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All Outputs (46)

Understanding the regulation of chronic wounds by tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases through mathematical modelling (2025)
Journal Article
Dari, S., O'Dea, R. D., & Fadai, N. T. (2025). Understanding the regulation of chronic wounds by tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases through mathematical modelling. Journal of Theoretical Biology, Article 112083.

Understanding the biochemistry and pharmacodynamics of chronic wounds is of key importance, due to the millions of people in the UK affected and the significant cost to the NHS. Chronic wounds are characterised by elevated concentrations of matrix me... Read More about Understanding the regulation of chronic wounds by tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases through mathematical modelling.

Whole brain functional connectivity: Insights from next generation neural mass modelling incorporating electrical synapses (2024)
Journal Article
Forrester, M., Petros, S., Cattell, O., Lai, Y. M., O’Dea, R. D., Sotiropoulos, S., & Coombes, S. (2024). Whole brain functional connectivity: Insights from next generation neural mass modelling incorporating electrical synapses. PLoS Computational Biology, 20(12), Article e1012647.

The ready availability of brain connectome data has both inspired and facilitated the modelling of whole brain activity using networks of phenomenological neural mass models that can incorporate both interaction strength and tract length between brai... Read More about Whole brain functional connectivity: Insights from next generation neural mass modelling incorporating electrical synapses.

Whole brain functional connectivity: Insights from next generation neural mass modelling incorporating electrical synapses (2024)
Journal Article
Forrester, M., Petros, S., Cattell, O., Lai, Y. M., ODea, R. D., Sotiropoulos, S., & Coombes, S. (2024). Whole brain functional connectivity: Insights from next generation neural mass modelling incorporating electrical synapses. PLoS Computational Biology, 20(December),

The ready availability of brain connectome data has both inspired and facilitated the modelling of whole brain activity using networks of phenomenological neural mass models that can incorporate both interaction strength and tract length between brai... Read More about Whole brain functional connectivity: Insights from next generation neural mass modelling incorporating electrical synapses.

Describing financial crisis propagation through epidemic modelling on multiplex networks (2024)
Journal Article
Bozhidarova, M., Ball, F., van Gennip, Y., O'Dea, R. D., & Stupfler, G. (2024). Describing financial crisis propagation through epidemic modelling on multiplex networks. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 480(2287), Article 20230787.

This paper proposes a novel framework for modelling the spread of financial crises in complex networks, combining financial data, Extreme Value Theory and an epidemiological transmission model. We accommodate two key aspects of contagion modelling: f... Read More about Describing financial crisis propagation through epidemic modelling on multiplex networks.

Stability analysis of electrical microgrids and their control systems (2024)
Journal Article
Smith, O., Coombes, S., & O'Dea, R. D. (2024). Stability analysis of electrical microgrids and their control systems. PRX Energy, 3(1), Article 013011.

The drive towards renewable energy generation is causing fundamental changes in both the structure and dynamics of power grids. Their topology is becoming increasingly decentralised due to distributed, embedded generation, and the emergence of microg... Read More about Stability analysis of electrical microgrids and their control systems.

A dynamical model of TGF-β activation in asthmatic airways (2023)
Journal Article
Pybus, H. J., O’dea, R. D., & Brook, B. S. (2023). A dynamical model of TGF-β activation in asthmatic airways. Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 40(3), 238-265.

Excessive activation of the regulatory cytokine transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) via contraction of airway smooth muscle (ASM) is associated with the development of asthma. In this study, we develop an ordinary differential equation model that de... Read More about A dynamical model of TGF-β activation in asthmatic airways.

Differential remodelling in small and large murine airways revealed by novel whole lung airway analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Tatler, A. L., Philp, C. J., Hill, M. R., Cox, S., Bullock, A. M., John, A., Middlewick, R., Stephenson, K. E., Goodwin, A. T., Billington, C. K., O'Dea, R. D., Johnson, S. R., & Brook, B. S. (2023). Differential remodelling in small and large murine airways revealed by novel whole lung airway analysis. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 324(3), L271-L284.

Airway remodelling occurs in chronic asthma leading to increased airway smooth muscle (ASM) mass and extra-cellular matrix (ECM) deposition. Whilst extensively studied in murine airways, studies report only selected larger airways at one time point m... Read More about Differential remodelling in small and large murine airways revealed by novel whole lung airway analysis.

Structure-function clustering in weighted brain networks (2022)
Journal Article
Crofts, J. J., Forrester, M., Coombes, S., & O’Dea, R. D. (2022). Structure-function clustering in weighted brain networks. Scientific Reports, 12(1), Article 16793.

Functional networks, which typically describe patterns of activity taking place across the cerebral cortex, are widely studied in neuroscience. The dynamical features of these networks, and in particular their deviation from the relatively static str... Read More about Structure-function clustering in weighted brain networks.

Travelling-Wave and Asymptotic Analysis of a Multiphase Moving Boundary Model for Engineered Tissue Growth (2022)
Journal Article
Jepson, J. M., Fadai, N. T., & O’Dea, R. D. (2022). Travelling-Wave and Asymptotic Analysis of a Multiphase Moving Boundary Model for Engineered Tissue Growth. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 84(8), Article 87.

We derive a multiphase, moving boundary model to represent the development of tissue in vitro in a porous tissue engineering scaffold. We consider a cell, extra-cellular liquid and a rigid scaffold phase, and adopt Darcy’s law to relate the velocity... Read More about Travelling-Wave and Asymptotic Analysis of a Multiphase Moving Boundary Model for Engineered Tissue Growth.

The effect of renewable energy incorporation on power grid stability and resilience (2022)
Journal Article
Smith, O., Cattell, O., Farcot, E., O'Dea, R. D., & Hopcraft, K. I. (2022). The effect of renewable energy incorporation on power grid stability and resilience. Science Advances, 8(9), Article eabj6734.

Contemporary proliferation of renewable power generation is causing an overhaul in the topology, composition, and dynamics of electrical grids. These low-output, intermittent generators are widely distributed throughout the grid, including at the hou... Read More about The effect of renewable energy incorporation on power grid stability and resilience.

Parameter estimation in fluorescence recovery after photobleaching: Quantitative analysis of protein binding reactions and diffusion (2021)
Journal Article
Williamson, D. E., Sahai, E., Jenkins, R. P., O'Dea, R. D., & King, J. R. (2021). Parameter estimation in fluorescence recovery after photobleaching: Quantitative analysis of protein binding reactions and diffusion. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 83, Article 1.

Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is a common experimental method for investigating rates of molecular redistribution in biological systems. Many mathematical models of FRAP have been developed, the purpose of which is usually the est... Read More about Parameter estimation in fluorescence recovery after photobleaching: Quantitative analysis of protein binding reactions and diffusion.

An optogenetic method for interrogating YAP1 and TAZ nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling (2021)
Journal Article
Dowbaj, A. M., Jenkins, R. P., Williamson, D., Heddleston, J. M., Ciccarelli, A., Fallesen, T., Hahn, K. M., O'Dea, R. D., King, J. R., Montagner, M., & Sahai, E. (2021). An optogenetic method for interrogating YAP1 and TAZ nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling. Journal of Cell Science, 134(13), Article 5520657.

The shuttling of transcription factors and transcriptional regulators into and out of the nucleus is central to the regulation of many biological processes. Here we describe a new method for studying the rates of nuclear entry and exit of transcripti... Read More about An optogenetic method for interrogating YAP1 and TAZ nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling.

Reduced biomechanical models for precision-cut lung-slice stretching experiments (2021)
Journal Article
Pybus, H. J., Tatler, A. L., Edgar, L. T., O’Dea, R. D., & Brook, B. S. (2021). Reduced biomechanical models for precision-cut lung-slice stretching experiments. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 82(5), Article 35.

Precision-cut lung-slices (PCLS), in which viable airways embedded within lung parenchyma are stretched or induced to contract, are a widely used ex vivo assay to investigate bronchoconstriction and, more recently, mechanical activation of proremodel... Read More about Reduced biomechanical models for precision-cut lung-slice stretching experiments.

Reinforcement Learning approaches to hippocampus-dependent flexible spatial navigation (2021)
Journal Article
Bast, T., Coombes, S., O’Dea, R., & Tessereau, C. (2021). Reinforcement Learning approaches to hippocampus-dependent flexible spatial navigation. Brain and Neuroscience Advances, 5,

Humans and non-human animals show great flexibility in spatial navigation, including the ability to return to specific locations based on as few as one single experience. To study spatial navigation in the laboratory, watermaze tasks, in which rats h... Read More about Reinforcement Learning approaches to hippocampus-dependent flexible spatial navigation.

Numerical-asymptotic models for the manipulation of viscous films via dielectrophoresis (2020)
Journal Article
Chappell, D. J., & O'Dea, R. D. (2020). Numerical-asymptotic models for the manipulation of viscous films via dielectrophoresis. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 901, Article A35.

The effect of an externally applied electric field on the motion of an interface between two viscous dielectric fluids is investigated. We first develop a powerful, efficient and widely applicable boundary integral method to compute the interface dyn... Read More about Numerical-asymptotic models for the manipulation of viscous films via dielectrophoresis.

Switching behaviour in vascular smooth muscle cell–matrix adhesion during oscillatory loading (2020)
Journal Article
Irons, L., Huang, H., Owen, M. R., O'Dea, R. D., Meininger, G. A., & Brook, B. S. (2020). Switching behaviour in vascular smooth muscle cell–matrix adhesion during oscillatory loading. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 502, Article 110387.

Integrins regulate mechanotransduction between smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and the extracellular matrix (ECM). SMCs resident in the walls of airways or blood vessels are continuously exposed to dynamic mechanical forces due to breathing or pulsatile b... Read More about Switching behaviour in vascular smooth muscle cell–matrix adhesion during oscillatory loading.

The role of node dynamics in shaping emergent functional connectivity patterns in the brain (2020)
Journal Article
Forrester, M., Crofts, J. J., Sotiropoulos, S. N., Coombes, S., & O'Dea, R. D. (2020). The role of node dynamics in shaping emergent functional connectivity patterns in the brain. Network Neuroscience, 4(2), 467-483.

© 2020 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The contribution of structural connectivity to functional brain states remains poorly understood. We present a mathematical and computational study suited to assess the structure–function issue, treating... Read More about The role of node dynamics in shaping emergent functional connectivity patterns in the brain.

Cascading failures in networks of heterogeneous node behavior (2020)
Journal Article
Smith, O., Crowe, J., Farcot, E., O'Dea, R., & Hopcraft, K. (2020). Cascading failures in networks of heterogeneous node behavior. Physical Review E, 101(2), Article 020301(R).

Variability in the dynamical function of nodes comprising a complex network impacts upon cascading failures that can compromise the network's ability to operate. Node types correspond to sources, sinks or passive conduits of a current ow, applicable... Read More about Cascading failures in networks of heterogeneous node behavior.

The role of node dynamics in shaping emergent functional connectivity patterns in the brain (2020)
Journal Article
Forrester, M., Crofts, J. J., Sotiropoulos, S., Coombes, S., & O’Dea, R. (2020). The role of node dynamics in shaping emergent functional connectivity patterns in the brain. Network Neuroscience, 4(2), 467-483.

The contribution of structural connectivity to functional brain states remains poorly understood. We present a mathematical and computational study suited to assess the structure–function issue, treating a system of Jansen–Rit neural-mass nodes with... Read More about The role of node dynamics in shaping emergent functional connectivity patterns in the brain.

Next-generation neural mass and field modeling (2019)
Journal Article
Byrne, Á., O’Dea, R. D., Coombes, S., Forrester, M., & Ross, J. (2020). Next-generation neural mass and field modeling. Journal of Neurophysiology, 123(2), 726-742.

The Wilson-Cowan population model of neural activity has greatly influenced our understanding of the mechanisms for the generation of brain rhythms and the emergence of structured brain activity. As well as the many insights that have been obtained f... Read More about Next-generation neural mass and field modeling.