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A facile one step route that introduces functionality to polymer powders for laser sintering (2024)
Journal Article
Krumins, E., Crawford, L. A., Rogers, D. M., Machado, F., Taresco, V., East, M., Irving, S. H., Fowler, H. R., Jiang, L., Starr, N., Parmenter, C. D., Kortsen, K., Cuzzucoli Crucitti, V., Avery, S. V., Tuck, C. J., & Howdle, S. M. (2024). A facile one step route that introduces functionality to polymer powders for laser sintering. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 3137.

Laser Sintering (LS) is a type of Additive Manufacturing (AM) exploiting laser processing of polymeric particles to produce 3D objects. Because of its ease of processability and thermo-physical properties, polyamide-12 (PA-12) represents ~95% of the... Read More about A facile one step route that introduces functionality to polymer powders for laser sintering.

Elucidating the molecular landscape of the stratum corneum (2022)
Journal Article
Starr, N. J., Khan, M. H., Edney, M. K., Trindade, G. F., Kern, S., Pirkl, A., Kleine-Boymann, M., Elmse, C., O'Mahony, M. M., Bell, M., Alexander, M. R., & Scurr, D. J. (2022). Elucidating the molecular landscape of the stratum corneum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(12), Article e2114380119.

Characterization of the molecular structure of skin, especially the barrier layer, the stratum corneum, is a key research priority for generating understanding to improve diagnostics, aid pharmaceutical delivery, and prevent environmental damage. Our... Read More about Elucidating the molecular landscape of the stratum corneum.

Enhanced vitamin C skin permeation from supramolecular hydrogels, illustrated using in situ ToF-SIMS 3D chemical profiling (2019)
Journal Article
Starr, N. J., Hamid, K. A., Wibawa, J., Marlow, I., Bell, M., Pérez-García, L., Barrett, D. A., & Scurr, D. J. (2019). Enhanced vitamin C skin permeation from supramolecular hydrogels, illustrated using in situ ToF-SIMS 3D chemical profiling. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 563, 21-29.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a naturally occurring, powerful anti-oxidant with the potential to deliver numerous benefits to the skin when applied topically. However, topical use of this compound is currently restricted by an instability in tradition... Read More about Enhanced vitamin C skin permeation from supramolecular hydrogels, illustrated using in situ ToF-SIMS 3D chemical profiling.

Quantification and qualitative effects of different PEGylations on Poly(butyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles (2017)
Journal Article
Aslund, A. K., Sulheim, E., Snipstad, S., von Haartman, E., Baghirov, H., Starr, N. J., Løvmo, M. K., Lelú, S., Scurr, D. J., Catharina, D. L. D., Ruth, S., & Ýrr, M. (in press). Quantification and qualitative effects of different PEGylations on Poly(butyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 14(8),

Protein adsorption on nanoparticles (NPs) used in nanomedicine leads to opsonization and activation of the complement system in blood, which substantially reduces the blood circulation time of NPs. The most commonly used method to avoid protein adsor... Read More about Quantification and qualitative effects of different PEGylations on Poly(butyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles.

Age-related changes to human stratum corneum lipids detected using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry following in vivo sampling (2016)
Journal Article
Starr, N. J., Johnson, D. J., Wibawa, J., Marlow, I., Bell, M., Barrett, D. A., & Scurr, D. J. (2016). Age-related changes to human stratum corneum lipids detected using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry following in vivo sampling. Analytical Chemistry, 88(8), 4400-4408.

This work demonstrates the ability to detect changes in both quantity and spatial distribution of human stratum corneum (SC) lipids from samples collected in vivo. The SC functions as the predominant barrier to the body, protecting against the penetr... Read More about Age-related changes to human stratum corneum lipids detected using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry following in vivo sampling.