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All Outputs (49)

Beyond records and representations: inbetween writing in educational ethnography (2015)
Journal Article
Coles, R., & Thomson, P. (2015). Beyond records and representations: inbetween writing in educational ethnography. Ethnography and Education, 11(3), 253-266.

Ethnographers are particularly interested in writing. They have paid particular attention to the practices of making field notes and to the ways in which their public texts represent those that they have encountered and studied. To date there has bee... Read More about Beyond records and representations: inbetween writing in educational ethnography.

‘Everyone can imagine their own Gellert’: the democratic artist and ‘inclusion’ in primary and nursery classrooms (2015)
Journal Article
Thomson, P., & Hall, C. (2015). ‘Everyone can imagine their own Gellert’: the democratic artist and ‘inclusion’ in primary and nursery classrooms. Education 3-13, 43(4),

What do artists do when they work in schools? Can teachers do the same? These were the questions at the heart of our recent research, investigating the work of 12 artists working in primary and secondary schools in England. Funded by Creativity, Cult... Read More about ‘Everyone can imagine their own Gellert’: the democratic artist and ‘inclusion’ in primary and nursery classrooms.

Bringing installation art to reconnaissance to share values and generate action (2015)
Journal Article
with the ‘Get Wet’ team, Townsend, A., & Thomson, P. (2015). Bringing installation art to reconnaissance to share values and generate action. Educational Action Research, 23(1), 36-50.

The English education system has recently seen something of a revival of enthusiasm for the use of research both to develop educational practices and to gather evidence about their effectiveness. These initiatives often present action research as a m... Read More about Bringing installation art to reconnaissance to share values and generate action.

Arts in the community as a place-making event (2014)
Book Chapter
Thomson, P., Barrett, A., Hall, C., Hanby, J., & Jones, S. (2014). Arts in the community as a place-making event. The Routledge international handbook of arts and education. Routledge

The uses and abuses of power: teaching school leadership through children's literature (2014)
Journal Article
Thomson, P. (2014). The uses and abuses of power: teaching school leadership through children's literature. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 46(4),

There are relatively few studies of how representations of teachers, schools and educational administrators in popular films and television might be, and are, used in leadership preparation. This paper seeks to add to this small body of work; it repo... Read More about The uses and abuses of power: teaching school leadership through children's literature.

Teachers, arts practice and pedagogy (2014)
Journal Article
Franks, A., Thomson, P., Hall, C., & Jones, K. (2014). Teachers, arts practice and pedagogy. Changing English, 21(2),

What are possible overlaps between arts practice and school pedagogy? How is teacher subjectivity and pedagogy affected when teachers engage with arts practice, in particular, theatre practices? We draw on research conducted into the Learning Perform... Read More about Teachers, arts practice and pedagogy.

‘Scaling up’ educational change: some musings on misrecognition and doxic challenges (2014)
Journal Article
Thomson, P. (2014). ‘Scaling up’ educational change: some musings on misrecognition and doxic challenges. Critical Studies in Education, 55(2),

Educational policy-makers around the world are strongly committed to the notion of ‘scaling up’. This can mean anything from encouraging more teachers to take up a pedagogical innovation, all the way through to system-wide efforts to implement ‘what... Read More about ‘Scaling up’ educational change: some musings on misrecognition and doxic challenges.

From poster to PhD: The evolution of a literature review (2010)
Book Chapter
Dixon, K., & Janks, H. (2010). From poster to PhD: The evolution of a literature review. In M. Walker, & P. Thomson (Eds.), The Routledge Doctoral Supervisor's Companion: Supporting Effective Research in Education and the Social Sciences. Routledge

A literature review evolves. At first the literature constitutes the research, then it is constituted by it. The story of the evolution of the literature review for Kerryn’s research is intertwined with the story of her evolving relationship with Hila... Read More about From poster to PhD: The evolution of a literature review.