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AutoRoot: open-source software employing a novel image analysis approach to support fully-automated plant phenotyping (2017)
Journal Article
Pound, M. P., Fozard, S., Torres Torres, M., Forde, B. G., & French, A. P. (2017). AutoRoot: open-source software employing a novel image analysis approach to support fully-automated plant phenotyping. Plant Methods, 13(1), Article 12.

Background: Computer-based phenotyping of plants has risen in importance in recent years. Whilst much software has been written to aid phenotyping using image analysis, to date the vast majority has been only semi-automatic. However, such interaction... Read More about AutoRoot: open-source software employing a novel image analysis approach to support fully-automated plant phenotyping.

Plant biology: building barriers... in roots (2017)
Journal Article
van Wangenheim, D., Goh, T., Dietrich, D., & Bennett, M. J. (2017). Plant biology: building barriers... in roots. Current Biology, 27(5), R172-R174.

The Casparian strip is an important barrier regulating water and nutrient uptake into root tissues. New research reveals two peptide signals and their co-receptors play critical roles patterning and maintaining barrier integrity.

SHR overexpression induces the formation of supernumerary cell layers with cortex cell identity in rice (2017)
Journal Article
Henry, S., Dievart, A., Divol, F., Pauluzzi, G., Meynard, D., Swarup, R., …Périn, C. (2017). SHR overexpression induces the formation of supernumerary cell layers with cortex cell identity in rice. Developmental Biology, 425(1), 1-7.

The number of root cortex cell layers varies among plants, and many species have several cortical cell layers. We recently demonstrated that the two rice orthologs of the Arabidopsis SHR gene, OsSHR1 and OsSHR2, could complement the A. thaliana shr m... Read More about SHR overexpression induces the formation of supernumerary cell layers with cortex cell identity in rice.

The impact of genetic selection on greenhouse-gas emissions in Australian dairy cattle (2017)
Journal Article
Pryce, J., & Bell, M. J. (in press). The impact of genetic selection on greenhouse-gas emissions in Australian dairy cattle. Animal Production Science,

In Australia, dairy cattle account for ~12% of the nation’s agricultural greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions. Genetic selection has had a positive impact, reducing GHG emissions from dairy systems mainly due to increased production per cow, which has led... Read More about The impact of genetic selection on greenhouse-gas emissions in Australian dairy cattle.

Impact on weight and glycaemic control in adults with diabetes attending a group- based commercial weight management programme (2017)
Journal Article
Avery, A., Nagar, R., Hillier, S., & Pallister, C. (in press). Impact on weight and glycaemic control in adults with diabetes attending a group- based commercial weight management programme. Practice Nursing, 28(2),

Healthcare professionals could work in partnership with commercial group weight management programmes (CGWMP) to help people with diabetes lose weight and improve their glycaemic control. The effect of ongoing CGWMP support on diabetes control has no... Read More about Impact on weight and glycaemic control in adults with diabetes attending a group- based commercial weight management programme.

Hypothalamic over-expression of VGF in the Siberian hamster increases energy expenditure and reduces body weight gain (2017)
Journal Article
Lewis, J. E., Brameld, J. M., Hill, P., Cocco, C., Noli, B., Ferri, G.-L., …Jethwa, P. (2017). Hypothalamic over-expression of VGF in the Siberian hamster increases energy expenditure and reduces body weight gain. PLoS ONE, 12, Article e01727.

VGF (non-acronymic) was first highlighted to have a role in energy homeostasis through experiments involving dietary manipulation in mice. Fasting increased VGF mRNA in the Arc and levels were subsequently reduced upon refeeding. This anabolic role f... Read More about Hypothalamic over-expression of VGF in the Siberian hamster increases energy expenditure and reduces body weight gain.

Allergenicity and oral tolerance of enzymatic cross-linked tropomyosin evaluated using cell and mouse models (2017)
Journal Article
Liu, G.-Y., Hu, M.-J., Sun, L.-C., Han, X.-Y., Liu, Q.-M., Alcocer, M. J., …Liu, G.-M. (in press). Allergenicity and oral tolerance of enzymatic cross-linked tropomyosin evaluated using cell and mouse models. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65(10),

The enzymatic cross-linking of proteins to form high-molecular-weight compounds may alter their sensitization potential. The IgG-/IgE-binding activity, digestibility, allergenicity, and oral tolerance of cross-linked tropomyosin with tyrosinase (CTC)... Read More about Allergenicity and oral tolerance of enzymatic cross-linked tropomyosin evaluated using cell and mouse models.

A cross-species gene expression marker-based genetic map and QTL analysis in bambara groundnut (2017)
Journal Article
Chai, H., Ho, W., Graham, N., May, S., Massawe, F., & Mayes, S. (2017). A cross-species gene expression marker-based genetic map and QTL analysis in bambara groundnut. Genes, 8(3),

Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) is an underutilised legume crop, which has long been recognised as a protein-rich and drought-tolerant crop, used extensively in Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of the study was to identify quantitative t... Read More about A cross-species gene expression marker-based genetic map and QTL analysis in bambara groundnut.

Integrating genetic maps in bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L) Verdc.] and their syntenic relationships among closely related legumes (2017)
Journal Article
Ho, W. K., Chai, H. H., Kendabie, P., Ahmad, N. S., Jani, J., Massawe, F., …Mayes, S. (2017). Integrating genetic maps in bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L) Verdc.] and their syntenic relationships among closely related legumes. BMC Genomics, 18, Article 192.

Background Bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L) Verdc.] is an indigenous legume crop grown mainly in subsistence and small-scale agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa for its nutritious seeds and its tolerance to drought and poor soils. Given that... Read More about Integrating genetic maps in bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L) Verdc.] and their syntenic relationships among closely related legumes.

Changing plastid dynamics within early root and shoot apical meristem-derived tissue of A. thaliana (2017)
Journal Article
Bramham, L., & Pyke, K. (2017). Changing plastid dynamics within early root and shoot apical meristem-derived tissue of A. thaliana. Bioscience Horizons, 10(2017),

Whilst plastids are fundamental to many aspects of plant biology and the production of enhanced crop cultivars, research into the dynamics of non-green plastids has remained somewhat disregarded by the scientific community compared to chloroplasts. T... Read More about Changing plastid dynamics within early root and shoot apical meristem-derived tissue of A. thaliana.

Using isotope dilution assays to understand speciation changes in Cd, Zn, Pb and Fe in a soil model system under simulated flooding conditions (2017)
Journal Article
Izquierdo, M., Tye, A., & Chenery, S. (2017). Using isotope dilution assays to understand speciation changes in Cd, Zn, Pb and Fe in a soil model system under simulated flooding conditions. Geoderma, 295,

Flooded soils are systems with complex chemistry and understanding the mechanisms that control the mobility and bioavailability of metals in these soils is important for their management. This work uses stable metal multi-element isotopic dilution co... Read More about Using isotope dilution assays to understand speciation changes in Cd, Zn, Pb and Fe in a soil model system under simulated flooding conditions.

Identifying seedling root architectural traits associated with yield and yield components in wheat (2017)
Journal Article
Xie, Q., Fernando, K., Mayes, S., & Sparkes, D. L. (in press). Identifying seedling root architectural traits associated with yield and yield components in wheat. Annals of Botany, 119(7),

Background and Aims: Plant roots growing underground are critical for soil resource acquisition, anchorage and plant-environment interactions. In wheat (Triticum aestivum), however, the target root traits to improve yield potential still remain large... Read More about Identifying seedling root architectural traits associated with yield and yield components in wheat.

Fetal and neonatal exposure to trans fatty acids impacts on susceptibility to atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E*3 Leiden mice (2017)
Journal Article
Salter, A. M., Langley-Evans, S. C., Gates, L., Lock, A. L., & Kraft, J. (2017). Fetal and neonatal exposure to trans fatty acids impacts on susceptibility to atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E*3 Leiden mice. British Journal of Nutrition, 117(3), 377-385.

Nutrition during pregnancy can impact on the susceptibility of the offspring to cardiovascular disease. Postnatal consumption of trans fatty acids (TFA), associated with partially hydrogenated vegetable oil (PHVO), increases the risk of atheroscleros... Read More about Fetal and neonatal exposure to trans fatty acids impacts on susceptibility to atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E*3 Leiden mice.

Elevated 5hmC levels characterize DNA of the cerebellum in Parkinson’s disease (2017)
Journal Article
Stöger, R., Scaife, P., Shephard, F., & Chakrabarti, L. (in press). Elevated 5hmC levels characterize DNA of the cerebellum in Parkinson’s disease. npj Parkinson's Disease, 3(6),

5-methylcytosine and the oxidation product 5-hydroxymethylcytosine are two prominent epigenetic variants of the cytosine base in nuclear DNA of mammalian brains. We measured levels of 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine by enzyme-linked immu... Read More about Elevated 5hmC levels characterize DNA of the cerebellum in Parkinson’s disease.

A clinical evaluation of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of intravenous alfaxalone in cyclodextrin in male and female rats following a loading dose and constant rate infusion (2017)
Journal Article
White, K. L., Paine, S., & Harris, J. (2017). A clinical evaluation of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of intravenous alfaxalone in cyclodextrin in male and female rats following a loading dose and constant rate infusion. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 44(4),

Objective: To characterise, as a clinical study, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics and describe the hypnotic effect of the neurosteroid alfaxalone (3α-hydroxy-5 α-pregnane-11, 20-dione) formulated with 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin in male a... Read More about A clinical evaluation of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of intravenous alfaxalone in cyclodextrin in male and female rats following a loading dose and constant rate infusion.

The impact of competition on elephant musth strategies: a game–theoretic model (2017)
Journal Article
Wyse, J. M., Hardy, I. C., Yon, L., & Mesterton-Gibbons, M. (in press). The impact of competition on elephant musth strategies: a game–theoretic model. Journal of Theoretical Biology,

Mature male African Savannah elephants are known to periodically enter a temporary state of heightened aggression called “musth,” often linked with increased androgens, particularly testosterone. Sexually mature males are capable of entering musth at... Read More about The impact of competition on elephant musth strategies: a game–theoretic model.

Image-based 3D canopy reconstruction to determine potential productivity in complex multi-species crop systems (2017)
Journal Article
Burgess, A. J., Retkute, R., Pound, M. P., Mayes, S., & Murchie, E. H. (2017). Image-based 3D canopy reconstruction to determine potential productivity in complex multi-species crop systems. Annals of Botany, 119(4), 517-532.

Background and Aims: Intercropping systems contain two or more species simultaneously in close proximity. Due to contrasting features of the component crops, quantification of the light environment and photosynthetic productivity is extremely difficu... Read More about Image-based 3D canopy reconstruction to determine potential productivity in complex multi-species crop systems.

Shared characteristics underpinning C 4 leaf maturation derived from analysis of multiple C 3 and C 4 species of Flaveria (2017)
Journal Article
Kümpers, B. M., Burgess, S. J., Reyna-Llorens, I., Smith-Unna, R., Boursnell, C., & Hibberd, J. M. (2017). Shared characteristics underpinning C 4 leaf maturation derived from analysis of multiple C 3 and C 4 species of Flaveria. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68(2),

Most terrestrial plants use C3 photosynthesis to fix carbon. In multiple plant lineages a modified system known as C4 photosynthesis has evolved. To better understand the molecular patterns associated with induction of C4 photosynthesis, the genus Fl... Read More about Shared characteristics underpinning C 4 leaf maturation derived from analysis of multiple C 3 and C 4 species of Flaveria.