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Enhancing fatigue resistance and low-temperature performance of asphalt pavements using antioxidant additives (2025)
Journal Article
Hu, Y., Cheng, X., Sreeram, A., Si, W., Li, B., Pipintakos, G., & Airey, G. D. (2025). Enhancing fatigue resistance and low-temperature performance of asphalt pavements using antioxidant additives. Materials and Structures, 58(1), Article 46.

Ageing results in significant performance deterioration of asphalt, especially in relation to its fatigue and low-temperature performance. This performance deterioration can theoretically be lowered by incorporating antioxidants in asphalt mixtures.... Read More about Enhancing fatigue resistance and low-temperature performance of asphalt pavements using antioxidant additives.

Probation, Technical Compliance and the 'Drowning' of Hope (2025)
Journal Article
Philips, J., Lewis, S., Stevens, K., Ali, M., Dockley, A., & Farrall, S. (in press). Probation, Technical Compliance and the 'Drowning' of Hope. British Journal of Criminology,

Hope and optimism are central to processes of reform. However, in the context of the dramatic restructuring and reorganisations which the probation service in England and Wales has undergone in the past decade, there are questions over the extent to... Read More about Probation, Technical Compliance and the 'Drowning' of Hope.

Efficient post-selection in light cone correlations of monitored quantum circuits (2025)
Journal Article
Li, J., Jack, R. L., Bertini, B., & Garrahan, J. P. (2025). Efficient post-selection in light cone correlations of monitored quantum circuits. Physical Review B, 111(2), Article 024309.

We consider how to target evolution conditioned on atypical measurement outcomes in monitored quantum circuits, i.e., the post-selection problem. We show that for a simple class of measurement schemes, post-selected light cone dynamical correlation f... Read More about Efficient post-selection in light cone correlations of monitored quantum circuits.

Determinants of journal impact factors in ‘Nutrition and Dietetics’ (2025)
Journal Article
Lobo, D. N., & Neal, K. R. (2025). Determinants of journal impact factors in ‘Nutrition and Dietetics’. Clinical Nutrition, 46, 72-79.

Background and aim: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to analyse determinants of the 2023 impact factors (IFs) of journals within the field of ‘Nutrition and Dietetics’. Methods: The Clarivate™ Journal Citation Reports™ website (https://jcr.c... Read More about Determinants of journal impact factors in ‘Nutrition and Dietetics’.

Developing generic clinical trial animated explainer videos in the UK: results of a survey and case study (2025)
Journal Article
Calvert, C., Barber, V. S., Appelbe, D., Sprange, K., Nollett, C., Lugg-Widger, F., Tanner, S., & Richards, D. B. (2025). Developing generic clinical trial animated explainer videos in the UK: results of a survey and case study. Trials, 26(1), Article 25.

Animated short videos used to explain a concept or project are often called animated explainer videos (AEVs). AEVs can supplement or provide an alternative to participant information sheets as a means of giving information about clinical... Read More about Developing generic clinical trial animated explainer videos in the UK: results of a survey and case study.

Black Empowerment and White Mobilization: The Effects of the Voting Rights Act (2025)
Journal Article
Bernini, A., Facchini, G., Tabellini, M., & Testa, C. (in press). Black Empowerment and White Mobilization: The Effects of the Voting Rights Act. Journal of Political Economy,

How did southern whites respond to the 1965 Voting Rights Act (VRA)? Leveraging newly digitized data on county-level voter registration by race between 1956 and 1980, and exploiting pre-determined variation in exposure to the federal intervention, we... Read More about Black Empowerment and White Mobilization: The Effects of the Voting Rights Act.

A novel cross-priming amplification technique combined with lateral flow strips for rapid and visual detection of zoonotic Toxoplasma gondii (2025)
Journal Article
Liang, Y., He, Y.-H., Yang, S.-F., Xie, S.-C., Lv, Y.-H., Cong, W., Elsheikha, H. M., & Zhu, X.-Q. (2025). A novel cross-priming amplification technique combined with lateral flow strips for rapid and visual detection of zoonotic Toxoplasma gondii. Veterinary Parasitology, 334, Article 110402.

Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular protozoan, infects almost all warm-blooded animals and humans, with felines serving as its sole definitive hosts. Cats release T. gondii oocysts into the environment through feces, contributing to environm... Read More about A novel cross-priming amplification technique combined with lateral flow strips for rapid and visual detection of zoonotic Toxoplasma gondii.

Scalable Method for Bayesian Experimental Design without Integrating over Posterior Distribution (2025)
Journal Article
Hoang, V., Espath, L., Krumscheid, S., & Tempone, R. (2025). Scalable Method for Bayesian Experimental Design without Integrating over Posterior Distribution. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 13(1), 114-139.

We address the computational efficiency of finding the A-optimal Bayesian experimental design, where the observation map is based on partial differential equations and thus computationally expensive to evaluate. A-optimality is a widely used and easi... Read More about Scalable Method for Bayesian Experimental Design without Integrating over Posterior Distribution.

Do you think medicines can be prescribed in a more eco-directed, greener way? A qualitative study based on public and prescriber focus groups on the impact of pharmaceuticals in Scotland's water environment (2025)
Journal Article
Niemi, L., Anderson, C., Arakawa, N., Taggart, M., Gibb, S., & Pfleger, S. (2025). Do you think medicines can be prescribed in a more eco-directed, greener way? A qualitative study based on public and prescriber focus groups on the impact of pharmaceuticals in Scotland's water environment. BMJ Open, 15(1), Article e088066.

Objectives This qualitative study explored public and prescriber awareness of pharmaceutical pollution in the water environment and eco-directed sustainable prescribing (EDSP) as a mitigation strategy to reduce the environmental impact of prescribing... Read More about Do you think medicines can be prescribed in a more eco-directed, greener way? A qualitative study based on public and prescriber focus groups on the impact of pharmaceuticals in Scotland's water environment.

An indirect data-driven model-updating framework to estimate soil–pile interaction parameters using output-only data (2025)
Journal Article
Ioakim, A., Greś, S., Döhler, M., Prendergast, L. J., & Chatzi, E. (2025). An indirect data-driven model-updating framework to estimate soil–pile interaction parameters using output-only data. Engineering Structures, 328, Article 119699.

This paper presents a data-driven model updating framework to estimate the operational parameters of a laterally-impacted pile. The goal is to facilitate the estimation of soil–pile interaction parameters such as the mobilized mass and stiffness, as... Read More about An indirect data-driven model-updating framework to estimate soil–pile interaction parameters using output-only data.

Bringing the Survey home: adventures in community engagement (2025)
Journal Article
Baker, J., Carroll, J., & Kilby, S. (2025). Bringing the Survey home: adventures in community engagement. Journal of the English Place‑Name Society, 55,

The purpose of this paper is to celebrate the long-standing partnership between the Survey of English Place-Names and local communities, to recognise the great debt the Survey owes for the work of volunteers over the last hundred years, and to reflec... Read More about Bringing the Survey home: adventures in community engagement.

'Captivating voices': evaluation of a patient-centred animated video on excessive physical exercise and eating disorders (2025)
Journal Article
Gerritt, B., Bartel, H., & Paslakis, G. (2025). 'Captivating voices': evaluation of a patient-centred animated video on excessive physical exercise and eating disorders. Medical Humanities,

This project aimed to evaluate the acceptance of a short, animated video addressing excessive exercise within the context of eating disorder (ED) behaviours among diverse target groups, assess its impact and explore potential associations with disord... Read More about 'Captivating voices': evaluation of a patient-centred animated video on excessive physical exercise and eating disorders.

Antenatal pelvic floor muscle exercise intervention led by midwives in England to reduce postnatal urinary incontinence: APPEAL feasibility and pilot randomised controlled cluster trial (2025)
Journal Article
MacArthur, C., Bick, D., Salmon, V., Jones, E., Hay-smith, J., Bishop, J., Gkini, E., Hemming, K., Webb, S., Pearson, M., Coleman, T., Terry, R., Edwards, E., Frawley, H., Oborn, E., & Dean, S. (2025). Antenatal pelvic floor muscle exercise intervention led by midwives in England to reduce postnatal urinary incontinence: APPEAL feasibility and pilot randomised controlled cluster trial. BMJ Open, 15(1), Article e091248.

Objectives: To assess feasibility of an intervention of midwifery support for antenatal pelvic floor muscle exercises (PFME) to prevent postnatal urinary incontinence (UI).

Design: Feasibility and pilot cluster randomised controlled trial. Cluster... Read More about Antenatal pelvic floor muscle exercise intervention led by midwives in England to reduce postnatal urinary incontinence: APPEAL feasibility and pilot randomised controlled cluster trial.

Investigating the Link Between Sleep Quality and Belief in Conspiracy Theories (2025)
Journal Article
Jolley, D., Dinnick, I., Burgin, L., Ryan, S., Morgan-Finn, O., & Muncer, S. (in press). Investigating the Link Between Sleep Quality and Belief in Conspiracy Theories. Journal of Health Psychology,

Two studies examined the link between sleep quality and conspiracy theory beliefs, as well as the underlying mechanisms. In Study 1 (n = 540), participants with poorer sleep quality over the past month reported higher conspiracy beliefs about the 201... Read More about Investigating the Link Between Sleep Quality and Belief in Conspiracy Theories.

Land Tenure Security and Sustainable Land Investment: Evidence from National Plot-Level Data in Rural China (2025)
Journal Article
Sun, X., Wang, J., & Rao, F. (2025). Land Tenure Security and Sustainable Land Investment: Evidence from National Plot-Level Data in Rural China. Land, 14(1), Article 191.

The linkage between land tenure security and land quality improvement investment is crucial given that the land tenure security system is a widely applied policy tool for the protection of cultivation land in developing countries. Drawing on the trip... Read More about Land Tenure Security and Sustainable Land Investment: Evidence from National Plot-Level Data in Rural China.

Breast imaging readers’ performance in the PERFORMS test-set based assessment scheme within the MyPeBS international randomised study (2025)
Journal Article
Michalopoulou, E., Darker, I., Iotti, V., Slonim, E., de Koning, H. J., Souza, R. A., Burrion, J. B., De Montgolfier, S., Vissac-Sabatier, C., Guindy, M., Pattacini, P., Delaloge, S., Gilbert, F. J., & Chen, Y. (2025). Breast imaging readers’ performance in the PERFORMS test-set based assessment scheme within the MyPeBS international randomised study. European Journal of Radiology, 183, Article 111938.

Purpose: A survey conducted by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) in 2023 revealed significant variations in Quality Assurance (QA) practices across Europe. The UK encourages regular performance monitoring for screen readers. This study... Read More about Breast imaging readers’ performance in the PERFORMS test-set based assessment scheme within the MyPeBS international randomised study.

Informal Institutions and Multinationals' Drive Towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Dark-Side Perspective (2025)
Journal Article
Umoru, U., Martins Ogundana, O., Mangena, M., & Udeozor, V. (2025). Informal Institutions and Multinationals' Drive Towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Dark-Side Perspective. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility,

This study explores the influence of informal institutions (including its dark side) on multinational enterprises (MNEs) in promoting sustainable development goals (SDGs) in a developing nation. Using qualitative interviews, we find that informal ins... Read More about Informal Institutions and Multinationals' Drive Towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Dark-Side Perspective.

Scale and the Parable of the 'Dishonest' Steward (2025)
Journal Article
Mckenzie, R. (in press). Scale and the Parable of the 'Dishonest' Steward. Theology,

Scale in quantities of oil and wheat contracts in Luke 16.1-9: an analysis of the size of farm to supply, together with an analysis in supplying the main consumer market in Rome, scale within the gospel canon, a reappraisal of the Steward's character

Stressful but Not Unhappy: A Review of the Positive Aspects of Parenting a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (2025)
Journal Article
Curley, K., Hughes, R., & Kotera, Y. (2025). Stressful but Not Unhappy: A Review of the Positive Aspects of Parenting a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Children, 12(1), Article 107.

This review aimed to identify and synthesise the evidence for the positive aspects of parenting a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). To date, ASD parental research has predominantly focused on the negative aspects; parents and carers are left... Read More about Stressful but Not Unhappy: A Review of the Positive Aspects of Parenting a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

“It’s a struggle”: a qualitative investigation of relations between cancer-related fatigue and work outcomes (2025)
Journal Article
Rossiter, L., Houdmont, J., & Brooks, C. (2025). “It’s a struggle”: a qualitative investigation of relations between cancer-related fatigue and work outcomes. Disability and Rehabilitation,

Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) has been associated with various adverse work outcomes in quantitative research. However, there is limited understanding regarding how and why these outcomes arise for survivors experiencing fatigue. In response,... Read More about “It’s a struggle”: a qualitative investigation of relations between cancer-related fatigue and work outcomes.