent to which excrement represents a threat to human and environmental health. In the UK, we tend to think little of such risks. By contrast, 52% of all people in Asia have no access to basic sanitation a... Read More about Poo gurus? Researching the threats and opportunities presented by human waste.

A heuristic algorithm for nurse scheduling with balanced preference satisfaction (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Constantino, A. A., Landa-Silva, D., Luiz de Melo, E., & Romao, W. A heuristic algorithm for nurse scheduling with balanced preference satisfaction. Presented at 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling (CISched 2011)

This paper tackles the nurse scheduling problem with balanced preference satisfaction which consists of generating an assignment of shifts to nurses over a given time horizon and ensuring that the satisfaction of nurses personal preferences for shift... Read More about A heuristic algorithm for nurse scheduling with balanced preference satisfaction.

Evolution of β-blockers: from anti-anginal drugs to ligand-directed signalling (2011)
Journal Article
Baker, J. G., Hill, S. J., & Summers, R. J. (2011). Evolution of β-blockers: from anti-anginal drugs to ligand-directed signalling. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 32(4),

Sir James Black developed β-blockers, one of the most useful groups of drugs in use today. Not only are they being used for their original purpose to treat angina and cardiac arrhythmias, but they are also effective therapeutics for hypertension, car... Read More about Evolution of β-blockers: from anti-anginal drugs to ligand-directed signalling.

Evaluation of patient reporting of adverse drug reactions to the UK ‘Yellow Card Scheme’: literature review, descriptive and qualitative analyses, and questionnaire surveys (2011)
Avery, A., Anderson, C., Bond, C., Fortnum, H., Gifford, A., Hannaford, P., Hazell, L., Krska, J., Lee, A., McLernon, D., Murphy, E., Shakir, S., & Watson, M. (2011). Evaluation of patient reporting of adverse drug reactions to the UK ‘Yellow Card Scheme’: literature review, descriptive and qualitative analyses, and questionnaire surveys. NIHR HTA.

Background: The monitoring of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) through pharmacovigilance
is vital to patient safety. Spontaneous reporting of ADRs is one method of
pharmacovigilance, and in the UK this is undertaken through the Yellow Card Scheme
(YC... Read More about Evaluation of patient reporting of adverse drug reactions to the UK ‘Yellow Card Scheme’: literature review, descriptive and qualitative analyses, and questionnaire surveys.

Supporting nurse health champions: developing a 'new generation' of health improvement facilitators (2011)
Journal Article
Blake, H., & Chambers, D. (in press). Supporting nurse health champions: developing a 'new generation' of health improvement facilitators. Health Education Journal, 71(2),

In efforts to respond to key government public health initiatives for settings-based health promotion, the ‘Workplace Health Champion’ role has emerged as a method of promoting health within the UK healthcare setting. Health promotion techniques used... Read More about Supporting nurse health champions: developing a 'new generation' of health improvement facilitators.

Setting the stage – Building and working in an ancient DNA laboratory (2011)
Journal Article
Knapp, M., Clarke, A. C., Horsburgh, K. A., & Matisoo-Smith, E. A. (2012). Setting the stage – Building and working in an ancient DNA laboratory. Annals of Anatomy, 194(1), 3-6.

With the introduction of next generation high throughput sequencing in 2005 and the resulting revolution in genetics, ancient DNA research has rapidly developed from an interesting but marginal field within evolutionary biology into one that can cont... Read More about Setting the stage – Building and working in an ancient DNA laboratory.

Do Haptic Representations Help Complex Molecular Learning? (2011)
Journal Article
Bivall, P., Ainsworth, S., & Tibell, L. A. (2011). Do Haptic Representations Help Complex Molecular Learning?. Science Education, 95(4), 700-719.

This study explored whether adding a haptic interface (that provides users with somatosensory information about virtual objects by force and tactile feedback) to a three-dimensional (3D) chemical model enhanced students' understanding of complex mole... Read More about Do Haptic Representations Help Complex Molecular Learning?.