Engagement in Motion: Exploring Short Term Dynamics in Page-Level Social Media Metrics
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lucas, B., Arefin, A. S., Vries, N. J. D., Berretta, R., Carlson, J., & Moscato, P. (2014, December). Engagement in Motion: Exploring Short Term Dynamics in Page-Level Social Media Metrics. Presented at 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (BdCloud), Sydney, Australia
Using page-level metrics of a randomly selected group of 15,625 among the top 100,000 Facebook check-in locations which rank high in terms of customer engagement, we explore if the short-term dynamical information on these metrics could deliver, via... Read More about Engagement in Motion: Exploring Short Term Dynamics in Page-Level Social Media Metrics.