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Physicochemical compatibility assessment of bio-additives and bitumen using solubility science-based approaches (2025)
Journal Article
Hu, Y., Sreeram, A., Al-Tabbaa, A., & Airey, G. D. (2025). Physicochemical compatibility assessment of bio-additives and bitumen using solubility science-based approaches. Fuel, 387, Article 134361.

Increasing environmental concerns necessitate the urgent investigation of alternative, sustainable resources as replacement for fossil fuel-derived bitumen; the primary material used for road construction. One of the promising approaches is the use o... Read More about Physicochemical compatibility assessment of bio-additives and bitumen using solubility science-based approaches.

Increasing lung screening uptake: Exploring people who smoke and their family members’ concerns and recommendations regarding screening invitations (2025)
Journal Article
Bell-Williams, R., Bains, M., Thorley, R., O' Dowd, E., Baldwin, D., & Murray, R. (2025). Increasing lung screening uptake: Exploring people who smoke and their family members’ concerns and recommendations regarding screening invitations. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 11(January), Article 1.

Challenges with designing invitation materials and accessing high risk communities are all factors in encouraging attendance at lung screening. This study focused on ways to improve participation in those potentially eligible for lung... Read More about Increasing lung screening uptake: Exploring people who smoke and their family members’ concerns and recommendations regarding screening invitations.

Examining the Feasibility and Acceptability of Identifying Signs of Social Anxiety, in University Students Aged 18–25, While Watching 360° Immersive Films (2025)
Journal Article
Jackson, J. E., Cox, A., Windmill, C., & Safari, R. (2025). Examining the Feasibility and Acceptability of Identifying Signs of Social Anxiety, in University Students Aged 18–25, While Watching 360° Immersive Films. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 34(1), Article e13499.

Timely, accurate assessment and treatment for social anxiety disorder (SAD) in young people is crucial. There is potential for the adoption of tailored virtual reality interventions for a complementary diagnostic tool using heart rate monitoring as a... Read More about Examining the Feasibility and Acceptability of Identifying Signs of Social Anxiety, in University Students Aged 18–25, While Watching 360° Immersive Films.

Transfer of congruency effects between Stroop and multiplication tasks: Evidence that retrieval of multiplication facts requires inhibitory control (2025)
Journal Article
Eaves, J., Gilmore, C., Hochman, S., & Cragg, L. (2025). Transfer of congruency effects between Stroop and multiplication tasks: Evidence that retrieval of multiplication facts requires inhibitory control. Cognition, 256, Article 106054.

Inhibitory control is classically considered a domain-general process, yet recent findings suggest it may operate in context-specific ways. This has important implications for theories in other cognitive domains, such as mathematics, in which inhibit... Read More about Transfer of congruency effects between Stroop and multiplication tasks: Evidence that retrieval of multiplication facts requires inhibitory control.

Critical Teacher Education for Social Sustainability: Voices from Zambian Student Teachers and Tutors (2025)
Journal Article
Yuan, T., & Carroll, G. (2025). Critical Teacher Education for Social Sustainability: Voices from Zambian Student Teachers and Tutors. British Journal of Educational Studies,

This study aims to reveal the contributions of teacher education to social sustainability in an African context. The study explored the gaps and connections between multiple layers of policy, global, regional, and national educational targets, and th... Read More about Critical Teacher Education for Social Sustainability: Voices from Zambian Student Teachers and Tutors.

Assessing Water Content of the Human Colonic Chyme Using the MRI Parameter T1: A Key Biomarker of Colonic Function (2025)
Journal Article
Dellschaft, N., Murray, K., Ren, Y., Marciani, L., Gowland, P., Spiller, R., & Hoad, C. (2025). Assessing Water Content of the Human Colonic Chyme Using the MRI Parameter T1: A Key Biomarker of Colonic Function. Neurogastroenterology and Motility,

The human colon receives 2 L of fluid daily. Small changes in the efficacy of absorption can lead to altered stool consistency with diarrhea or constipation. Drugs and formulations can also alter colonic water, which can be assessed using... Read More about Assessing Water Content of the Human Colonic Chyme Using the MRI Parameter T1: A Key Biomarker of Colonic Function.

Examining the feasibility and acceptability of identifying signs of social anxiety, in university students aged 18-25, whilst watching 360º immersive films (2025)
Journal Article
JACKSON, J. (in press). Examining the feasibility and acceptability of identifying signs of social anxiety, in university students aged 18-25, whilst watching 360º immersive films. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 34(1), Article e13499.

Timely, accurate assessment and treatment for social anxiety disorder (SAD) in young people is crucial. There is potential for the adoption of tailored virtual reality interventions for a complementary diagnostic tool using heart rate monitoring as a... Read More about Examining the feasibility and acceptability of identifying signs of social anxiety, in university students aged 18-25, whilst watching 360º immersive films.

Viewpoint in Eighteenth-Century Birthing Narratives: A Survey of Midwifery Manuals (2025)
Journal Article
Whitt, R. J. (2025). Viewpoint in Eighteenth-Century Birthing Narratives: A Survey of Midwifery Manuals. Women's Writing, 32(1), 66-84.

This article provides a literary linguistic analysis of narrative viewpoint in a selection of eighteenth-century midwifery manuals. The eighteenth century is when the medicalisation of childbirth gained pace and the obstetric surgeon (known as the “... Read More about Viewpoint in Eighteenth-Century Birthing Narratives: A Survey of Midwifery Manuals.

Self-optimising continuous-flow hydrothermal reactor for nanoparticle synthesis (2025)
Journal Article
Jackson, C., Robertson, K., Sechenyh, V., Chamberlain, T. W., Bourne, R. A., & Lester, E. (2025). Self-optimising continuous-flow hydrothermal reactor for nanoparticle synthesis. Reaction Chemistry and Engineering, 10(3), 511-514.

An autonomous continuous-flow, hydrothermal synthesis reactor, capable of self-optimising nanoparticle size using an in-line characterisation technique and machine learning is presented. The developed system is used for synthesis of hematite (α-Fe2O3... Read More about Self-optimising continuous-flow hydrothermal reactor for nanoparticle synthesis.

Novel comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) of sustainable flue gas carbon capture and utilization (CCU) for surfactant and fuel via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (2025)
Journal Article
Sadhukhan, J., Fisher, O. J., Cummings, B., & Xuan, J. (2025). Novel comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) of sustainable flue gas carbon capture and utilization (CCU) for surfactant and fuel via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Journal of Co2 Utilization, 92, Article 103013.

This novel study presents an effective comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) of a novel sustainable carbon dioxide capture and utilization (CCU) system to co-produce alcohol ethoxylate (AE7), a valuable surfactant (a high-value chemical component... Read More about Novel comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) of sustainable flue gas carbon capture and utilization (CCU) for surfactant and fuel via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.

Experiencing the Future Mundane: Configuring Design Fiction as Breaching Experiment (2025)
Journal Article
Crabtree, A., Lodge, T., Sailaja, N., Chamberlain, A., Coulton, P., Pilling, M., & Forrester, I. (in press). Experiencing the Future Mundane: Configuring Design Fiction as Breaching Experiment. Human-Computer Interaction,

This paper introduces a novel methodological approach for surfacing the acceptability and adoption challenges that confront future and emerging technologies from the perspective of mundane action, in which they will ultimately be embedded and used. T... Read More about Experiencing the Future Mundane: Configuring Design Fiction as Breaching Experiment.

On the torsion of a shaft made of polar isotropic or fibre reinforced linearly elastic material (2025)
Journal Article
Soldatos, K. (in press). On the torsion of a shaft made of polar isotropic or fibre reinforced linearly elastic material. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids,

The fundamental solution of the linear elasticity problem of a non-polar isotropic shaft subjected to an externally applied torsional couple is extended to embrace effects of structural behaviour observed when the shaft is made of either polar isotro... Read More about On the torsion of a shaft made of polar isotropic or fibre reinforced linearly elastic material.

Low-temperature vacuum evaporation as a novel dehydration process for the long-term preservation of transplantable human corneal tissue (2025)
Journal Article
McIntosh, O. D., Britchford, E. R., Beeken, L. J., Hopkinson, A., & Sidney, L. E. (2025). Low-temperature vacuum evaporation as a novel dehydration process for the long-term preservation of transplantable human corneal tissue. Cell and Tissue Banking, 26(1), Article 7.

Globally there is a shortage of available donor corneas with only 1 cornea available for every 70 needed. A large limitation to corneal transplant surgery is access to quality donor tissue due to inadequate eye donation services and infrastructure in... Read More about Low-temperature vacuum evaporation as a novel dehydration process for the long-term preservation of transplantable human corneal tissue.

Dairy farmers’ intention to use calf management technologies in four European countries: A QCA and PLS-SEM approach (2025)
Journal Article
Doidge, C., Bokma, J., ten Brinke, N., Carmo, L. P., Hopp, P., Santman-Berends, I., Veldhuis, A., & Kaler, J. (2025). Dairy farmers’ intention to use calf management technologies in four European countries: A QCA and PLS-SEM approach. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 236, Article 106417.

Whilst livestock management technologies may help to improve productivity, economic performance, and animal welfare on farms, there has been low uptake of technologies across farming systems and countries. This study aimed to understand dairy farmers... Read More about Dairy farmers’ intention to use calf management technologies in four European countries: A QCA and PLS-SEM approach.

Connecting the circular and drifted Rindler Unruh effects (2025)
Journal Article
Parry, L. J., & Louko, J. (2025). Connecting the circular and drifted Rindler Unruh effects. Physical Review D, 111(2), Article 025012.

In Minkowski spacetime quantum field theory, each stationary motion is associated with an effective, energy-dependent notion of temperature, which generalizes the familiar Unruh temperature of uniform linear acceleration. Motivated by current experim... Read More about Connecting the circular and drifted Rindler Unruh effects.

The effect of inter- and intra-layer delay time on TPU parts fabricated by laser powder bed fusion (2025)
Journal Article
Connor, S., Goodridge, R., & Maskery, I. (2025). The effect of inter- and intra-layer delay time on TPU parts fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. Progress in Additive Manufacturing,

In polymer laser powder bed fusion (PBF-LB-P) techniques, such as laser sintering, the time between scanning a given point in one layer and the same x-y point in the next layer is known as the ‘inter-layer delay time’. Multiple parts are normally fab... Read More about The effect of inter- and intra-layer delay time on TPU parts fabricated by laser powder bed fusion.

Elective peri-operative management of adults taking glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide agonists andsodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors: a multidisciplinary consensus statement: A consensus statement from the Association of Anaesthetists, Association of BritishClinical Diabetologists, British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society, Centrefor Perioperative Care, Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care, RoyalCollege of Anaesthetists, Society for Obesity and Bariatric Anaesthesia and UK Clinical Pharmacy Association (2025)
Journal Article
El-Boghdadly, K., Dhesi, J., Fabb, P., Levy, N., Lobo, D. N., McKechnie, A., Mustafa, O., Newland-Jones, P., Patel, A., Pournaras, D. J., Clare, K., & Dhatariya, K. (2025). Elective peri-operative management of adults taking glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide agonists andsodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors: a multidisciplinary consensus statement: A consensus statement from the Association of Anaesthetists, Association of BritishClinical Diabetologists, British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society, Centrefor Perioperative Care, Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care, RoyalCollege of Anaesthetists, Society for Obesity and Bariatric Anaesthesia and UK Clinical Pharmacy Association. Anaesthesia,

Introduction: Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, dual glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor agonists and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors are used increasingly in patients receiving peri-operative care. These drugs may be... Read More about Elective peri-operative management of adults taking glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide agonists andsodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors: a multidisciplinary consensus statement: A consensus statement from the Association of Anaesthetists, Association of BritishClinical Diabetologists, British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society, Centrefor Perioperative Care, Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care, RoyalCollege of Anaesthetists, Society for Obesity and Bariatric Anaesthesia and UK Clinical Pharmacy Association.

Deconditioning in quiescent Crohn’s Disease patients with heightened fatigue perception (2025)
Journal Article
McGing, J. J., Serres, S., Nicholas, R., Gupta, A., Radford, S. J., Nixon, A. V., Mallinson, J., Bradley, C., Bawden, S., Francis, S. T., Greenhaff, P. L., & Moran, G. W. (2025). Deconditioning in quiescent Crohn’s Disease patients with heightened fatigue perception. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 19(1), Article jjae194.

Background & Objective

IBD fatigue aetiology is poorly understood. This study quantified body composition and physical function alongside proton magnetic resonance imaging (1H MRI) and spectroscopy (31P MRS) measures of organ structure and functio... Read More about Deconditioning in quiescent Crohn’s Disease patients with heightened fatigue perception.

[SUBMITTED] A Complete Re-evaluation of the Accuracy of the Standardised Roundness Evaluation Methods (2025)
Journal Article
TOMPKINS, C., & PIANO, S. [SUBMITTED] A Complete Re-evaluation of the Accuracy of the Standardised Roundness Evaluation Methods. Manuscript submitted for publication

Roundness evaluation is the process of measuring how well an object conforms to a circle, a ubiquitous process in the manufacture of any rotating part, and the evaluation of rounded objects throughout science and engineering. This evaluation is a sta... Read More about [SUBMITTED] A Complete Re-evaluation of the Accuracy of the Standardised Roundness Evaluation Methods.