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All Outputs (158)

Talking about sex after traumatic brain injury: perceptions and experiences of multidisciplinary rehabilitation professionals (2013)
Journal Article
Dyer, K., & das Nair, R. (2013). Talking about sex after traumatic brain injury: perceptions and experiences of multidisciplinary rehabilitation professionals. Disability and Rehabilitation, 36(17),

Purpose: Research indicates that although 50–60% of people who have had a traumatic brain injury (TBI) experience changes in sexual functioning, sexuality issues remain largely unaddressed in rehabilitation. This study aimed to explore rehabilitation... Read More about Talking about sex after traumatic brain injury: perceptions and experiences of multidisciplinary rehabilitation professionals.

The psychological impact of the unpredictability of multiple sclerosis: a qualitative literature meta-synthesis (2013)
Journal Article
Rose, H., & das Nair, R. (in press). The psychological impact of the unpredictability of multiple sclerosis: a qualitative literature meta-synthesis. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 9(4),

Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological conditioncharacterised by an unpredictable nature. This characteristic is reported to be the largest challenge for individuals with the condition. Chronic illness literature highlights the psychol... Read More about The psychological impact of the unpredictability of multiple sclerosis: a qualitative literature meta-synthesis.

Same-sex sexual identity development in an Indian context (2013)
Journal Article
Kumar Pandya, A., Pandya, S., & das Nair, R. (2013). Same-sex sexual identity development in an Indian context. Psychology of Sexualities Section Review, 4(1),

One of the challenges of writing a chapter on inter sectionality, with a specific emphasis on sexuality and ethnicity, is that specificity distorts the ideal of inter sectionality, which seeks to see people as multiple composites of identities, not s... Read More about Same-sex sexual identity development in an Indian context.

The experience of living with knee osteoarthritis: exploring illness and treatment beliefs through thematic analysis (2013)
Journal Article
Pouli, N., das Nair, R., Lincoln, N., & Walsh, D. A. (2013). The experience of living with knee osteoarthritis: exploring illness and treatment beliefs through thematic analysis. Disability and Rehabilitation, 36(7),

Purpose: Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a major cause of disability in older adults. However, there is limited research on the daily experience of living with knee OA. We aimed to offer insight into the beliefs of patients with knee OA about their illne... Read More about The experience of living with knee osteoarthritis: exploring illness and treatment beliefs through thematic analysis.

Female-perpetrated sexual abuse: a review of victim and professional perspectives (2013)
Journal Article
Clements, H., Dawson, D. L., & das Nair, R. (2013). Female-perpetrated sexual abuse: a review of victim and professional perspectives. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 20(2),

Professional attitudes towards female-perpetrated sexual abuse (FPSA) reportedly reflect the gender-role expectations found in broader society, which cast males almost exclusively as sexual aggressors or willing sexual recipients, females as sexually... Read More about Female-perpetrated sexual abuse: a review of victim and professional perspectives.

The effectiveness of memory rehabilitation following neurological disabilities: a qualitative inquiry of patient perspectives (2013)
Journal Article
das Nair, R., & Lincoln, N. (2013). The effectiveness of memory rehabilitation following neurological disabilities: a qualitative inquiry of patient perspectives. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 23(4),

The evidence for the effectiveness of memory rehabilitation following neurological conditions, mainly studied through quantitative methodologies, has been equivocal. This study aimed to examine feedback from participants who had been through a random... Read More about The effectiveness of memory rehabilitation following neurological disabilities: a qualitative inquiry of patient perspectives.

Clinical psychology in haemoglobinopathies: cost effective pathways to funding (2013)
Journal Article
Lloyd, J., das Nair, R., & Mackinlay, D. (2013). Clinical psychology in haemoglobinopathies: cost effective pathways to funding. Clinical Psychology Forum, 242,

This article describes a service evaluation which was used as evidence in a bidfor clinical psychology funding in haemoglobinopathies. We present the approach as a promising framework for securing funding in this difficult financial climate. SICKLE C... Read More about Clinical psychology in haemoglobinopathies: cost effective pathways to funding.

A comparison of the content of memory rehabilitation groups for patients with neurological disabilities (2012)
Journal Article
O'Brien, M. C., das Nair, R., & Lincoln, N. (2012). A comparison of the content of memory rehabilitation groups for patients with neurological disabilities. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 23(3),

The aim of the study was to compare the fidelity of manualised group memory rehabilitation programmes for participants with neurological disabilities. A sample of 11 neurological patients with memory problems, enrolled in a ran¬domised controlled tri... Read More about A comparison of the content of memory rehabilitation groups for patients with neurological disabilities.

Politics of desire: exploring the ethnicity/sexuality intersectionality in south asian and east asian men who have sex with men (MSM) (2012)
Journal Article
das Nair, R., & Thomas, S. A. (2012). Politics of desire: exploring the ethnicity/sexuality intersectionality in south asian and east asian men who have sex with men (MSM). Psychology of Sexualities Section Review, 3(1),

Intersectionality’ has been used to interrupt dominant discourse surrounding LGB experiences, and has exposed their heterogeneity. Complexities of negotiating desire within a matrix of race/ethnicity and sexuality in South and East Asian men who have... Read More about Politics of desire: exploring the ethnicity/sexuality intersectionality in south asian and east asian men who have sex with men (MSM).

Service-users’ experiences of an early intervention in psychosis service: an interpretative phenomenological analysis (2012)
Journal Article
Harris, K., Collinson, C., & das Nair, R. (2012). Service-users’ experiences of an early intervention in psychosis service: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 85(4),

OBJECTIVES: Previous research regarding Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) services has mainly adopted quantitative methodologies, in order to study the effectiveness of EIP services. Research studies that have explored service-users' experiences... Read More about Service-users’ experiences of an early intervention in psychosis service: an interpretative phenomenological analysis.

An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the patient experience of awake craniotomy: brain tumour diagnosis to discharge (2012)
Journal Article
Fletcher, K. J., das Nair, R., Macniven, J. A., Basu, S., & Byrne, P. (2012). An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the patient experience of awake craniotomy: brain tumour diagnosis to discharge. British Journal of Health Psychology, 17(4),

Objectives. Previous research exploring the patient experience of awake craniotomy (AC) has yielded contrasting accounts. The current study aimed to explore the lived experience of having undergone an AC in the United Kingdom.

Design. This was a q... Read More about An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the patient experience of awake craniotomy: brain tumour diagnosis to discharge.

Evaluation of Rehabilitation of Memory in Neurological Disabilities (ReMiND): a randomized controlled trial (2012)
Journal Article
das Nair, R., & Lincoln, N. (in press). Evaluation of Rehabilitation of Memory in Neurological Disabilities (ReMiND): a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 26(10),

OBJECTIVE:The evidence for the effectiveness of memory rehabilitation is inconclusive. The aim was to compare the effectiveness of two group memory rehabilitation programmes with a self-help group control.
DESIGN:Single-blind randomized controlled t... Read More about Evaluation of Rehabilitation of Memory in Neurological Disabilities (ReMiND): a randomized controlled trial.

Rasch analysis of the Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living Scale (2011)
Journal Article
das Nair, R., Moreton, B., & Lincoln, N. (2011). Rasch analysis of the Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living Scale. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 43(10),

Background and purpose: The Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living (EADL) Scale is frequently used in clinical practice and research in rehabilitation to assess patients’ independence in activities of daily living. Summative scores are used f... Read More about Rasch analysis of the Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living Scale.

An interpretative phenomenological analysis of posttraumatic growth in adults bereaved by suicide (2011)
Journal Article
Smith, A., Joseph, S., & das Nair, R. (in press). An interpretative phenomenological analysis of posttraumatic growth in adults bereaved by suicide. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 16(5),

This study explored experiences of posttraumatic growth in adults bereaved by suicide. Six participants were interviewed using a semi-structured interview schedule. Transcribed interviews were analyzed from an interpretative phenomenological framewor... Read More about An interpretative phenomenological analysis of posttraumatic growth in adults bereaved by suicide.

Editorial – Using sexual identity labels to move beyond them (2010)
Journal Article
das Nair, R. (2010). Editorial – Using sexual identity labels to move beyond them. Psychology of Sexualities Section Review, 1(1),

This is the first issue of the Psychology of Sexualities Review. As mentioned in my previous Editorial, this change in name reflects the change made to the Section’s name, following a ballot of the Section’s membership. I trust that the papers in thi... Read More about Editorial – Using sexual identity labels to move beyond them.

Outcome measurement in cognitive neurorehabilitation (2010)
Book Chapter
Lincoln, N., & das Nair, R. (2010). Outcome measurement in cognitive neurorehabilitation. In D. T. Stuss, G. Winocur, & I. H. Robertson (Eds.), Cognitive neurorehabilitation : evidence and application. Cambridge University Press.

Introduction: The aim of this chapter is to consider the criteria for selecting outcome measures for evaluating the effects of cognitive neurorehabilitation. The International Classification of Function, Disability and Health (ICF) (World Health Orga... Read More about Outcome measurement in cognitive neurorehabilitation.

Cognitive rehabilitation for memory deficits following stroke (2007)
Journal Article
das Nair, R., & Lincoln, N. (2007). Cognitive rehabilitation for memory deficits following stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3, Article CD0022.


Memory problems are a common cognitive complaint following stroke. Memory rehabilitation programmes either attempt to retrain lost or poor memory functions, or teach patients strategies to cope with them.


To determi... Read More about Cognitive rehabilitation for memory deficits following stroke.