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All Outputs (12)

Produzione e circolazione del bronzo in Liguria nell’età del Ferro (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pearce, M., & Maggi, R. Produzione e circolazione del bronzo in Liguria nell’età del Ferro. Presented at LIII Riunione Scientifica: Preistoria e Protostoria della Liguria, Genoa, Italy

THE PRODUCTION AND CIRCULATION OF BRONZE IN IRON AGE LIGURIA - The paper discusses the lead isotope data available in the literature and in the OXALID online database for bronze artefacts from the Iron Age (third quarter of the 8th – beginning of the... Read More about Produzione e circolazione del bronzo in Liguria nell’età del Ferro.

La miniera di Monte Loreto dal Neolitico all’alto Medioevo (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Campana, N., Maggi, R., & Pearce, M. La miniera di Monte Loreto dal Neolitico all’alto Medioevo. Presented at LIII Riunione Scientifica: Preistoria e Protostoria della Liguria, Genoa

This paper discusses prehistoric copper mining at Monte Loreto. Work between 1996 and 2004 by the then Archaeological Superintendency of Liguria and Dept of Archaeology, University of Nottingham (UK), had two main aims:
1) in collaboration with the... Read More about La miniera di Monte Loreto dal Neolitico all’alto Medioevo.

L’età del Rame in Liguria (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Maggi, R., & Pearce, M. L’età del Rame in Liguria. Presented at LIII Riunione Scientifica: Preistoria e Protostoria della Liguria, Genoa

There is very little archaeological evidence for Copper Age material culture in Liguria. The paper begins with a review of our knowledge of: lithics, beads, pottery, copper artefacts and statue-stele. Close relations are indicated with Provence and n... Read More about L’età del Rame in Liguria.

L'atlante inedito di Chierici: gli albi e le carte di distribuzione dei ritrovamenti preistorici nel contesto europeo (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pearce, M. L'atlante inedito di Chierici: gli albi e le carte di distribuzione dei ritrovamenti preistorici nel contesto europeo. Presented at Attualità di don Gaetano Chierici: archeologo, museologo e maestro di impegno civile, Reggio Emilia, Italy

At his death in 1886, Gaetano Chierici was preparing an Atlante della paletnologia del Reggiano (Atlas of the prehistory of the province of Reggio Emilia), which he probably intended should include his unpublished Albo of 14 lithographic plates of si... Read More about L'atlante inedito di Chierici: gli albi e le carte di distribuzione dei ritrovamenti preistorici nel contesto europeo.

Aspects of urbanism in later Bronze Age northern Italy (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pearce, M. (2019, March). Aspects of urbanism in later Bronze Age northern Italy. Presented at Crossing the Alps: Early Urbanism between Northern Italy and Central Europe (900-400 BC), Milan, Italy

This paper askes the question whether towns may be said to be visible in the archaeological record of northern Italy before the Iron Age. It argues that we should not use the forms of urbanism of the Greek, Etruscan and Roman cities as criteria for i... Read More about Aspects of urbanism in later Bronze Age northern Italy.

Liguria: aperture e chiusure di un’isola fra due pianure (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Maggi, R., Binder, D., Panelli, C., Gabriele, M., Pearce, M., Rossi, S., & Rowley-Conwy, P. Liguria: aperture e chiusure di un’isola fra due pianure. Presented at LI Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Forlì

This paper discusses Neolithic and Copper Age Liguria, Braudel’s ‘island’, a mountain chain situated between the Mediterranean and the Po plain. The Neolithic colonisation of western Liguria and the Mediterranean coasts of France happened a short ti... Read More about Liguria: aperture e chiusure di un’isola fra due pianure.

Voci di Britannia: microstorie di latinizzazione (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cotugno, F. (2016, December). Voci di Britannia: microstorie di latinizzazione. Presented at Mutamento linguistico e biodiversità. Atti del XLI Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia, Perugia, Italy

In questa sede vorremmo offrire un breve excursus della situazione linguistica della Britannia romana (I e il IV secolo d.C.). La maggiore fonte di informazioni proviene da testi non-letterari scritti su tavolette cerate, a inchiostro o su lamine met... Read More about Voci di Britannia: microstorie di latinizzazione.

Roman portraiture and biometric identification (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schofield, D., Lorenz, K., Davy-Jow, S., & Anderson, M. Roman portraiture and biometric identification. Presented at Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2012)

This project utilised three-dimensional scanning technology in the study of ancient Roman art and archaeology: Roman representations of faces executed in marble.

In the cultural heritage sector, three-dimensional (3D) scanning finds its primary ap... Read More about Roman portraiture and biometric identification.

Vorsprung durch Technik: multi-display learning spaces and art-historical method (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bligh, B., & Lorenz, K. Vorsprung durch Technik: multi-display learning spaces and art-historical method. Presented at Technology and 'the death of Art History' CHArt Annual Conference

The trajectory and heuristic success of Art History as a discipline has always been inseparably linked to the technical means of visualizing the material that is at its core. When in the late 19th century first analogous, then double-slide projection... Read More about Vorsprung durch Technik: multi-display learning spaces and art-historical method.