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The effects of simulated hemianopia on eye movements during text reading (2022)
Journal Article
Beh, A., McGraw, P. V., & Schluppeck, D. (2023). The effects of simulated hemianopia on eye movements during text reading. Vision Research, 204, Article 108163.

Vision loss is a common, devastating complication of cerebral strokes. In some cases the complete contra-lesional visual field is affected, leading to problems with routine tasks and, notably, the ability to read. Although visual information crucial... Read More about The effects of simulated hemianopia on eye movements during text reading.

Cardiovascular outcomes and mortality after incident ischaemic stroke in patients with a recent cancer history (2022)
Journal Article
Akyea, R. K., Iyen, B., Georgiopoulos, G., Kai, J., Qureshi, N., & Ntaios, G. (2023). Cardiovascular outcomes and mortality after incident ischaemic stroke in patients with a recent cancer history. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 109, 50-57.

Background: Up to 10% of patients with ischaemic stroke have comorbid cancer and stroke in these patients is thought to have a poor short-term prognosis. There is little known about the long-term cardiovascular morbidity and mortality outcomes after... Read More about Cardiovascular outcomes and mortality after incident ischaemic stroke in patients with a recent cancer history.

The influence of advocacy, infrastructure, policy-making, policy arbiters, and policy disruptors on language learning in English secondary schools since 1945 (2022)
Journal Article
McLelland, N. (2022). The influence of advocacy, infrastructure, policy-making, policy arbiters, and policy disruptors on language learning in English secondary schools since 1945. Documents pour l’Histoire du Français Langue Étrangère ou Seconde, 68,

Taking the history of languages education policy in England as its case study, this paper examines how the practice of teaching and learning French and other languages has been shaped, in various ways, by advocacy; by institutional infrastructure; an... Read More about The influence of advocacy, infrastructure, policy-making, policy arbiters, and policy disruptors on language learning in English secondary schools since 1945.

Liraglutide 3.0 (Saxenda) in bariatric patients: a retrospective real-world clinical evaluation of effectiveness (2022)
Journal Article
Simenacz, A., Wilmington, R., Green, C., Ardavani, A., & Idris, I. (2022). Liraglutide 3.0 (Saxenda) in bariatric patients: a retrospective real-world clinical evaluation of effectiveness. The British Journal of Diabetes, 22(2), 121-124.

Background: Glucagon-like peptide-1 analogues such as liraglutide 3.0 mg (Saxenda) have yielded significant weight loss in clinical trials when combined with lifestyle interventions. Despite the recent approval of liraglutide 3.0 mg, its success among... Read More about Liraglutide 3.0 (Saxenda) in bariatric patients: a retrospective real-world clinical evaluation of effectiveness.

God Spatially Above and Spatially Extended: The Rationality of Ibn Taymiyya's Refutation of Far al-Dīn al-Rāzī's Ašarī Incorporealism (2022)
Journal Article
Hoover, J. (2023). God Spatially Above and Spatially Extended: The Rationality of Ibn Taymiyya's Refutation of Far al-Dīn al-Rāzī's Ašarī Incorporealism. Arabica, 69(6), 626-674.

Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328) wrote his tome Bayān talbīs al-ǧahmiyya to refute Ašarī kalām theologian Far al-Dīn al-Rāzī's (d. 606/1210) argument in Tasīs al-taqdīs that God is not corporeal, located, or spatially extended. Bayān talbīs al-ǧahmiyya is... Read More about God Spatially Above and Spatially Extended: The Rationality of Ibn Taymiyya's Refutation of Far al-Dīn al-Rāzī's Ašarī Incorporealism.

Developing sustainable FeTi alloys for hydrogen storage by recycling (2022)
Journal Article
Shang, Y., Liu, S., Liang, Z., Pyczak, F., Lei, Z., Heidenreich, T., Schökel, A., Kai, J.-J., Gizer, G., Dornheim, M., Klassen, T., & Pistidda, C. (2022). Developing sustainable FeTi alloys for hydrogen storage by recycling. Communications Materials, 3, Article 101.

Intermetallic alloys such as FeTi have attracted ever-growing attention as a safe and efficient hydrogen storage medium. However, the utilization of high-purity metals for the synthesis of such materials poses considerable concerns over the environme... Read More about Developing sustainable FeTi alloys for hydrogen storage by recycling.

Translation under Review: Placing the Increased Visibility of Translation in British Reviews into Its Wider Societal Context (2022)
Book Chapter
Gray, M. (2022). Translation under Review: Placing the Increased Visibility of Translation in British Reviews into Its Wider Societal Context. In M. Kornacki, & G. Massey (Eds.), Contextuality in Translation and Interpreting: Selected Papers from the Łódź-ZHAW Duo Colloquium on Translation and Meaning 2020–2021. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers

In The Translator’s Invisibility (1995), Lawrence Venuti claims that reviewers contribute to the notion of ‘invisibility’ of the translator by rarely addressing the ‘fact of translation’ at all. He asserts that, on the rare occasions that translation... Read More about Translation under Review: Placing the Increased Visibility of Translation in British Reviews into Its Wider Societal Context.

Timing of head turns to upcoming talkers in triadic conversation: Evidence for prediction of turn ends and interruptions (2022)
Journal Article
Hadley, L. V., & Culling, J. F. (2022). Timing of head turns to upcoming talkers in triadic conversation: Evidence for prediction of turn ends and interruptions. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 1061582.

In conversation, people are able to listen to an utterance and respond within only a few hundred milliseconds. It takes substantially longer to prepare even a simple utterance, suggesting that interlocutors may make use of predictions about when the... Read More about Timing of head turns to upcoming talkers in triadic conversation: Evidence for prediction of turn ends and interruptions.

Comparing magnetic resonance liver fat fraction measurements with histology in fibrosis: the difference between proton density fat fraction and tissue mass fat fraction (2022)
Journal Article
Bawden, S. J., Hoad, C., Kaye, P., Stephenson, M., Dolman, G., James, M. W., Wilkes, E., Austin, A., Guha, I. N., Francis, S., Gowland, P., & Aithal, G. P. (2023). Comparing magnetic resonance liver fat fraction measurements with histology in fibrosis: the difference between proton density fat fraction and tissue mass fat fraction. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 36(4), 553-563.

Objective: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) provides a powerful method of measuring fat fraction. However, previous studies have shown that MRS results give lower values compared with visual estimates from biopsies in fibrotic livers. This study... Read More about Comparing magnetic resonance liver fat fraction measurements with histology in fibrosis: the difference between proton density fat fraction and tissue mass fat fraction.

Towards a master narrative for trust in autonomous systems: Trust as a distributed concern (2022)
Journal Article
Lindley, J., Green, D. P., McGarry, G., Pilling, F., Coulton, P., & Crabtree, A. (2023). Towards a master narrative for trust in autonomous systems: Trust as a distributed concern. Journal of Responsible Technology, 13, 100057.

In this paper we present findings of research into Trust, specifically within the context of Autonomous Systems. The research is based upon an exploratory workshop attended by domain experts from academia and industry. The aim of t... Read More about Towards a master narrative for trust in autonomous systems: Trust as a distributed concern.

The Potential of Stilbene Compounds to Inhibit Mpro Protease as a Natural Treatment Strategy for Coronavirus Disease-2019 (2022)
Journal Article
Naseem, A., Rasool, F., Ahmed, A., & Carter, W. G. (2023). The Potential of Stilbene Compounds to Inhibit Mpro Protease as a Natural Treatment Strategy for Coronavirus Disease-2019. Current Issues in Molecular Biology, 45(1), 12-32.

COVID-19 disease has had a global impact on human health with increased levels of morbidity and mortality. There is an unmet need to design and produce effective antivirals to treat COVID-19. This study aimed to explore the potential ability of natur... Read More about The Potential of Stilbene Compounds to Inhibit Mpro Protease as a Natural Treatment Strategy for Coronavirus Disease-2019.

Low atmospheric CO2 levels before the rise of forested ecosystems (2022)
Journal Article
Dahl, T. W., Harding, M. A. R., Brugger, J., Feulner, G., Norrman, K., Lomax, B. H., & Junium, C. K. (2022). Low atmospheric CO2 levels before the rise of forested ecosystems. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 7616.

The emergence of forests on Earth (~385 million years ago, Ma)1 has been linked to an order-of-magnitude decline in atmospheric CO2 levels and global climatic cooling by altering continental weathering processes, but observational constraints on atmo... Read More about Low atmospheric CO2 levels before the rise of forested ecosystems.

Likelihood-Free Dynamical Survival Analysis applied to the COVID-19 epidemic in Ohio (2022)
Journal Article
Klaus, C., Wascher, M., KhudaBukhsh, W. R., & Rempała, G. A. (2023). Likelihood-Free Dynamical Survival Analysis applied to the COVID-19 epidemic in Ohio. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 20(2), 4103-4127.

The Dynamical Survival Analysis (DSA) is a framework for modeling epidemics based on mean field dynamics applied to individual (agent) level history of infection and recovery. Recently, the DSA method has been shown to be an effective tool in analyzi... Read More about Likelihood-Free Dynamical Survival Analysis applied to the COVID-19 epidemic in Ohio.

Childhood and children's migration in the era of COVID-19: A case study of Zimbabwean children/young people's migration to South Africa (2022)
Journal Article
Madziva, R., Mahiya, I., & Nyoni, C. (2022). Childhood and children's migration in the era of COVID-19: A case study of Zimbabwean children/young people's migration to South Africa. Children & Society,

This paper draws on research with a group of Zimbabwean orphaned young people. It explores their experiences of migrating to South Africa during the COVID-19 period when official borders were closed. It draws attention to the complexities of south–so... Read More about Childhood and children's migration in the era of COVID-19: A case study of Zimbabwean children/young people's migration to South Africa.

Barriers and facilitators of physical activity among school attending adolescents in Lagos State, Nigeria: A qualitative study exploring views and experiences of decision-makers in secondary schools (2022)
Journal Article
Adebusoye, B., Leonardi-Bee, J., Phalkey, R., & Chattopadhyay, K. (2023). Barriers and facilitators of physical activity among school attending adolescents in Lagos State, Nigeria: A qualitative study exploring views and experiences of decision-makers in secondary schools. Health Science Reports, 6(1), Article e997.

Background and Aims: Schools represent a unique setting for promoting lifelong physical activity during critical development stages of life. Opportunities for in-school physical activity largely depend upon school-level policies, practices, and admin... Read More about Barriers and facilitators of physical activity among school attending adolescents in Lagos State, Nigeria: A qualitative study exploring views and experiences of decision-makers in secondary schools.

Resilience, higher education and widening participation: generating change for care experienced students (2022)
Journal Article
Ellis, K., & Johnston, C. (2024). Resilience, higher education and widening participation: generating change for care experienced students. Higher Education, 87, 1-16.

Over 80,000 children in England were being looked after in Local Authority care in 2020 and a further 40,000 people were defined as ‘care leavers’. Although a significant body of research highlights the prevalence of educational low achievement in th... Read More about Resilience, higher education and widening participation: generating change for care experienced students.

From Fit to Fitting: A routine dynamics perspective on M&A synergy realization (2022)
Journal Article
Mirc, N., Sele, K., Rouzies, A., & Angwin, D. (2023). From Fit to Fitting: A routine dynamics perspective on M&A synergy realization. Organization Studies, 44(9), 1465–1490.

Many mergers and acquisitions (M&A) fail to achieve anticipated synergistic benefits. The combination of resources and processes is particularly difficult. This paper uses a routine dynamics perspective to study an acquisition in the consultancy sect... Read More about From Fit to Fitting: A routine dynamics perspective on M&A synergy realization.

Advanced perspectives on MXene composite nanomaterials: Types synthetic methods, thermal energy utilization and 3D-printed techniques (2022)
Journal Article
Cui, Y., Zhu, J., Tong, H., & Zou, R. (2023). Advanced perspectives on MXene composite nanomaterials: Types synthetic methods, thermal energy utilization and 3D-printed techniques. iScience, 26(1), Article 105824.

MXene, 2D material, can be synthesized as single flake with 1 nm thickness by using phase change material, polymer and graphene oxide. Meanwhile, the MXene and its composite derivative materials have been applied widely in electro-to-thermal conversi... Read More about Advanced perspectives on MXene composite nanomaterials: Types synthetic methods, thermal energy utilization and 3D-printed techniques.

Atomically flat semiconductor nanoplatelets for light-emitting applications (2022)
Journal Article
Bai, B., Zhang, C., Dou, Y., Kong, L., Wang, L., Wang, S., Li, J., Zhou, Y., Liu, L., Liu, B., Zhang, X., Hadar, I., Bekenstein, Y., Wang, A., Yin, Z., Turyanska, L., Feldmann, J., Yang, X., & Jia, G. (2023). Atomically flat semiconductor nanoplatelets for light-emitting applications. Chemical Society Reviews, 52(1), 318-360.

The last decade has witnessed extensive breakthroughs and significant progress in atomically flat two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor nanoplatelets (NPLs) in terms of synthesis, growth mechanisms, optical and electronic properties and practical applic... Read More about Atomically flat semiconductor nanoplatelets for light-emitting applications.

The Impact of Covid-19 on Productivity (2022)
Journal Article
Bloom, N., Bunn, P., Mizen, P., Smietanka, P., & Thwaites, G. (in press). The Impact of Covid-19 on Productivity. Review of Economics and Statistics,

We analyse the impact of Covid-19 on productivity using data from an innovative monthly firm survey that asks for quantitative impacts of Covid-19 on inputs and outputs. We find total factor productivity (TFP) fell by up to 6% during 2020-21. The ove... Read More about The Impact of Covid-19 on Productivity.