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Clinico-pathological features predicting indication to mastectomy in breast cancer patients achieving complete response after neoadjuvant therapy: a retrospective analysis of the EUSOMA database (2025)
Journal Article
Catanuto, G., Gentile, D., Martorana, F., Tomatis, M., Ponti, A., Marotti, L., Aristei, C., Cardoso, M. J., Cheung, K. L., Curigliano, G., De Vries, J., Karakatsanis, A., Santini, D., Sardanelli, F., Van Dam, P., Rubio, I. T., & EUSOMA Working Group. (2025). Clinico-pathological features predicting indication to mastectomy in breast cancer patients achieving complete response after neoadjuvant therapy: a retrospective analysis of the EUSOMA database. EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 51(6), Article 109643.

Aims: We investigated factors related to the type of surgery, i.e. mastectomy versus breast conserving surgery (BCS), in breast cancer (BC) patients with complete pathologic response in the breast (ypT0) after neoadjuvant therapy (NAT). Methods: A re... Read More about Clinico-pathological features predicting indication to mastectomy in breast cancer patients achieving complete response after neoadjuvant therapy: a retrospective analysis of the EUSOMA database.

The impact of an educational intervention on undergraduate students’ knowledge, acceptability, and willingness to pay for dapivirine vaginal ring in Nigeria's first indigenous university: a single-arm, non-randomized study (2025)
Journal Article
Isah, A., Ezenri, G., Obi, O., Okibe, N. A., Ma’aji, H. U., Ugochukwu, E. J., Eze, C. C., Amoke, C. M., Ezeodimegwu, A., Idabor, C. C., Abubakar, M. M., Iloabuchi, F., Ugwu, I. J., Asogwa, C. M., Ukwe, C. V., & Ukoha-kalu, B. O. (2025). The impact of an educational intervention on undergraduate students’ knowledge, acceptability, and willingness to pay for dapivirine vaginal ring in Nigeria's first indigenous university: a single-arm, non-randomized study. Discover Social Science and Health, 5(1), Article 8.

Background: This study aimed to assess the impact of an educational intervention on knowledge, acceptability, and willingness to pay (WTP) for dapivirine vaginal ring (DPV-VR) by undergraduate female students at the University of Nigeria (UNN). Metho... Read More about The impact of an educational intervention on undergraduate students’ knowledge, acceptability, and willingness to pay for dapivirine vaginal ring in Nigeria's first indigenous university: a single-arm, non-randomized study.

Updates and Future Directions for the Nottingham Research Programme on Primary Breast Cancer in Older Women (2025)
Journal Article
Parks, R. M., & Cheung, K.-L. (2025). Updates and Future Directions for the Nottingham Research Programme on Primary Breast Cancer in Older Women. Cancers, 17(3), Article 346.

The global population is ageing and the risk of breast cancer increases with age. Therefore, we can expect an increase in the number of cases of breast cancer worldwide in the next 20 years. Currently, there are few age-specific guidelines for the ma... Read More about Updates and Future Directions for the Nottingham Research Programme on Primary Breast Cancer in Older Women.

Chlorpyrifos Acts as a Positive Modulator and an Agonist of N-Methyl-d-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptors: A Novel Mechanism of Chlorpyrifos-Induced Neurotoxicity (2025)
Journal Article
Sherif, M. A., Carter, W. G., & Mellor, I. R. (2025). Chlorpyrifos Acts as a Positive Modulator and an Agonist of N-Methyl-d-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptors: A Novel Mechanism of Chlorpyrifos-Induced Neurotoxicity. Journal of Xenobiotics, 15(1), Article 12.

Chlorpyrifos (CPF) is a broad-spectrum organophosphate insecticide. Long-term exposure to low levels of CPF is associated with neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. The mechanisms leading to these effects are still not fully understood... Read More about Chlorpyrifos Acts as a Positive Modulator and an Agonist of N-Methyl-d-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptors: A Novel Mechanism of Chlorpyrifos-Induced Neurotoxicity.

Patient-Reported Outcomes in Geriatric Oncology—Balancing Quality of Life and Therapeutic Effectiveness Using Primary Breast Cancer as a Model (2024)
Journal Article
Francis, J., Baxter, M., Giza, D., Cheung, K.-L., & Parks, R. (2024). Patient-Reported Outcomes in Geriatric Oncology—Balancing Quality of Life and Therapeutic Effectiveness Using Primary Breast Cancer as a Model. Drugs and Aging, 42(1), 1-7.

Breast cancer remains the most prevalent cancer worldwide, necessitating advancements in its management. Surgery remains the recommended primary treatment although neoadjuvant or adjuvant treatments, such as chemotherapy, may also be indicated. Howev... Read More about Patient-Reported Outcomes in Geriatric Oncology—Balancing Quality of Life and Therapeutic Effectiveness Using Primary Breast Cancer as a Model.

Pharmacists’ knowledge, attitude and practice of HIV post-exposure prophylaxis: a cross-sectional comparative study in two Nigerian teaching hospitals (2024)
Journal Article
Isah, A., Abubakar, M. M., Igboeli, N. U., Ugochukwu, E. J., Aguiyi‑Ikeanyi, C. N., Akunne, M. O., Ma’aji, H. U., & Ukoha‑Kalu, B. O. (2024). Pharmacists’ knowledge, attitude and practice of HIV post-exposure prophylaxis: a cross-sectional comparative study in two Nigerian teaching hospitals. Discover Public Health, 21, Article 237.

Introduction Pharmacists play an important role in HIV post-exposure prophylaxis. This study compared the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) among pharmacists practicing in two Nigerian teaching hospitals.... Read More about Pharmacists’ knowledge, attitude and practice of HIV post-exposure prophylaxis: a cross-sectional comparative study in two Nigerian teaching hospitals.

Well-being interventions for emergency department staff: ‘necessary’ but ‘inadequate’ – a phenomenographic study (2024)
Journal Article
Beckham, A., & Cooper, N. (2024). Well-being interventions for emergency department staff: ‘necessary’ but ‘inadequate’ – a phenomenographic study. Emergency Medicine Journal, 42(1), 9-13.

Introduction: Stress and burnout are prevalent among emergency department (ED) staff in the UK. The concept of well-being interventions for ED staff is a growing area of interest and research worldwide. Various interventions are described in the lite... Read More about Well-being interventions for emergency department staff: ‘necessary’ but ‘inadequate’ – a phenomenographic study.

The Use of Virtual Patients to Provide Feedback On Clinical Reasoning : A Systematic Review (2024)
Journal Article
Jay, R., Sandars, J., Patel, R., Leonardi-Bee, J., Ackbarally, Y., Bandyopadhyaya, S., Faraj, D., O'Hanlon, M., Brown, J., & Wilson, E. (2025). The Use of Virtual Patients to Provide Feedback On Clinical Reasoning : A Systematic Review. Academic Medicine, 100(2), 229-238.

Purpose: Virtual patients (VPs) are increasingly used across the continuum of medical education to support the development of clinical reasoning (CR). However, the extent to which feedback is given across the components of CR is unknown, and there is... Read More about The Use of Virtual Patients to Provide Feedback On Clinical Reasoning : A Systematic Review.

Challenges and opportunities of sustained public involvement in maternal health research: a practice case study with reflections from researchers and public contributors (2024)
Journal Article
Roberts, J., Sunney, C., Ekeh, J. I., Tchuissi, C. N., Norman, R., & Spiby, H. (2024). Challenges and opportunities of sustained public involvement in maternal health research: a practice case study with reflections from researchers and public contributors. Research for All, 8(1),

It is widely agreed that collaboration with people with lived experience of specific health conditions or health services is both a moral imperative and a utility to improve research quality, validity and impact. However, there is little agreement ab... Read More about Challenges and opportunities of sustained public involvement in maternal health research: a practice case study with reflections from researchers and public contributors.

Computational prediction of a phage cocktail active against multidrug-resistant bacteria [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review] (2024)
Journal Article
Nawaz, R., Husnain, A., Arif, M. A., Hassan, Z., Ahad, A., Amat, H., Rasool, U., Shahid, M., Mehmood, U., Razzaq, A., Idrees, M., & Carter, W. G. (2024). Computational prediction of a phage cocktail active against multidrug-resistant bacteria [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. F1000Research, 13, Article 1292

Antibiotic misuse and overuse have contributed to the emergence of multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria, posing a serious public health problem across the globe. Phage cocktails, which combine multiple phages, provide an efficient method t... Read More about Computational prediction of a phage cocktail active against multidrug-resistant bacteria [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review].

The care of older patients with cancer across the United Kingdom in 2024: A narrative review by the International Society of Geriatric Oncology UK Country Group (2024)
Journal Article
Gomes, F., Farrington, N., Pearce, J., Swinson, D., Welford, J., Greystoke, A., Baxter, M., Brown-Kerr, A. G., Wyld, L., Morgan, J., Battisti, N. M. L., Barrell, A., Cobben, D., Cree, A., Johnston, M., Colquhoun, K., Phillips, I., Smith, J., Stapley, S., Lyons, L., …Cheung, K.-L. (2025). The care of older patients with cancer across the United Kingdom in 2024: A narrative review by the International Society of Geriatric Oncology UK Country Group. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 16(1), Article 102133.

The worldwide population is ageing, alongside an increase in cancer incidence rates. Over the past 10 years, there has been huge progress in the field of oncology with earlier diagnosis and an expansion of treatment options, leading to a growing numb... Read More about The care of older patients with cancer across the United Kingdom in 2024: A narrative review by the International Society of Geriatric Oncology UK Country Group.

Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in university students and support staff in Pakistan: A machine learning and statistical analysis [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review] (2024)
Journal Article
Naseem, A., Rasool, F., Haashmi, F. K., Shoaib, M. . H., & Carter, W. G. (in press). Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in university students and support staff in Pakistan: A machine learning and statistical analysis [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. F1000Research, 13, Article 1241.

Paradigmatic perspectives of research on the self-regulated learning of non-western learners in health professions education: a scoping review protocol (2024)
Journal Article
Yoosoof, F., Ihsan, F. R., Agius, S., Coulson, N., Freeman, K., & Cooper, N. (2024). Paradigmatic perspectives of research on the self-regulated learning of non-western learners in health professions education: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 23(1), 197-205.

The objective of this review will be to explore the paradigmatic perspectives of research on self-regulated learning in non-western learners in health professions education.

Studies show that there are significant cult... Read More about Paradigmatic perspectives of research on the self-regulated learning of non-western learners in health professions education: a scoping review protocol.

The role of the supervisor in self-regulated learning in the clinical environment: BEME Guide No. 89 (2024)
Journal Article
Cooper, N., Rahman, L. R., Church, H., & Agius, S. (in press). The role of the supervisor in self-regulated learning in the clinical environment: BEME Guide No. 89. Medical Teacher, 1-8.

Self-regulated learning (SRL) in medical education is important for successful learning and safe patient care. However, supervisors may be unaware of behaviours that explicitly facilitate or inhibit their students’ or residents’ SRL, th... Read More about The role of the supervisor in self-regulated learning in the clinical environment: BEME Guide No. 89.

Beyond the bedside: A scoping review of the experiences of non‐practising health care professionals in Health Professions Education (2024)
Journal Article
Church, H. R., Brown, M. E. L., Brown, M. E., Govender, L., & Clark, D. (2025). Beyond the bedside: A scoping review of the experiences of non‐practising health care professionals in Health Professions Education. Medical Education, 59(3), 272-291.

The shortage of educators within Health Professions Education (HPE) threatens the optimal training of the future health care workforce. Furthermore, without recruitment of diverse and skilled faculty, targets to expand the workforce wil... Read More about Beyond the bedside: A scoping review of the experiences of non‐practising health care professionals in Health Professions Education.

A two-tool assessment of the quality of life of patients with breast cancer using generic and disease-specific tools in a Nigerian teaching hospital (2024)
Journal Article
Isah, A., Nwachuya, C. A., Amandi, N. C., Onyehalu, J. C., Umeh, A. U., Chima, U., Aniefuna, C. V., Ugwu, D. O., Idabor, C. C., Ekwueme, V. I., Onwuakpa, C. H., Ugochukwu, E. J., Ma'aji, H. U., Jackson, I. L., Dim, O. F., & Ukoha-Kalu, B. O. (2024). A two-tool assessment of the quality of life of patients with breast cancer using generic and disease-specific tools in a Nigerian teaching hospital. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice,

Assessing the quality of life (QoL) of breast cancer (BC) patients using a triangulation of tools is crucial for understanding their well-being and tailoring specific interventions to improve their overall experience. The study assessed the QoL of BC... Read More about A two-tool assessment of the quality of life of patients with breast cancer using generic and disease-specific tools in a Nigerian teaching hospital.

improving Pain mAnagement for childreN and young people attendeD by Ambulance (PANDA): protocol for a realist review [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations] (2024)
Journal Article
Nicholls, G., Eaton, G., Ortega, M., Sumera, K., Baliousis, M., Hodgson, J., Laparidou, D., Siriwardena, A. N., Leighton, P., Redsell, S., Lord, B., Bujor, T., & Whitley, G. A. (2024). improving Pain mAnagement for childreN and young people attendeD by Ambulance (PANDA): protocol for a realist review [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. NIHR Open Research, 4, Article 42.

Each year in England, 450,000 children and young people (CYP) under 18 years of age are transported by ambulance to emergency departments. Approximately 20% of these suffer acute pain caused by illness or injury. Pain is a highly complex... Read More about improving Pain mAnagement for childreN and young people attendeD by Ambulance (PANDA): protocol for a realist review [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations].

Management and outcomes for older women with early breast cancer treated with primary endocrine therapy (PET) (2024)
Journal Article
Hubbard, T., Wright, G., Morgan, J., Martin, C., Walters, S., Cheung, K.-L., Audisio, R., Reed, M., & Wyld, L. (2024). Management and outcomes for older women with early breast cancer treated with primary endocrine therapy (PET). Breast, 77, Article 103768.

Background: This study reports the detailed management and outcomes of women treated with Primary Endocrine Therapy (PET) in a large prospective UK cohort of older women (≥70) with breast cancer. Methods: This was an unplanned secondary analysis of a... Read More about Management and outcomes for older women with early breast cancer treated with primary endocrine therapy (PET).

A mixed methods investigation into GP attitudes and experiences of using social prescribing in their practice (2024)
Journal Article
Ajibade, A., Storry, V., Sewed, C., & Hodgson, J. C. (2024). A mixed methods investigation into GP attitudes and experiences of using social prescribing in their practice. Journal of Public Health,

Social prescribing (SP) enables clinicians to signpost patients to non-medical services in the community in order to support their psycho-social needs. SP has been promoted as a positive service delivery model for primary and community care; how... Read More about A mixed methods investigation into GP attitudes and experiences of using social prescribing in their practice.