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All Outputs (3)

Exploring relationships between museum artefacts through spatial interaction (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ali, S., Bedwell, B., & Koleva, B. (2018, September). Exploring relationships between museum artefacts through spatial interaction. Presented at NordiCHI'18: Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Oslo, Norway

We propose a novel approach, which involves visitors physically manipulating visual representations of artefacts and scanning with their mobile phone different groups or sequences of items in order to reveal digital information about their relationsh... Read More about Exploring relationships between museum artefacts through spatial interaction.

Deepening visitor engagement with museum exhibits through hand-crafted visual markers (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ali, S., Koleva, B., Bedwell, B., & Benford, S. (2018, June). Deepening visitor engagement with museum exhibits through hand-crafted visual markers. Presented at 2018 Designing Interactive Systems Conference DIS '18, Hong Kong, China

Visual markers, in particular QR codes, have become widely adopted in museums to enable low cost interactive applications. However, visitors often do not engage with them. In this paper we explore the application of visual makers that can be designed... Read More about Deepening visitor engagement with museum exhibits through hand-crafted visual markers.

Finding information about mental health in microblogging platforms: a case study of depression (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wilson, M. L., Ali, S. A., & Valstar, M. F. (2014, August). Finding information about mental health in microblogging platforms: a case study of depression. Presented at 5th Information Interaction in Context Symposium (IIiX'14), Regensburg, Germany

Searching for online health information has been well studied in web search, but social media, such as public microblogging services, are well known for different types of tacit information: personal experience and shared information. Finding useful... Read More about Finding information about mental health in microblogging platforms: a case study of depression.