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All Outputs (1343)

Enfolding empire into 1930s London: the India Round Table Conference (2024)
Journal Article
Legg, S. (2024). Enfolding empire into 1930s London: the India Round Table Conference. Urban History, 1-6.

This survey reflects on the intersections of global and urban history through brief reflections on the Round Table Conference which took place over three sessions in London between 1930 and 1932. Uniting Indian representatives and the British governm... Read More about Enfolding empire into 1930s London: the India Round Table Conference.

Effect of humidity and oxygen on friction, wear and durability of a polymer-bonded molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating system in large amplitude fretting (2024)
Journal Article
Laolu-Balogun, E., Owen, S., Read, S., Shipway, P., & Voisey, K. (2024). Effect of humidity and oxygen on friction, wear and durability of a polymer-bonded molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating system in large amplitude fretting. Wear, 552-553, Article 205426.

Investigations into effects of humidity and oxygen on a polymer-bonded MoS2-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating, on grit-blasted Ti-6Al-4V using a cylinder-on-flat configuration, are reported. Sustained low friction and low wear occurred in both l... Read More about Effect of humidity and oxygen on friction, wear and durability of a polymer-bonded molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based dry film lubricant (DFL) coating system in large amplitude fretting.

Harnessing the runoff reduction potential of urban bioswales as an adaptation response to climate change (2024)
Journal Article
Lu, L., Johnson, M., Zhu, F., Xu, Y., Ruan, T., & Chan, F. (2024). Harnessing the runoff reduction potential of urban bioswales as an adaptation response to climate change. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 12207.

Nature-based solutions (NbS), including China's Sponge City Program (SCP), can address the challenges urban communities face due to surface runoff and flooding. The current capacity of SCP facilities in urban environments falls short of meeting the d... Read More about Harnessing the runoff reduction potential of urban bioswales as an adaptation response to climate change.

Somewhere downstairs: Re-animating a departmental geography collection (2024)
Journal Article
Matless, D. (2024). Somewhere downstairs: Re-animating a departmental geography collection. Journal of Historical Geography, 84, 123-138.

This paper discusses the re-animation of a geography departmental collection through a study of the archives and map collection of the School of Geography, University of Nottingham. The discussion is situated within parallel examples of work on geogr... Read More about Somewhere downstairs: Re-animating a departmental geography collection.

Material flow analysis of chemical additives in plastics: A critical review (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Chan, F. K. S., Johnson, M. F., Chan, H. K., Cui, Y., Chen, J., Zhu, Y.-G., & Chen, W.-Q. (2024). Material flow analysis of chemical additives in plastics: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 54(23), 1692-1708.

The exponential growth in plastic production and usage has escalated global concerns about plastic pollution, particularly regarding harmful chemical additives. Understanding the anthropogenic cycles of these additives is the prerequisite to developi... Read More about Material flow analysis of chemical additives in plastics: A critical review.

Modelling the impact of wastewater flows and management practices on antimicrobial resistance in dairy farms (2024)
Journal Article
Todman, H., Helliwell, R., King, L., Blanchard, A., Gray-Hammerton, C. J., Hooton, S. P., Baker, M., Margerison, J., Wilson, P., Dodd, C. E. R., Morris, C., Raman, S., Hudson, C., Kreft, J.-U., Hobman, J. L., Kypraios, T., & Stekel, D. J. (2024). Modelling the impact of wastewater flows and management practices on antimicrobial resistance in dairy farms. npj Antimicrobials & Resistance, 2(1), Article 13.

Dairy slurry is a major source of environmental contamination with antimicrobial resistant genes and bacteria. We developed mathematical models and conducted on-farm research to explore the impact of wastewater flows and management practices on antim... Read More about Modelling the impact of wastewater flows and management practices on antimicrobial resistance in dairy farms.

Landed estates and the place of public houses: Agricultural and industrial change in the English East Midlands, c.1860–1930 (2024)
Journal Article
Beckingham, D. (2024). Landed estates and the place of public houses: Agricultural and industrial change in the English East Midlands, c.1860–1930. Journal of Historical Geography, 84, 97-107.

This article uses the records the Manvers and Portland estates in Nottinghamshire and north-east Derbyshire to consider the provision and management of licensed premises between the 1860s and 1930s. Using archival materials of land agents and solicit... Read More about Landed estates and the place of public houses: Agricultural and industrial change in the English East Midlands, c.1860–1930.

The Need to Consider Food Systems in Health-Oriented Food Policy and Programs (2024)
Journal Article
Higgins, A. K. (2024). The Need to Consider Food Systems in Health-Oriented Food Policy and Programs. Current Developments in Nutrition, 8(6), Article 103775.

Produce prescription programs (PPPs) are place-based interventions at the intersection of public health and local food advocacy. These programs have expanded significantly across the United States since 2010, particularly taking off in the state of W... Read More about The Need to Consider Food Systems in Health-Oriented Food Policy and Programs.

Future malaria environmental suitability in Africa is sensitive to hydrology (2024)
Journal Article
Smith, M. W., Willis, T., Mroz, E., James, W. H., Klaar, M. J., Gosling, S. N., & Thomas, C. J. (2024). Future malaria environmental suitability in Africa is sensitive to hydrology. Science, 384(6696), 697-703.

Changes in climate shift the geographic locations that are suitable for malaria transmission because of the thermal constraints on vector Anopheles mosquitos and Plasmodium spp. malaria parasites and the lack of availability of surface water for vect... Read More about Future malaria environmental suitability in Africa is sensitive to hydrology.

Beyond the Walls: Patterns of Child Labour, Forced Labour, and Exploitation in a New Domestic Workers Dataset (2024)
Journal Article
Trodd, Z., Waite, C., Goulding, J., & Boyd, D. S. (2024). Beyond the Walls: Patterns of Child Labour, Forced Labour, and Exploitation in a New Domestic Workers Dataset. Societies, 14(5), Article 62.

The new Domestic Workers Dataset is the largest single set of surveys (n = 11,759) of domestic workers to date. Our analysis of this dataset reveals features about the lives and work of this “hard-to-find” population in India—a country estimated to h... Read More about Beyond the Walls: Patterns of Child Labour, Forced Labour, and Exploitation in a New Domestic Workers Dataset.

From novel ecosystems to novel natures (2024)
Journal Article
Montana, J., Heger, T., Kelz, R., Bischoff, A., Buitenwerf, R., Eser, U., Kung, K., Sattler, J., Schweiger, A. H., Searle, A., Teixeira, L. H., Travassos-Britto, B., & Higgs, E. (2024). From novel ecosystems to novel natures. GAiA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 33(1), 146-151.

Ecologists, particularly restoration ecologists, were early to recognise the challenges of historically unprecedented combinations of species and abiotic conditions brought about by human intervention. However, to date, this ecological understanding... Read More about From novel ecosystems to novel natures.

Extreme Outrageous And (Un)reliable Navigating Uncertainty In The Development Of Sound-based Fog Signals In Scotland 1860 -1900 (2024)
Journal Article
Dishington, R. (in press). Extreme Outrageous And (Un)reliable Navigating Uncertainty In The Development Of Sound-based Fog Signals In Scotland 1860 -1900. Technology and Culture,

In the late nineteenth century, engineers at Scotland’s Northern Lighthouse Board developed and managed an increasingly complex network of sound-based fog signals. From only five bell signals in 1873, the Scottish network grew to thirty-seven sound s... Read More about Extreme Outrageous And (Un)reliable Navigating Uncertainty In The Development Of Sound-based Fog Signals In Scotland 1860 -1900.

Unoccupied aerial vehicles as a tool to map lizard operative temperature in tropical environments (2024)
Journal Article
Higgins, E. A., Boyd, D. S., Brown, T. W., Owen, S. C., van der Heijden, G. M. F., & Algar, A. C. (2024). Unoccupied aerial vehicles as a tool to map lizard operative temperature in tropical environments. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation,

To understand how ectotherms will respond to warming temperatures, we require information on thermal habitat quality at spatial resolutions and extents relevant to the organism. Measuring thermal habitat quality is either limited to small spatial ext... Read More about Unoccupied aerial vehicles as a tool to map lizard operative temperature in tropical environments.

InSAR-measured permafrost degradation of palsa peatlands in northern Sweden (2024)
Journal Article
Valman, S., Siewert, M. B., Boyd, D., Ledger, M., Gee, D., de la Barreda-Bautista, B., Sowter, A., & Sjögersten, S. (2024). InSAR-measured permafrost degradation of palsa peatlands in northern Sweden. Cryosphere, 18(4), 1773-1790.

Climate warming is degrading palsa peatlands across the circumpolar permafrost region. Permafrost degradation may lead to ecosystem collapse and potentially strong climate feedbacks, as this ecosystem is an important carbon store and can transition t... Read More about InSAR-measured permafrost degradation of palsa peatlands in northern Sweden.

Managing flood risk in Blue-Green Cities (2024)
Book Chapter
O’Donnell, E., Dolman, N., Everett, G., Kapetas, L., Ncube, S., & Thorne, C. (2024). Managing flood risk in Blue-Green Cities. In J. Lamond, D. Proverbs, & N. Bhattacharya Mis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Flood Risk Management (97-111). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Blue-Green Cities manage flood risk by recreating more naturally oriented water cycles in urban areas through the restoration of natural drainage channels, reduction in impervious surfaces and implementation of Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI - for ex... Read More about Managing flood risk in Blue-Green Cities.

A Passive Urban Revolution (2024)
Newspaper / Magazine
Cowan, T. (2024). A Passive Urban Revolution

This response builds on the critical insights and interventions provided here, elaborating how Subaltern Frontiers might provide a useful lens to explore the unsettled geographies of passive revolution on India’s urban frontier.

A survey of past and future changes in global river flow (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gudmundsson, L., Brunner, M., Döll, P., Fluet-Chouinard, E., Gosling, S. N., Hirabayashi, Y., Müller Schmied, H., Slater, L., Stein, L., Wasko, C., Yamazaki, D., & Zhou, X. (2024, April). A survey of past and future changes in global river flow. Presented at EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online

The Water Quality Protocol for Model Intercomparisons Under Climate Change Impacts (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Strokal, M., Micella, I., P. Bak, M., H. W. Beusen, A., Flörke, M., N. Gosling, S., Van Griensven, A., Grizzetti, B., Hofstra, N., R. Jones, E., Kroeze, C., Nkwasa, A., Troost, T., T.H. van Vliet, M., Wang, M., & Kumar, R. (2024, April). The Water Quality Protocol for Model Intercomparisons Under Climate Change Impacts. Presented at EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online