On the Use and Abuse of History in Post-Dictatorship Argentine History
Book Chapter
Sharman, A. (2017). On the Use and Abuse of History in Post-Dictatorship Argentine History. In A. Sharman (Ed.), MemoSur/MemoSouth: Memory, Commemoration and Trauma in Post-Dictatorship Argentina and Chile. Critical, Cultural, and Communications Press
All Outputs (302)
MemoSur/MemoSouth: Memory, Commemoration and Trauma in Post-Dictatorship Argentina and Chile (2017)
Sharman, A. (2017). MemoSur/MemoSouth: Memory, Commemoration and Trauma in Post-Dictatorship Argentina and Chile. Critical, Cultural and Communications Press
Post-imperialism, postcolonialism and beyond: Towards a periodization of cultural discourse about colonial legacies (2017)
Journal Article
Göttsche, D. (2017). Post-imperialism, postcolonialism and beyond: Towards a periodization of cultural discourse about colonial legacies. Journal of European Studies, 47(2), 111-128. https://doi.org/10.1177/0047244117700070Taking German history and culture as a starting point, this essay suggests a historical approach to reconceptualising different forms of literary engagement with colonial discourse, colonial legacies and (post-) colonial memory in the context of Comp... Read More about Post-imperialism, postcolonialism and beyond: Towards a periodization of cultural discourse about colonial legacies.
Lovers, not fighters: Left politics and brandos costumes in Capitães de Abril (2017)
Journal Article
Sabine, M. (in press). Lovers, not fighters: Left politics and brandos costumes in Capitães de Abril. Journal of Romance Studies, 16(2), https://doi.org/10.3828/jrs.2016.160202The popularity of Maria de Medeiros’s Capitães de Abril [April Captains] (2000) has made it a significant reference point in perceptions and post-memory of the Portuguese revolution. This essay argues that the film presents the 25 April 1974 coup as... Read More about Lovers, not fighters: Left politics and brandos costumes in Capitães de Abril.
The Contexts of the German Translation of Frantz Fanon’s Les Damnés de la terre (2017)
Book Chapter
Oergel-Dench, M. (2017). The Contexts of the German Translation of Frantz Fanon’s Les Damnés de la terre. In S.-A. Harding, & K. Batchelor (Eds.), Translation and Liberation. Frantz Fanon across Continents and Languages (196-221). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315620626-8This chapter focuses on the translation of Les Damnés de la terre, contextualising it first in its original West German environment, before looking at the later presentation of this Frantz Fanon text in the German Democratic Republic. It considers ke... Read More about The Contexts of the German Translation of Frantz Fanon’s Les Damnés de la terre.
Personal infinitive: inflecting Fernando Pessoa (2017)
Miranda, R. (2017). Personal infinitive: inflecting Fernando Pessoa. Critical, Cultural and Communications Press
Translating Frantz Fanon Across Continents and Languages (2017)
Batchelor, K., & Harding, S.-A. (Eds.). (2017). Translating Frantz Fanon Across Continents and Languages. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315620626This book provides an innovative look at the reception of Frantz Fanon’s texts, investigating how, when, where and why these—especially his seminal Les Damnés de la Terre (1961) —were first translated and read. Building on renewed interest in the aut... Read More about Translating Frantz Fanon Across Continents and Languages.
The politics of elegy: Henri IV of France by Villamediana, Quevedo, Góngora, and Rubens (2017)
Journal Article
Andrews, J. (2017). The politics of elegy: Henri IV of France by Villamediana, Quevedo, Góngora, and Rubens. Journal of Romance Studies, 17(1), 1-35. https://doi.org/10.3828/jrs.2017.1© Institute of Modern Languages Research 2017. This article examines Franco-Spanish political relations in the period from 1610 to 1625 as represented in Spanish poetry and paintings produced in Spain or in the Spanish theatre of influence. The early... Read More about The politics of elegy: Henri IV of France by Villamediana, Quevedo, Góngora, and Rubens.
Une corde de plus à l’arc de tout le monde’ : L’usage de la photographie chez Balzac et Hugo (2017)
Book Chapter
Yacavone, K. (2017). Une corde de plus à l’arc de tout le monde’ : L’usage de la photographie chez Balzac et Hugo. L'Écrivain vu par la photographie : Formes, usages, enjeux. Rennes: Presses universitaires de RennesThis illustrated article appeared in the first major publication on the photographic representation of the author, based in part on a landmark conference at the famous Cerisy-la-Salle venue in France in 2014. Demonstrating that Balzac’s and Hugo’s au... Read More about Une corde de plus à l’arc de tout le monde’ : L’usage de la photographie chez Balzac et Hugo.
Paris and the birth of the modern fantastic during the nineteenth century (2017)
Journal Article
Garcia, P. (2017). Paris and the birth of the modern fantastic during the nineteenth century. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 19(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.7771/1481-4374.2875In her article "Paris and the Birth of the Modern Fantastic during the Nineteenth Century" Patricia Garcia discusses the unprecedented growth of Europe's urban centers during the nineteenth century in relation to the realist novel and takes urban and... Read More about Paris and the birth of the modern fantastic during the nineteenth century.
Lessons from Lysenko (2017)
Book Chapter
Marks, J. (2017). Lessons from Lysenko. In W. deJong-Lambert, & N. Krementsov (Eds.), The Lysenko Controversy As A Global Phenomenon - Volume 2 (185-206). Palgrave MacMillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39179-3_7This chapter explores the question of whether we can still “learn lessons” from Lysenkoism. Contemporary allusions are often narrowly polemical, usually making the claim that scientific work is being marginalised for non-scientific reasons. However,... Read More about Lessons from Lysenko.
Die Verurtümlichung Homers - ein Beispiel transnationaler Antiketransformation: Die Rezeption des Homerischen Barden in Großbritannien und Deutschland im 18. Jh. (2017)
Book Chapter
Oergel, M. (2017). Die Verurtümlichung Homers - ein Beispiel transnationaler Antiketransformation: Die Rezeption des Homerischen Barden in Großbritannien und Deutschland im 18. Jh. Topographien der Antike in der literarischen Aufklärung. (1). Peter Lang
Snowpiercer: Sound Designable Voices and the South Korean Global Film (2017)
Book Chapter
Stringer, J., & Lee, N. (2017). Snowpiercer: Sound Designable Voices and the South Korean Global Film. In T. Whittaker, & S. Wright (Eds.), Locating the Voice in Film: Critical Approaches and Global Practices (263-277). Oxford University Press
José María Merino: Memorias del lugar y lugares de la memoria (2017)
Book Chapter
Garcia, P. (2017). José María Merino: Memorias del lugar y lugares de la memoria. El arte de contar: los mundos ficcionales de Luis Mateo Díez y José María Merino. Cátedra
Icons of Speed - Icons of Crisis: Acceleration Effects in Weimar Culture (2016)
Book Chapter
Uecker, M. (2016). Icons of Speed - Icons of Crisis: Acceleration Effects in Weimar Culture. In A. Fuchs, & J. Long (Eds.), Time in German Literature and Culture, 1900 – 2015: Between Acceleration and Slowness (113-130). Palgrave Macmillan
Carducho and the Spanish Literary Baroque (2016)
Book Chapter
LAWRANCE, J. (2016). Carducho and the Spanish Literary Baroque. On Art and Painting: Vicente Carducho and Baroque Spain. University of Wales Press
The rhetoric of exile : duress and the imagining of force (2016)
Zoric, V. (2016). The rhetoric of exile : duress and the imagining of force. Modern Humanities Research AssociationThe Rhetoric of Exile explores the rhetorical construction of force in indirect exile and in literary responses to it. Between banishment, a compulsory exile, and expatriation, a voluntary one, many legal systems have allowed for a third model. Such... Read More about The rhetoric of exile : duress and the imagining of force.
José Saramago: history, utopia, and the necessity of error (2016)
Sabine, M. (2016). José Saramago: history, utopia, and the necessity of error. (1). LegendaAlthough best known internationally for his ‘allegorical’ novels such as Blindness (1995), in his native Portugal, José Saramago remains most acclaimed for his earlier, richly poetic ‘historical’ novels. This new study of five of these works focuses... Read More about José Saramago: history, utopia, and the necessity of error.
The French Art Novel, 1900-1930 (2016)
Shingler, K. (2016). The French Art Novel, 1900-1930. Legenda
‘Me juzgo por natural de Madrid’: Vincencio Carducho, theorist and painter of Spain's court capital (2016)
Journal Article
Bass, L. J., & Andrews, J. (in press). ‘Me juzgo por natural de Madrid’: Vincencio Carducho, theorist and painter of Spain's court capital. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 93(7-8), https://doi.org/10.1080/14753820.2016.1227040More than a guide for painters, Vicente de Carducho's Diálogos de la pintura has long been recognized to promote painting as a liberal art and to advocate for the creation of an academy of painting in seventeenth-century Madrid. But questions of patr... Read More about ‘Me juzgo por natural de Madrid’: Vincencio Carducho, theorist and painter of Spain's court capital.