A survey of teachers of mathematics in England’s further education colleges: executive summary: the Mathematics in Further Education Colleges Project
Noyes, A., Dalby, D., & Lavis, Y. (2018). A survey of teachers of mathematics in England’s further education colleges: executive summary: the Mathematics in Further Education Colleges Project. Nuffield Foundation
All Outputs (195)
A survey of teachers of mathematics in England’s further education colleges: the Mathematics in Further Education Colleges Project: interim report (2018)
Noyes, A., Dalby, D., & Lavis, Y. (2018). A survey of teachers of mathematics in England’s further education colleges: the Mathematics in Further Education Colleges Project: interim report. Nuffield Foundation
Improving medication safety in general practices in the East Midlands through the PINCER intervention: Scaling Up PINCER (2018)
Rodgers, S., Salema, N.-E., Waring, J., Armstrong, S., Mehta, R., Bell, B., Chuter, A., Niro Siriwardena, N., Laparidou, D., Avery, A. J., & On behalf of the Scaling Up PINCER Evaluation and Implementation Teams. (2018). Improving medication safety in general practices in the East Midlands through the PINCER intervention: Scaling Up PINCER. University of Nottingham: The Health FoundationThis is the executive summary of an evaluation report for the Health Foundation.
How to improve the quality of public administration in Europe? Lessons from and for civil service reform (2018)
Meyer-Sahling, J.-H., Sass Mikkelsen, K., & Schuster, C. (2018). How to improve the quality of public administration in Europe? Lessons from and for civil service reform. Brussels: European Commission
Consumer behaviour and ICSS: exploring how consumers respond to Information, Connection and Signposting Services (2018)
Conklin, K., Hyde, R., Parente, F., & Snowley, K. (2018). Consumer behaviour and ICSS: exploring how consumers respond to Information, Connection and Signposting ServicesThis research examines consumer behaviour when presented with search results and websites containing Information, Connection and Signposting Services ('ICSS') and provides policy recommendations aimed at ensuring that consumers are able to identify I... Read More about Consumer behaviour and ICSS: exploring how consumers respond to Information, Connection and Signposting Services.
Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools (2018)
Greany, T., & Higham, R. (2018). Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools. London: Nuffield Foundation and Education Development TrustThis report analyses how schools in England have interpreted and begun to respond to the government’s ‘self-improving school-led system’ (SISS) policy agenda, an overarching narrative for schools policy since 2010 that encompasses an ensemble of refo... Read More about Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools.
Multi-academy trusts: do they make a difference to pupil outcomes?: supplementary statistical analysis for the report Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools (2018)
Bernardinelli, D., Rutt, S., Greany, T., & Higham, R. (2018). Multi-academy trusts: do they make a difference to pupil outcomes?: supplementary statistical analysis for the report Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools. London: Nuffield Foundation and Education Development Trust
Clinical Pharmacists In General Practice : Pilot Scheme : Independent Evaluation Report: Full Report (2018)
Mann, C., Anderson, C., Avery, A. J., Waring, J., & Boyd, M. (2018). Clinical Pharmacists In General Practice : Pilot Scheme : Independent Evaluation Report: Full Report. NHS England
Evaluating the Care Certificate (ECCert): a cross-sector solution to assuring fundamental skills in caring (2018)
Thomson, L., Argyle, E., Khan, Z., Schneider, J., Arthur, A., Maben, J., Wharrad, H., Guo, B., & Eve, J. (2018). Evaluating the Care Certificate (ECCert): a cross-sector solution to assuring fundamental skills in caring. Nottingham: Independent research
Revitalising agricultural education and training in South Africa (2018)
Swanepoel, F., Ekwamu, A., Dakora, F., Modi, A., Muchenje, V., Njobe, B., Pell, A., Stroebel, A., Wedekind, V., Kirsten, J., & Terblanché, F. (2018). Revitalising agricultural education and training in South Africa. Pretoria, South Africa: Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)The consensus study was initiated by the ASSAf Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education Standing Committee, deriving from a deep concern about the status of Agricultural Education and Training (AET) in the country. The study... Read More about Revitalising agricultural education and training in South Africa.
Study in support of the evaluation of the database directive (2018)
Chicot, J., Domini, A., Bodea, G., Karanikolova, K., Radauer, A., Gkogka, A., del Carmen Calatrava Moreno, M., Bentley, L., & Derclaye, E. (2018). Study in support of the evaluation of the database directive. Brussels: European CommissionThe 1996 Directive on the legal protection of databases (Database Directive) aims at supporting the development of the European database industry. It created a sui generis right protecting investments of database makers, regardless of the originality... Read More about Study in support of the evaluation of the database directive.
Evidence review of respectful relationships resources (2017)
Sandy, L., Powell, A., Meenagh, J., & O'Neill, T. (2017). Evidence review of respectful relationships resources. VicHealth
Independent-State School Partnerships: An initial review of evidence and current practices (2017)
Lucas, B., Stoll, L., Greany, T., Tsakalaki, A., & Nelson, R. (2017). Independent-State School Partnerships: An initial review of evidence and current practices. Tony Little Centre for Innovation and Research in Learning at Eton CollegeOver the last two decades there has been growing interest in independent-state school partnerships (ISSPs). The term is currently used to refer to arrangements between two or more schools which include at least one independent and one state school. I... Read More about Independent-State School Partnerships: An initial review of evidence and current practices.
Evidence-informed teaching : an evaluation of progress in England. Appendices. July 2017 (2017)
Coldwell, M., Greany, T., Higgins, S., Brown, C., Maxwell, B., Stiell, B., Stoll, L., Willis, B., & Burns, H. (2017). Evidence-informed teaching : an evaluation of progress in England. Appendices. July 2017In August 2014, The Department for Education (DfE) commissioned a two-year study to assess progress towards an evidence-informed teaching system. In this report, the term evidence-informed teaching is used to mean practice that is influenced by robus... Read More about Evidence-informed teaching : an evaluation of progress in England. Appendices. July 2017.
Evaluation of the National Networks for Collaborative Outreach (NNCOs) (2017)
Stevenson, J., McCaig, C., & Madriaga, M. (2017). Evaluation of the National Networks for Collaborative Outreach (NNCOs). HEFCE
Consequences of Brexit in the area of public procurement (2017)
Arrowsmith, S. (2017). Consequences of Brexit in the area of public procurement. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document.html?reference=IPOL_STU(2017)602028: European ParliamentThis paper examines the implications of the UK’s departure from the EU for the EU-UK legal relationship in the field of public procurement. It assesses, in comparison with the position under EU membership, the implications of four approaches found in... Read More about Consequences of Brexit in the area of public procurement.
Special economic zones in the Dominican Republic: policy considerations: special economic zones, global value chains, and the degree of domestic linkages in the Dominican Republic for a more competitive and inclusive sector: (2017)
Reyes, J.-D., Eduardo Sanchez, M., Ferrantino, M., Riano, A., Defever, F., Engel, J., Carlos Arenas, G., & Ahdiyyih, S. (2017). Special economic zones in the Dominican Republic: policy considerations: special economic zones, global value chains, and the degree of domestic linkages in the Dominican Republic for a more competitive and inclusive sector:. Washington, D.C.: World BankThe Dominican Republic is often considered an example of the successful implementation of Special Economic Zones (henceforth SEZs) in the Western hemisphere. The zones fueled economic growth during the 1980s and 1990s and, while they experienced a sh... Read More about Special economic zones in the Dominican Republic: policy considerations: special economic zones, global value chains, and the degree of domestic linkages in the Dominican Republic for a more competitive and inclusive sector:.
Evaluation of Response to Complexity (R2C) (2016)
Harris, L. (in press). Evaluation of Response to Complexity (R2C)This is a mixed-methods evaluation of a Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) funded coordinated response to support survivors of domestic and sexual abuse with complex needs (mental ill-health, substance misuse including alcohol and/... Read More about Evaluation of Response to Complexity (R2C).
Shared Experience Workshop Report (Part II): Reflections on University and Community Research Partnerships (2016)
Allwork, L. Shared Experience Workshop Report (Part II): Reflections on University and Community Research PartnershipsOn 19th September 2016, university and community participants in research projects funded by the Centre for Hidden Histories convened for a ‘Shared Experience Workshop’ at Derby Riverside Centre. The day was organised by Impact Fellow, Dr Larissa All... Read More about Shared Experience Workshop Report (Part II): Reflections on University and Community Research Partnerships.
Shared Experience Workshop and the Impact of the Centre for Hidden Histories Research Projects (2016)
Allwork, L. Shared Experience Workshop and the Impact of the Centre for Hidden Histories Research ProjectsOn 19th September 2016, academic and community participants in research projects funded by the Centre for Hidden Histories convened for a ‘Shared Experience Workshop’ at Derby Riverside Centre. The day was organised by Impact Fellow, Dr Larissa Allwo... Read More about Shared Experience Workshop and the Impact of the Centre for Hidden Histories Research Projects.