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All Outputs (204)

Focus variation measurement of metal additively manufactured surfaces (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Newton, L., Senin, N., & Leach, R. (2018, July). Focus variation measurement of metal additively manufactured surfaces. Paper presented at 2018 ASPE and euspen Summer Topical Meeting Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing

Band gap behavior of optimal one-dimensional composite structures with an additive manufactured stiffener (2018)
Journal Article
Ampatzidis, T., Leach, R. K., Tuck, C., & Chronopoulos, D. (2018). Band gap behavior of optimal one-dimensional composite structures with an additive manufactured stiffener. Composites Part B: Engineering, 153,

In this work, the banded behaviour of composite one-dimensional structures with an additive manufactured stiffener is examined. A finite element method is used to calculate the stiffness, mass and damping matrices, and periodic structure theory is us... Read More about Band gap behavior of optimal one-dimensional composite structures with an additive manufactured stiffener.

Error modelling and validation of a high-precision five degree of freedom hybrid mechanism for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations (2018)
Journal Article
Karim, S., Piano, S., Leach, R. K., & Tolley, M. (2018). Error modelling and validation of a high-precision five degree of freedom hybrid mechanism for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations. Precision Engineering, 54, 182-197.

The accuracy, repeatability and speed requirements of high-power laser operations demand the employment of five degree of freedom motion control solutions that are capable of positioning and orientating the target with respect to the laser(s)-target... Read More about Error modelling and validation of a high-precision five degree of freedom hybrid mechanism for high-power high-repetition rate laser operations.

A programmable software framework for the generation of simulated surface topography (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Todhunter, L. D., Senin, N., Leach, R., Lawes, S., Blateyron, F., & Harris, P. A programmable software framework for the generation of simulated surface topography. Presented at euspen 18th International Conference & Exhibition

A flexible and programmable software framework has been developed that enables the creation of simulated, areal surface topography datasets. The framework allows the creation of surfaces through a layered approach where deterministic topographic stru... Read More about A programmable software framework for the generation of simulated surface topography.

The effects of vibration on fringe projection systems (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bointon, P., Todhunter, L., Stavroulakis, P., Clare, A., & Leach, R. The effects of vibration on fringe projection systems. Presented at euspen’s 18th International Conference & Exhibition

Mechanical vibration noise is a significant source of error in precision measuring instruments. Errors due to vibration can be detected in measurement signals, and so methods to control mechanical vibration must be considered throughout the design pr... Read More about The effects of vibration on fringe projection systems.

Lateral error compensation for focus variation microscopy (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pérez, P., Syam, W. P., Albajez, J. A., Santolaria, J., & Leach, R. Lateral error compensation for focus variation microscopy. Presented at 18th EUSPEN International Conference & Exhibition

Focus variation microscopy measures both the areal form and areal surface texture of components. Improvements to the accuracy and precision of focus variation microscopes usually requires measurements with multiple image-fields to compensate lateral... Read More about Lateral error compensation for focus variation microscopy.

Feature-based characterisation of evolving surface topographies in finishing operations for additive manufacturing (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Newton, L., Senin, N., Smith, B., & Leach, R. (2018, June). Feature-based characterisation of evolving surface topographies in finishing operations for additive manufacturing. Paper presented at 18th International Conference and Exhibition (euspan)

Finishing operations play a fundamental role in the additive manufacture of components. Conventional surface metrology solutions allow for the characterisation of surface roughness through texture parameters, but are not fully suitable to capture the... Read More about Feature-based characterisation of evolving surface topographies in finishing operations for additive manufacturing.

Photogrammetric coordinate metrology (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sims-Waterhouse, D., Piano, S., & Leach, R. (2018, June). Photogrammetric coordinate metrology. Paper presented at euspen 18th International Conference & Exhibition

Effects of vibration on fringe projection systems (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bointon, P., Todhunter, L., Stavroulakis, P., Clare, A., & Leach, R. (2018, June). Effects of vibration on fringe projection systems. Paper presented at euspen 18th International Conference & Exhibition

Fast and cost-effective in-process defect inspection for printed electronics based on coherent optical processing (2018)
Journal Article
Feng, X., Su, R., Happonen, T., Liu, J., & Leach, R. (2018). Fast and cost-effective in-process defect inspection for printed electronics based on coherent optical processing. Optics Express, 26(11),

This paper presents an all-optical difference engine (AODE) sensor for detecting the defects in printed electronics produced with roll-to-roll processes. The sensor is based on the principle of coherent optical subtraction and is able to achieve high... Read More about Fast and cost-effective in-process defect inspection for printed electronics based on coherent optical processing.

A self-calibration rotational stitching method for precision measurement of revolving surfaces (2018)
Journal Article
Liu, M., Cheung, C., Feng, X., Wang, C., & Leach, R. (in press). A self-calibration rotational stitching method for precision measurement of revolving surfaces. Precision Engineering,

When measuring revolving objects, it is often desired to obtain not only the geometrical form of the workpiece, but also the topography of the surface, as they both affect the performance of the part. However, holistic measurement of the entire three... Read More about A self-calibration rotational stitching method for precision measurement of revolving surfaces.

Fusion of photogrammetry and coherence scanning interferometry data for all-optical coordinate measurement (2018)
Journal Article
Leach, R., Sims-Waterhouse, D., Medeossi, F., Savio, E., Carmignato, S., & Su, R. (2018). Fusion of photogrammetry and coherence scanning interferometry data for all-optical coordinate measurement. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 67(1), 599-602.

Multisensor data fusion is an approach to enlarge the potential applicability of measuring techniques and improve accuracy, taking advantage of the strengths of different techniques. In this work, we present a new method for the fusion of photogramme... Read More about Fusion of photogrammetry and coherence scanning interferometry data for all-optical coordinate measurement.

Hierarchical-information-based characterization of multiscale structured surfaces (2018)
Journal Article
Cheung, C. F., Liu, M., Leach, R., Feng, X., & Zhao, C. (2018). Hierarchical-information-based characterization of multiscale structured surfaces. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 67(1), 539-542.

© 2018 This paper presents a hierarchical-information-based characterization method for multiscale structured surfaces. The method makes use of a priori information of the multiscale surface and a hierarchical segmentation–registration (HSR) algorith... Read More about Hierarchical-information-based characterization of multiscale structured surfaces.

Effects of magnification and sampling resolution in X-ray computed tomography for the measurement of additively manufactured metal surfaces (2018)
Journal Article
Thompson, A., Senin, N., Maskery, I., & Leach, R. (2018). Effects of magnification and sampling resolution in X-ray computed tomography for the measurement of additively manufactured metal surfaces. Precision Engineering, 53,

Recent studies have shown that X-ray computed tomography (XCT) can be used to measure the surface topography of additively manufactured parts. However, further research is necessary to fully understand XCT measurement performance. Here, we show how m... Read More about Effects of magnification and sampling resolution in X-ray computed tomography for the measurement of additively manufactured metal surfaces.

Lateral scale calibration for focus variation microscopy (2018)
Journal Article
Alburayt, A., Syam, W. P., & Leach, R. (in press). Lateral scale calibration for focus variation microscopy. Measurement Science and Technology, 29(6),

Areal surface texture measuring instruments can be calibrated by determining a set of metrological characteristics currently in the final stages of standardisation. In this paper, amplification, linearity and perpendicularity characteristics have bee... Read More about Lateral scale calibration for focus variation microscopy.