The federal election in Pakistan, February 2008
Journal Article
Adeney, K. (2009). The federal election in Pakistan, February 2008. Electoral Studies, 28(1), 158-163.
All Outputs (261)
The molecular basis of allergenicity (2008)
Journal Article
Shakib, F., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., & Sewell, H. F. (2008). The molecular basis of allergenicity. Trends in Immunology, 29(12), 633-642. are mostly innocuous antigens that elicit powerful T helper cell type 2 (Th2) responses leading to hyper-immunoglobulin E (IgE) production and allergy. Research carried out over several years has highlighted the possible role of the inheren... Read More about The molecular basis of allergenicity.
Novel Regulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A (VEGF-A) by Transforming Growth Factor β1: REQUIREMENT FOR Smads,β-CATENIN, AND GSK3β (2008)
Journal Article
Clifford, R. L., Deacon, K., & Knox, A. J. (2008). Novel Regulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A (VEGF-A) by Transforming Growth Factor β1: REQUIREMENT FOR Smads,β-CATENIN, AND GSK3β. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283(51), 35337-35353. endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a vital angiogenic effector, regulating key angiogenic processes. Vascular development relies on numerous signaling pathways, of which those induced by transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) are critical. The... Read More about Novel Regulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A (VEGF-A) by Transforming Growth Factor β1: REQUIREMENT FOR Smads,β-CATENIN, AND GSK3β.
Hybridizations within a graph based hyper-heuristic framework for university timetabling problems (2008)
Journal Article
Qu, R., & Burke, E. (2008). Hybridizations within a graph based hyper-heuristic framework for university timetabling problems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60(9), significant body of recent literature has explored various research directions in hyper-heuristics (which can be thought as heuristics to choose heuristics). In this paper, we extend our previous work to construct a unified graph-based hyper-heuris... Read More about Hybridizations within a graph based hyper-heuristic framework for university timetabling problems.
Gamma-irradiation as a method of microbiological control, and its impact on the oxidative labile lipid component of Cannabis sativa and Helianthus annus (2008)
Journal Article
Fisk, I. D., Gkatzionis, K., Lad, M., Dodd, C. E., & Gray, D. A. (2009). Gamma-irradiation as a method of microbiological control, and its impact on the oxidative labile lipid component of Cannabis sativa and Helianthus annus. European Food Research and Technology, 228(4), 613-621. effect of irradiation (0-20 kGy) on hemp and sunflower seeds was assessed, with specific reference to the oxidatively labile lipid component (unsaturated fatty acids and tocochromanols). Total protein, lipid, and solids content of the seeds did n... Read More about Gamma-irradiation as a method of microbiological control, and its impact on the oxidative labile lipid component of Cannabis sativa and Helianthus annus.
Seroprevalence and epidemiological correlates of Toxoplasma gondii infections among patients referred for hospital-based serological testing in Doha, Qatar (2008)
Journal Article
serological testing in Doha, Qatar. Parasites and Vectors, 1(1), Article 39. The city of Doha in Qatar has a high density of feral cats and there is a high risk of toxoplasmosis for the resident human population. No data currently exist for the prevalence of infection with Toxoplasma gondii in the city.
Methods:... Read More about Seroprevalence and epidemiological correlates of Toxoplasma gondii infections among patients referred for hospital-based serological testing in Doha, Qatar.
Early life programming of innate fear and fear learning in adult female rats (2008)
Journal Article
Stevenson, C. W., Meredith, J. P., Spicer, C. H., Mason, R., & Marsden, C. A. (2009). Early life programming of innate fear and fear learning in adult female rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 198(1), 51-57. early rearing environment can impact on emotional reactivity and learning later in life. In this study the effects of neonatal maternal separation (MS) on innate fear and fear learning were assessed in the adult female rat. Pups were subjected to... Read More about Early life programming of innate fear and fear learning in adult female rats.
Left gaze bias in humans, rhesus monkeys and domestic dogs (2008)
Journal Article
Guo, K., Meints, K., Hall, C., Hall, S., & Mills, D. (2009). Left gaze bias in humans, rhesus monkeys and domestic dogs. Animal Cognition, 12, 409–418. viewing faces, human adults often demonstrate a natural gaze bias towards the left visual field, that is, the right side of the viewee’s face is often inspected first and for longer periods. Using a preferential looking paradigm, we demonstrate... Read More about Left gaze bias in humans, rhesus monkeys and domestic dogs.
Bis-morpholine-substituted perylene bisimides: Impact of isomeric arrangement on electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical properties (2008)
Journal Article
Goretzki, G., Davies, E. S., Argent, S. P., Alsindi, W. Z., Blake, A. J., Warren, J. E., McMaster, J., & Champness, N. R. (2008). Bis-morpholine-substituted perylene bisimides: Impact of isomeric arrangement on electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical properties. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 73(22), 8808-8814. Presented) The synthesis and separation of the 1,6- and 1,7- isomers of N,N′-bis(n-butyl)dimorpholino-3,4:9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic acid bisimide are reported. Investigations of the electrochemical and spectroscopic, in particular, spectroe... Read More about Bis-morpholine-substituted perylene bisimides: Impact of isomeric arrangement on electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical properties.
Impaired autophagy of an intracellular pathogen induced by a Crohn's disease associated ATG16L1 variant (2008)
Journal Article
Kuballa, P., Huett, A., Rioux, J. D., Daly, M. J., & Xavier, R. J. (2008). Impaired autophagy of an intracellular pathogen induced by a Crohn's disease associated ATG16L1 variant. PLoS ONE, 3(10), Article e3391. genetic risk factors predisposing individuals to the development of inflammatory bowel disease are beginning to be deciphered by genome-wide association studies. Surprisingly, these new data point towards a critical role of autophagy in the patho... Read More about Impaired autophagy of an intracellular pathogen induced by a Crohn's disease associated ATG16L1 variant.
A macroporous polymer-supported cyclic anhydride for efficient sequestration of amines (2008)
Journal Article
Sanna, M., White, P. D., & Chan, W. C. (2008). A macroporous polymer-supported cyclic anhydride for efficient sequestration of amines. Tetrahedron Letters, 49(42), 6160-6162. efficient removal of primary and secondary amines from organic solutions using a macroporous polymer-supported anhydride is described. The sequestering of primary amines by the anhydride via polymer-bound amide formation is completed within 2-4 h... Read More about A macroporous polymer-supported cyclic anhydride for efficient sequestration of amines.
Revealed comparative advantage of Malaysian exports: the case for changing export composition (2008)
Journal Article
Abidin, M. Z., & Loke, W. H. (2008). Revealed comparative advantage of Malaysian exports: the case for changing export composition. Asian Economic Papers, 7(3), 2000, Malaysian-manufactured exports performance has been declining. The downturn of the global electronic industry and the rise of China’s economy are the two major causes of this decline. To improve export performance, Malaysia participates i... Read More about Revealed comparative advantage of Malaysian exports: the case for changing export composition.
To be or not to be...hypertensive: That is the question (2008)
Journal Article
Gardner, D. S. (2008). To be or not to be...hypertensive: That is the question. Journal of Physiology, 586(19), 4581.
The habitus of hygiene: discourses of cleanliness and infection control in nursing work (2008)
Journal Article
Brown, B., Crawford, P., Nerlich, B., & Koteyko, N. (2008). The habitus of hygiene: discourses of cleanliness and infection control in nursing work. Social Science and Medicine, 67(7), paper reports upon a qualitative interview study of 22 matrons, infection control staff and operating theatre staff who were questioned about their working lives and the role they played in the control of healthcare acquired infections such as M... Read More about The habitus of hygiene: discourses of cleanliness and infection control in nursing work.
The control of chlorophyll catabolism and the status of yellowing as a biomarker of leaf senescence (2008)
Journal Article
Ougham, H., Hörtensteiner, S., Armstead, I., Donnison, I., King, I., Thomas, H., & Mur, L. (2008). The control of chlorophyll catabolism and the status of yellowing as a biomarker of leaf senescence. Plant Biology, 10, 4-14. pathway of chlorophyll catabolism during leaf senescence is known in a fair amount of biochemical and cell biological detail. In the last few years, genes encoding a number of the catabolic enzymes have been characterized, including the key ring‐... Read More about The control of chlorophyll catabolism and the status of yellowing as a biomarker of leaf senescence.
Q-active. Final report, executive summary, September 2008 (2008)
Lee, S., Batt, M. E., Mortimer, D., Blake, H., & Booth, Y. (2008). Q-active. Final report, executive summary, September 2008
Endogenous retroviruses: Biology and evolution of the endogenous koala retrovirus (2008)
Journal Article
Tarlinton, R., Meers, J., & Young, P. (2008). Endogenous retroviruses: Biology and evolution of the endogenous koala retrovirus. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 65(21), 3413-3421. endogenous retroviruses are ubiquitous features of all mammalian genomes, the process of initial germ line invasion and subsequent inactivation from a pathogenic element has not yet been observed in a wild species. Koala retrovirus (KoRV) pr... Read More about Endogenous retroviruses: Biology and evolution of the endogenous koala retrovirus.
Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ) revisited. Suggestions for the development of an enhanced general food motivation model (2008)
Journal Article
Fotopoulos, C., Krystallis, A., Vassallo, M., & Pagiaslis, A. (2009). Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ) revisited. Suggestions for the development of an enhanced general food motivation model. Appetite, 52(1), 199-208. the need for a more statistically robust instrument to investigate general food selection determinants, the research validates and confirms Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ's) factorial design, develops ad hoc a more robust FCQ version and... Read More about Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ) revisited. Suggestions for the development of an enhanced general food motivation model.
Neuronal networks with gap junctions: A study of piece-wise linear planar neuron models (2008)
Journal Article
Coombes, S. (2008). Neuronal networks with gap junctions: A study of piece-wise linear planar neuron models. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 7(3), 1101–1129. presence of gap junction coupling among neurons of the central nervous systems has been appreciated for some time now. In recent years there has been an upsurge of interest from the mathematical community in understanding the contribution of the... Read More about Neuronal networks with gap junctions: A study of piece-wise linear planar neuron models.
Evolutionary multi-objective simulated annealing with adaptive and competitive search direction (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, H., & Landa-Silva, D. (2008, June). Evolutionary multi-objective simulated annealing with adaptive and competitive search direction. Presented at 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2008, Hong Kong, ChinaIn this paper, we propose a population-based implementation of simulated annealing to tackle multi-objective optimisation problems, in particular those of combinatorial nature. The proposed algorithm is called Evolutionary Multiobjective Simulated An... Read More about Evolutionary multi-objective simulated annealing with adaptive and competitive search direction.