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All Outputs (4)

Behavioural activation therapy for post-stroke depression: the BEADS feasibility RCT (2019)
Journal Article
Thomas, S. A., Drummond, A. E., Lincoln, N., Palmer, R., das Nair, R., Latimer, N. R., Hackney, G. L., Mandefield, L., Walters, S. J., Hatton, R. D., Cooper, C. L., Chater, T. F., England, T. J., Callaghan, P., Coates, E., Sutherland, K. E., Eshtan, S. J., & Topcu, G. (2019). Behavioural activation therapy for post-stroke depression: the BEADS feasibility RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 23(47),

The development and validation of the LIMPRINT methodology (2019)
Journal Article
Moffatt, C. J., Murray, S., Mercier, G., Quere, I., & Franks, P. (2019). The development and validation of the LIMPRINT methodology. Lymphatic Research and Biology, 17(2), 127-134.

The acronym Limprint stands for Lymphedema IMpact and PRevalence INTernational and was run under theauspices of the International Lymphedema Framework (ILF), a charity dedicated to improving provision of careglobally. The primary aim was to identify... Read More about The development and validation of the LIMPRINT methodology.

Conceptual framework for an episode of rehabilitative care after hip fracture surgery (2019)
Journal Article
Sheehan, K., Smith, T., Martin, F., Johansen, A., Drummond, A., Beaupre, L., Magaziner, J., Whitney, J., Hommel, A., Cameron, I., Price, I., & Sackley, C. (2019). Conceptual framework for an episode of rehabilitative care after hip fracture surgery. Physical Therapy, 99(3), 276–285.

Researchers face a challenge when evaluating the effectiveness of rehabilitation after hip fracture surgery. Reported outcomes of rehabilitation will vary depending on the endpoint of the episode of care. Evaluation at an inappropriate endpoint may s... Read More about Conceptual framework for an episode of rehabilitative care after hip fracture surgery.