Magnetophonon spectroscopy of Dirac fermion scattering by transverse and longitudinal acoustic phonons in graphene
Journal Article
Greenaway, M. T., Krishna Kumar, R., Kumaravadivel, P., Geim, A. K., & Eaves, L. (2019). Magnetophonon spectroscopy of Dirac fermion scattering by transverse and longitudinal acoustic phonons in graphene. Physical Review B, 100(15), Article 155120.
Recently observed magnetophonon resonances in the magnetoresistance of graphene are investigated using the Kubo formalism. This analysis provides a quantitative fit to the magnetophonon resonances over a wide range of carrier densities. It demonstrat... Read More about Magnetophonon spectroscopy of Dirac fermion scattering by transverse and longitudinal acoustic phonons in graphene.