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All Outputs (302)

Deconstructing Gendered Norms and Reclaiming Gendered Spaces in Angelina Nikonova’s Twilight Portrait (Portret v sumerkakh, 2011) (2021)
Journal Article
McGinity-Peebles, A. (2021). Deconstructing Gendered Norms and Reclaiming Gendered Spaces in Angelina Nikonova’s Twilight Portrait (Portret v sumerkakh, 2011). Film Studies, 22(1), 11-29.

This article focuses on Angelina Nikonova's debut film Twilight Portrait (Portret v sumerkakh, 2011) and analyses the trajectory of the 'difficult' female protagonist, Marina (Ol'ga Dykhovichnaia), in relation to the spaces she inhabits and reclaims... Read More about Deconstructing Gendered Norms and Reclaiming Gendered Spaces in Angelina Nikonova’s Twilight Portrait (Portret v sumerkakh, 2011).

« J’émerveille » : Apollinaire à Londres, 1968 (2021)
Journal Article
Shingler, K. (2021). « J’émerveille » : Apollinaire à Londres, 1968. Revue d'Histoire littéraire de la France, 2021(1), 177-196.

Cet article se propose d’explorer et de commenter l’exposition organisée à l’Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) de Londres en 1968 pour marquer le cinquantenaire de la mort de Guillaume Apollinaire. Nous nous penchons notamment sur les œuvres comma... Read More about « J’émerveille » : Apollinaire à Londres, 1968.

“Speak of the Devil… and he Shall Appear”: Religiosity, Unconsciousness, and the Effects of Explicit Priming in the Misperception of Immorality (2021)
Journal Article
Tsikandilakis, M., Leong, M. Q., Yu, Z., Paterakis, G., Bali, P., Derrfuss, J., Mevel, P. A., Milbank, A., Tong Mun Wai Tong, E., Madan, C., & Mitchell, P. (2022). “Speak of the Devil… and he Shall Appear”: Religiosity, Unconsciousness, and the Effects of Explicit Priming in the Misperception of Immorality. Psychological Research, 86(1), 37-65.

Psychological theory and research suggest that religious individuals could have differences in the appraisal of immoral behaviours and cognitions compared to non-religious individuals. This effect could occur due to adherence to prescriptive and invi... Read More about “Speak of the Devil… and he Shall Appear”: Religiosity, Unconsciousness, and the Effects of Explicit Priming in the Misperception of Immorality.

Filosofía y literatura. De la generación finisecular a la generación de 1927: la figura del nuevo intelectual (2020)
Book Chapter
Roberts, S. (2020). Filosofía y literatura. De la generación finisecular a la generación de 1927: la figura del nuevo intelectual. In J. L. Mora García, & M. Sonlleva Velasco (Eds.), Educación, Cultura y Sociedad.: Génesis y desarrollo de un proyecto reformista (193-208). Real Academia de Historia y Arte de San Quirce

This chapter looks at the changing role of the intellectual in Spain between 1900 and 1931, focusing above all on the intellectual's relationship with education.

Unamuno’s press articles: the badge of identity of the Unamunian intellectual (2020)
Book Chapter
Roberts, S. (2020). Unamuno’s press articles: the badge of identity of the Unamunian intellectual. In L. Álvarez-Castro (Ed.), Approaches to teaching the works of Miguel de Unamuno (93-98). Modern Language Association

This chapter looks at the history of Unamuno's press articles and suggests ways in which these articles can be taught in university classrooms.

A short history of revolutionary Cuba: revolution, power, authority and the state from 1959 to the present day (2020)
Kapcia, A. (2021). A short history of revolutionary Cuba: revolution, power, authority and the state from 1959 to the present day. Bloomsbury Publishing

A study of the evolution of the Cuban Revolution from 1959, which (a) puts the changing system into a historical perspective which highlights both its nationalist roots, the pre-1959 weaknesses of a colonial and then neo-colonial state, and the role... Read More about A short history of revolutionary Cuba: revolution, power, authority and the state from 1959 to the present day.

Annihilating Noise (2020)
Hegarty, P. (2020). Annihilating Noise. Bloomsbury Publishing

Noise has become a model of cultural and theoretical thinking over the last two decades. Following Hegarty's influential 2007 book, Noise/Music, Annihilating Noise discusses in 16 essays how noise offers a way of thinking critical resistance, disrupt... Read More about Annihilating Noise.

La Télé-commande (2020)
Journal Article
Gilonne, Y. (2020). La Télé-commande. Nottingham French Studies, 59(3), 289-310.

This paper looks at the way the choice of the term ‘cybernetics’ places thought at the heart of a fundamental anology (kybernètes) between ‘piloting’ (a ship) and ‘governing’, thus reducing the conceptual field of ‘command’ to that of ‘control’, whic... Read More about La Télé-commande.

The French language: monocentric or pluricentric? Standard language ideology and attitudes towards the French language in twentieth-century language columns in Quebec (2020)
Journal Article
Walsh, O. (2021). The French language: monocentric or pluricentric? Standard language ideology and attitudes towards the French language in twentieth-century language columns in Quebec. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 42(9), 869-881.

Quebec has a tradition of language columns, articles discussing questions related to the French language produced by a single author and published regularly in the periodical press. This study examines the content and discourse of a sample of these l... Read More about The French language: monocentric or pluricentric? Standard language ideology and attitudes towards the French language in twentieth-century language columns in Quebec.

Accessible paratext: actively engaging (with) D/deaf audiences (2020)
Journal Article
Mével, P. A. (2020). Accessible paratext: actively engaging (with) D/deaf audiences. Punctum: International Journal of Semiotics, 06(01), 203-219.

This article examines the importance of paratext – theoretically and practically – in getting D/deaf audiences to engage with theatrical performances. our notion of ‘accessible paratext’ necessarily involves multimodal forms of translation, and inter... Read More about Accessible paratext: actively engaging (with) D/deaf audiences.

Josefa de Ayala e Cabreira's St Catherine Altarpiece and Female Empowerment (2020)
Book Chapter
Andrews, J., & Roe, J. (2020). Josefa de Ayala e Cabreira's St Catherine Altarpiece and Female Empowerment. In Representing Women's Political Identity in the Early Modern World (105-124). Taylor & Francis (Routledge)

This chapter examines Josefa de Ayala's altarpiece on the life of St Catherine of Alexandria (1661) in the parish church of Óbidos, Portugal and the relationship that may be drawn between it and the impending nuptials of Catarina de Bragança and Char... Read More about Josefa de Ayala e Cabreira's St Catherine Altarpiece and Female Empowerment.

Representing Women's Political Identity in the Early Modern World (2020)
Roe, J., & Andrews, J. (Eds.). (2021). Representing Women's Political Identity in the Early Modern World. Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

This volume presents a range of new research into the experiences, agencies and diverse political identities of Iberian women between the fifteenth and early twentieth centuries. It explores how the political identities of Iberian women were represen... Read More about Representing Women's Political Identity in the Early Modern World.

Dread, Desire and Destruction: The Historical Sublime in Erwin Mortier’s Marcel (1999) (2020)
Journal Article
Mertens, B. (2020). Dread, Desire and Destruction: The Historical Sublime in Erwin Mortier’s Marcel (1999). Journal of Modern Literature, 44(1), 165-182.

Erwin Mortier’s novel Marcel (1999) addresses the still controversial topic of the Flemish collaboration with the German occupier during the Second World War, and its subsequent repression by the Belgian state. Told from the perspective of a grandchi... Read More about Dread, Desire and Destruction: The Historical Sublime in Erwin Mortier’s Marcel (1999).

Úna ínsula para isleños, tierra adentro (2020)
Journal Article
Roberts, S., & Mora, J. L. (2020). Úna ínsula para isleños, tierra adentro. Insula, 886, 3-7

This article looks at the intellectual relationship between British Hispanists and Spanish intellectuals at the start of the 1970s.

Republican Citizens, Precarious Subjects: representations of work in post-Fordist France (2020)
Lane, J. (2020). Republican Citizens, Precarious Subjects: representations of work in post-Fordist France. Liverpool University Press

Over recent decades concerns at the increased scarcity and precarity of salaried employment have dominated political struggles, theoretical debates and cultural representations in France. This study argues that such concerns are evidence of a profoun... Read More about Republican Citizens, Precarious Subjects: representations of work in post-Fordist France.

Domestication and Foreignisation in a Cognitively Estranged World: The Application of Venuti's Framework to Science Fictional Texts (2020)
Journal Article
Gray, M. (2020). Domestication and Foreignisation in a Cognitively Estranged World: The Application of Venuti's Framework to Science Fictional Texts. Transletters: International Journal of Translation and Interpreting, 4, 75-97

Darko Suvin argues for an understanding of science fiction as the literature of ‘cognitive estrangement’. This paper will take Suvin’s notion as its starting point, examiningextracts from two works by author Alain Damasio to demonstrate how... Read More about Domestication and Foreignisation in a Cognitively Estranged World: The Application of Venuti's Framework to Science Fictional Texts.

Looking back for ways ahead – Revisions Post-Dictatorship memories in Repare Bem (Maria de Medeiros) and Luz Obscura (Susana de Sousa Dias) (2020)
Journal Article
MIRANDA, R. (2020). Looking back for ways ahead – Revisions Post-Dictatorship memories in Repare Bem (Maria de Medeiros) and Luz Obscura (Susana de Sousa Dias). Diacrítica: revista do centro de estudos humanísticos, 34(2), 29-47.

Repare bem (Maria de Medeiros, 2013) and Luz obscura (Susana de Sousa Dias) are illustrative examples of women documentary filmmaker's approach to post-dictatorship memory in Brazil and in Portugal. Their attempt to counterpose affective and personal... Read More about Looking back for ways ahead – Revisions Post-Dictatorship memories in Repare Bem (Maria de Medeiros) and Luz Obscura (Susana de Sousa Dias).