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"Reader, I married him/ her": Ali Smith, Ovid, and queer translation (2019)
Journal Article
Ranger, H. (2019). "Reader, I married him/ her": Ali Smith, Ovid, and queer translation. Classical Receptions Journal, 11(3), 231-255.

This essay discusses Ali Smith's queer translation of Ovid Metamorphoses 9.666-797 in her 2007 novel Girl meets boy. I argue that Smith's presentation of a contemporary gender-queer Iphis and Ianthe not only fictionalizes the critical argument propos... Read More about "Reader, I married him/ her": Ali Smith, Ovid, and queer translation.

Crossing cultural divides: a qualitative systematic review of factors influencing the provision of healthcare related to female genital mutilation from the perspective of health professionals (2019)
Journal Article
Evans, C., Twehheyo, R., McGarry, J., Eldridge, J., Albert, J., Nkoyo, V., & Higginbottom, G. (2019). Crossing cultural divides: a qualitative systematic review of factors influencing the provision of healthcare related to female genital mutilation from the perspective of health professionals. PLoS ONE, 14(3), Article e0211829.

As a result of global migration, health professionals in destination countries are increasingly being called upon to provide care for women and girls who have experienced female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). There is considerable... Read More about Crossing cultural divides: a qualitative systematic review of factors influencing the provision of healthcare related to female genital mutilation from the perspective of health professionals.

'Ovid, Plath, Baskin, Hughes' (2019)
Journal Article
Ranger, H. (2019). 'Ovid, Plath, Baskin, Hughes'. Ted Hughes Society Journal, 7(2), 7-24

Many critical treatments of the poetic interaction of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes have overlooked Hughes's 1997 translation of 24 episodes from Ovid's Metamorphoses, Tales from Ovid. This paper argues that the connections between Hughes, Plath, and O... Read More about 'Ovid, Plath, Baskin, Hughes'.