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All Outputs (14)

A resolver-to-digital conversion method based on third-order rational fraction polynomial approximation for PMSM control (2018)
Journal Article
Wang, S., Kang, J., Degano, M., & Buticchi, G. (2018). A resolver-to-digital conversion method based on third-order rational fraction polynomial approximation for PMSM control. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(8), 6383-6392.

—In this paper, a cost-effective and highly accurate resolver-to-digital conversion (RDC) method is presented. The core of the idea is to apply a third-order rational fraction polynomial approximation (TRFPA) for the conversion of sinusoidal signals... Read More about A resolver-to-digital conversion method based on third-order rational fraction polynomial approximation for PMSM control.

Synchronous Reluctance Motor Iron Losses: Analytical Model and Optimization (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahmoud, H., Degano, M., Bacco, G., Bianchi, N., & Gerada, C. (2018, September). Synchronous Reluctance Motor Iron Losses: Analytical Model and Optimization. Presented at 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Portland, Oregon, USA

The complex rotor structure of synchronous reluctance machines causes a high harmonic content in the air-gap flux density and then flux density fluctuations in different iron parts. The importance of determining accurately the total iron losses in th... Read More about Synchronous Reluctance Motor Iron Losses: Analytical Model and Optimization.

Design of PMSM for EMA Employed in Secondary Flight Control Systems (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Giangrande, P., Al-Timimy, A., Galassini, A., Papadopoulos, S., Degano, M., & Galea, M. (2018, November). Design of PMSM for EMA Employed in Secondary Flight Control Systems. Presented at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC), Nottingham, UK

© 2018 IEEE. The more electric aircraft (MEA) initiative aims to improve weight, fuel consumption and maintenance costs of the aircraft, by increasing the use of electric power in actuation systems. Considering this scenario, electromechanical actuat... Read More about Design of PMSM for EMA Employed in Secondary Flight Control Systems.

The Influence of Stator Material on the Power Density and Iron Loss of a High-Performace Starter-Generator for More Electric Aircraft (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Golovanov, D., Xu, Z., Gerada, D., Degano, M., Vakil, G., & Gerada, C. (2018, October). The Influence of Stator Material on the Power Density and Iron Loss of a High-Performace Starter-Generator for More Electric Aircraft. Presented at 2018 21st International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Jeju, South Korea

Maximizing the power density as well as efficiency are two of the main critical aspects for engineers who are designing electrical machines for aerospace applications. Iron losses have a significant impact on the total machine efficiency, thermal sta... Read More about The Influence of Stator Material on the Power Density and Iron Loss of a High-Performace Starter-Generator for More Electric Aircraft.

Multi-port power conversion systems for the more electric aircraft (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gu, C., Zhang, H., Buticchi, G., Sala, G., Galassini, A., Papadopoulos, S., & Degano, M. (2018, October). Multi-port power conversion systems for the more electric aircraft. Presented at IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Washington, DC, USA

In the framework of the More Electric Aircraft (MEA), weight reduction and energy efficiency constitute the key figures. In addition to these requirements, the safety and the continuity of operation is of critical importance. These sets of desired fe... Read More about Multi-port power conversion systems for the more electric aircraft.

A Novel Newton-Raphson-Based Searching Method for the MTPA Control of Pmasynrm Considering Magnetic and Cross Saturation (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wang, S., Degano, M., Kang, J., Galassini, A., & Gerada, C. (2018, September). A Novel Newton-Raphson-Based Searching Method for the MTPA Control of Pmasynrm Considering Magnetic and Cross Saturation. Presented at 2018 XIII International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Alexandroupoli, Greece

Maximum torque per ampere control (MTPA) takes full advantage of the reluctance torque aiming at the minimum copper loss, which can increase the torque output under the minimum current conditions. The traditional MTPA method makes use of equations wi... Read More about A Novel Newton-Raphson-Based Searching Method for the MTPA Control of Pmasynrm Considering Magnetic and Cross Saturation.

Enhanced power sharing transient with droop controllers for multi-three-phase synchronous electrical machines (2018)
Journal Article
Galassini, A., Costabeber, A., Degano, M., Gerada, C., Tessarolo, A., & Menis, R. (2019). Enhanced power sharing transient with droop controllers for multi-three-phase synchronous electrical machines. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(7), 5600-5610.

This paper presents a droop-based dis- tributed control strategy for multi-three-phase machines that provides augmented controllability during power shar- ing transients. The proposed strategy is able to mitigate the mutual interactions among differe... Read More about Enhanced power sharing transient with droop controllers for multi-three-phase synchronous electrical machines.

Investigation of AC Copper and Iron Losses in High-Speed High-Power Density PMSM (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Al-Timimy, A., Giangrande, P., Degano, M., Galea, M., & Gerada, C. (2018, September). Investigation of AC Copper and Iron Losses in High-Speed High-Power Density PMSM. Presented at 23rd International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2018), Alexandroupoli, Greece

This paper presents a detailed investigation of AC copper losses in high-speed high-power density permanent magnet synchronous machine. For parallel strands winding, it is not easy to accurately estimate the AC copper losses using finite element mode... Read More about Investigation of AC Copper and Iron Losses in High-Speed High-Power Density PMSM.

Eccentric reluctance and permanent magnets synchronous machines comparison (2018)
Journal Article
Mahmoud, H., Bianchi, N., Degano, M., Al-Ani, M., & Gerada, C. (2018). Eccentric reluctance and permanent magnets synchronous machines comparison. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 54(6), 5760-5771.

This paper deals with a comparative study between reluctance (REL), permanent magnet assisted reluctance (PMAREL), and surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machines with rotor eccentricity. Static, dynamic, and combined eccentricity cases are... Read More about Eccentric reluctance and permanent magnets synchronous machines comparison.

Influence of rotor endcaps on the electromagnetic performance of high‐speed PM machine (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Timimy, A., Alani, M., Degano, M., Giangrande, P., Gerada, C., & Galea, M. (2018). Influence of rotor endcaps on the electromagnetic performance of high‐speed PM machine. IET Electric Power Applications, 12(8), 1142-1149.

Surface-mounted permanent magnet (SPM) machines are preferred for high-speed aerospace applications over induction and switched reluctance machines, since they combine the advantages of high torque density and efficiency. Also, in aerospace applicati... Read More about Influence of rotor endcaps on the electromagnetic performance of high‐speed PM machine.

Design and losses analysis of a high power density machine for flooded pump applications (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Timimy, A., Giangrande, P., Degano, M., Zeyuan, X., Galea, M., Gerada, C., Lo Calzo, G., Zhang, H., & Xia, L. (2019). Design and losses analysis of a high power density machine for flooded pump applications. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 54(4), 3260-3270.

This paper describes the design process of a 10 kW 19000 rpm high power density surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machine for a directly coupled pump application. In order to meet the required specifications, a compact machine, with coolin... Read More about Design and losses analysis of a high power density machine for flooded pump applications.

Synchronous reluctance motor iron losses: considering machine non-linearity at MTPA, FW, and MTPV operating conditions (2018)
Journal Article
Mahmoud, H., Bacco, G., Degano, M., Bianchi, N., & Gerada, C. (2018). Synchronous reluctance motor iron losses: considering machine non-linearity at MTPA, FW, and MTPV operating conditions. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 33(3), 1402-1410.

Synchronous reluctance machine has high flux density fluctuations in the iron due to the high harmonics results from the rotor anisotropy. Thus, an accurate computation of the iron losses is of paramount importance, especially during the design stage... Read More about Synchronous reluctance motor iron losses: considering machine non-linearity at MTPA, FW, and MTPV operating conditions.

Considerations on the effects that core material machining has on an electrical machine's performance (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Timimy, A., Vakil, G., Degano, M., Giangrande, P., Gerada, C., & Galea, M. (2018). Considerations on the effects that core material machining has on an electrical machine's performance. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 33(3), 1154-1163.

An often-overlooked aspect during the development process of electrical machines, is the validity and accuracy of the machine material properties being used at the design stage. Designers usually consider the data provided by the materials supplier,... Read More about Considerations on the effects that core material machining has on an electrical machine's performance.