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All Outputs (8)

Paternal undernutrition and overnutrition modify semen composition and preimplantation embryo developmental kinetics in mice (2024)
Journal Article
Morgan, H. L., Eid, N., Holmes, N., Henson, S., Wright, V., Coveney, C., Winder, C., O’Neil, D. M., Dunn, W. B., Boocock, D. J., & Watkins, A. J. (2024). Paternal undernutrition and overnutrition modify semen composition and preimplantation embryo developmental kinetics in mice. BMC Biology, 22(1), Article 207.

Background: The importance of parental diet in relation to eventual offspring health is increasing in prominence due to the increased frequency of parents of reproductive age consuming poor diets. Whilst maternal health and offspring outcome have bee... Read More about Paternal undernutrition and overnutrition modify semen composition and preimplantation embryo developmental kinetics in mice.

Sub-optimal paternal diet at the time of mating disrupts maternal adaptations to pregnancy in the late gestation mouse (2024)
Journal Article
Khoshkerdar, A., Eid, N., Batra, V., Baker, N., Holmes, N., Henson, S., Sang, F., Wright, V., McLaren, J., Shakesheff, K., Woad, K. J., Morgan, H. L., & Watkins, A. J. (2024). Sub-optimal paternal diet at the time of mating disrupts maternal adaptations to pregnancy in the late gestation mouse. Nutrients, 16(12), Article 1879.

Pregnancy represents a stage during which maternal physiology and homeostatic regulation undergo dramatic change and adaptation. The fundamental purpose of these adaptations is to ensure the survival of her offspring through adequate nutrient provisi... Read More about Sub-optimal paternal diet at the time of mating disrupts maternal adaptations to pregnancy in the late gestation mouse.

A genomic toolkit for winged bean Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (2024)
Journal Article
Ho, W. K., Tanzi, A. S., Sang, F., Tsoutsoura, N., Shah, N., Moore, C., Bhosale, R., Wright, V., Massawe, F., & Mayes, S. (2024). A genomic toolkit for winged bean Psophocarpus tetragonolobus. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 1901.

A sustainable supply of plant protein is critical for future generations and needs to be achieved while reducing green house gas emissions from agriculture and increasing agricultural resilience in the face of climate volatility. Agricultural diversi... Read More about A genomic toolkit for winged bean Psophocarpus tetragonolobus.

Paternal low protein diet perturbs inter-generational metabolic homeostasis in a tissue-specific manner in mice (2022)
Journal Article
Morgan, H. L., Furse, S., Dias, I. H. K., Shabir, K., Castellanos, M., Khan, I., May, S. T., Holmes, N., Carlile, M., Sang, F., Wright, V., Koulman, A., & Watkins, A. J. (2022). Paternal low protein diet perturbs inter-generational metabolic homeostasis in a tissue-specific manner in mice. Communications Biology, 5(1), Article 929.

The underlying mechanisms driving paternally-programmed metabolic disease in offspring remain poorly defined. We fed male C57BL/6 mice either a control normal protein diet (NPD; 18% protein) or an isocaloric low protein diet (LPD; 9% protein) for a m... Read More about Paternal low protein diet perturbs inter-generational metabolic homeostasis in a tissue-specific manner in mice.

The quorum sensing system of Yersinia enterocolitica 8081 regulates swimming motility, host cell attachment, and virulence plasmid maintenance (2018)
Journal Article
Ng, Y.-K., Grasso, M., Wright, V., Garcia, V., Williams, P., & Atkinson, S. (2018). The quorum sensing system of Yersinia enterocolitica 8081 regulates swimming motility, host cell attachment, and virulence plasmid maintenance. Genes, 9(6), Article 307.

Although Yersinia enterocolitica genomes are highly heterogeneous, they contain a conserved N-acylhomoserine lactone-dependent (AHL) quorum sensing (QS) system consisting of the luxR and luxI orthologs yenR and yenI respectively. Certain hypervirulen... Read More about The quorum sensing system of Yersinia enterocolitica 8081 regulates swimming motility, host cell attachment, and virulence plasmid maintenance.

Genome-wide mapping of the RNA targets of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa riboregulatory protein RsmN (2018)
Journal Article
Romero, M., Silistre, H., Lovelock, L., Wright, V. J., Kok, G.-C., Kar-Wai, H., Williams, P., Cámara, M., & Heeb, S. (2018). Genome-wide mapping of the RNA targets of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa riboregulatory protein RsmN. Nucleic Acids Research, 46(13), 6823-6840.

Pseudomonads typically carry multiple non-identical alleles of the post-transcriptional regulator rsmA. In P. aeruginosa, RsmN is notable in that its structural rearrangement confers distinct and overlapping functions with RsmA. However, little is k... Read More about Genome-wide mapping of the RNA targets of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa riboregulatory protein RsmN.

Identification of gene modules associated with low temperatures response in Bambara groundnut by network-based analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Bonthala, V. S., Mayes, S., Moreton, J., Blythe, M. J., Wright, V., May, S., Massawe, F., Mayes, S., & Twycross, J. (2016). Identification of gene modules associated with low temperatures response in Bambara groundnut by network-based analysis. PLoS ONE, 11(2), Article e0148771.

Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) is an African legume and is a promising underutilized crop with good seed nutritional values. Low temperature stress in a number of African countries at night, such as Botswana, can effect the growth... Read More about Identification of gene modules associated with low temperatures response in Bambara groundnut by network-based analysis.

A novel virulence strategy for Pseudomonas aeruginosa mediated by an autotransporter with arginine-specific aminopeptidase activity (2012)
Journal Article
Luckett, J., Darch, O., Watters, C., AbuOun, M., Wright, V., Paredes-Osses, E., Ward, J., Goto, H., Heeb, S., Pommier, S., Rumbaugh, K. P., Cámara, M., & Hardie, K. R. (2012). A novel virulence strategy for Pseudomonas aeruginosa mediated by an autotransporter with arginine-specific aminopeptidase activity. PLoS Pathogens, 8(8), Article e1002854.

The opportunistic human pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is a major cause of infections in chronic wounds, burns and the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients. The P. aeruginosa genome encodes at least three proteins exhibiting the characteristic three... Read More about A novel virulence strategy for Pseudomonas aeruginosa mediated by an autotransporter with arginine-specific aminopeptidase activity.