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All Outputs (25)

Detection of T. urartu introgressions in wheat and development of a panel of interspecific introgression lines (2018)
Journal Article
Grewal, S., Edwards, S. H., Yang, C.-Y., Scholefield, D., Ashling, S., Burridge, A., Wilkinson, P. A., King, I. P., & King, J. (2018). Detection of T. urartu introgressions in wheat and development of a panel of interspecific introgression lines. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, Article 1565.

Tritcum urartu (2n = 2x = 14, AuAu), the A genome donor of wheat, is an important source for new genetic variation for wheat improvement due to its high photosynthetic rate and disease resistance. By facilitating the generation of genome-wide introgr... Read More about Detection of T. urartu introgressions in wheat and development of a panel of interspecific introgression lines.

Introgression of Aegilops speltoides segements in Triticum aestivum and the effect of the gametocidal genes (2017)
Journal Article
King, J., Grewal, S., Yang, C., Hubbart Edwards, S., Scholefield, D., Ashling, S., Harper, J., Allen, A. M., Edwards, K. J., Burridge, A., & King, I. P. (2018). Introgression of Aegilops speltoides segements in Triticum aestivum and the effect of the gametocidal genes. Annals of Botany, 121(12),

• Background and Aims Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) has been through a severe genetic bottleneck as a result of its evolution and domestication. It is therefore essential that new sources of genetic variation are generated and utilized. This study... Read More about Introgression of Aegilops speltoides segements in Triticum aestivum and the effect of the gametocidal genes.

Characterisation of Thinopyrum bessarabicum chromosomes through genome-wide introgressions into wheat (2017)
Journal Article
Grewal, S., Yang, C., Hubbart Edwards, S., Scholefield, D., Ashling, S., Burridge, A., King, I. P., & King, J. (2018). Characterisation of Thinopyrum bessarabicum chromosomes through genome-wide introgressions into wheat. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 131(2), 389–406.

Thinopyrum bessarabicum (2n = 2x = 14, JJ) is an important source for new genetic variation for wheat improvement due to its salinity tolerance and disease resistance. Its practical utilisation in wheat improvement can be facilitated through developm... Read More about Characterisation of Thinopyrum bessarabicum chromosomes through genome-wide introgressions into wheat.

Comparative mapping and targeted-capture sequencing of the gametocidal loci in Aegilops sharonensis (2017)
Journal Article
Grewal, S., Gardiner, L.-J., Ndreca, B., Knight, E., Moore, G., King, I. P., & King, J. (2017). Comparative mapping and targeted-capture sequencing of the gametocidal loci in Aegilops sharonensis. Plant Genome, The, 10(2),

Gametocidal (Gc) chromosomes or elements in species such as Aegilops sharonensis are preferentially transmitted to the next generation through both the male and female gametes when introduced into wheat. Furthermore, any genes, e.g. genes that contro... Read More about Comparative mapping and targeted-capture sequencing of the gametocidal loci in Aegilops sharonensis.

A step change in the transfer of interspecific variation into wheat from Amblyopyrum muticum (2016)
Journal Article
King, J., Grewal, S., Yang, C.-Y., Hubbart, S., Scholefield, D., Ashling, S., Edwards, K. J., Allen, A. M., Burridge, A., Bloor, C., Davassi, A., da Silva, G. J., Chalmers, K., & King, I. P. (2017). A step change in the transfer of interspecific variation into wheat from Amblyopyrum muticum. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 15(2), 217-226.

Despite some notable successes, only a fraction of the genetic variation available in wild relatives has been utilized to produce superior wheat varieties. This is as a direct result of the lack of availability of suitable high-throughput technologie... Read More about A step change in the transfer of interspecific variation into wheat from Amblyopyrum muticum.