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All Outputs (58)

Bromide-Mediated Silane Oxidation: A Practical Counter-Electrode Process for Nonaqueous Deep Reductive Electrosynthesis (2024)
Journal Article
Avanthay, M. E., Goodrich, O. H., Tiemessen, D., Alder, C. M., George, M. W., & Lennox, A. J. J. (2024). Bromide-Mediated Silane Oxidation: A Practical Counter-Electrode Process for Nonaqueous Deep Reductive Electrosynthesis. JACS Au, 4(6), 2220-2227.

The counter-electrode process of an organic electrochemical reaction is integral for the success and sustainability of the process. Unlike for oxidation reactions, counter-electrode processes for reduction reactions remain limited, especially for dee... Read More about Bromide-Mediated Silane Oxidation: A Practical Counter-Electrode Process for Nonaqueous Deep Reductive Electrosynthesis.

Process Intensification of the Continuous Synthesis of Bio-Derived Monomers for Sustainable Coatings Using a Taylor Vortex Flow Reactor (2024)
Journal Article
Edwards, M. D., Pratley, M. T., Gordon, C. M., Teixeira, R. I., Ali, H., Mahmood, I., Lester, R., Love, A., Hermens, J. G., Freese, T., Feringa, B. L., Poliakoff, M., & George, M. W. (2024). Process Intensification of the Continuous Synthesis of Bio-Derived Monomers for Sustainable Coatings Using a Taylor Vortex Flow Reactor. Organic Process Research and Development, 28(5), 1917–1928.

We describe the optimization and scale-up of two consecutive reaction steps in the synthesis of bio-derived alkoxybutenolide monomers that have been reported as potential replacements for acrylate-based coatings ( Sci. Adv. 2020, 6, eabe0026). These... Read More about Process Intensification of the Continuous Synthesis of Bio-Derived Monomers for Sustainable Coatings Using a Taylor Vortex Flow Reactor.

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Solvents for Catalytic Reactions (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Poliakoff, M., & George, M. W. (2022, November). Reducing the Environmental Impact of Solvents for Catalytic Reactions. Presented at 26th International Solvay Conference on Chemistry: Chemistry Challenges of the 21st Century , Hotel Plaza, Brussels, Belgium , 17 – 19 October 2022, Brussels, Belgium

A dirigent protein complex directs lignin polymerization and assembly of the root diffusion barrier (2023)
Journal Article
Gao, Y.-Q., Huang, J.-Q., Reyt, G., Song, T., Love, A., Tiemessen, D., Xue, P.-Y., Wu, W.-K., George, M. W., Chen, X.-Y., Chao, D.-Y., Castrillo, G., & Salt, D. E. (2023). A dirigent protein complex directs lignin polymerization and assembly of the root diffusion barrier. Science, 382(6669), 464-471.

Functionally similar to the tight junctions present in animal guts, plant roots have evolved a lignified Casparian strip as an extracellular diffusion barrier in the endodermis to seal the root apoplast and maintain nutrient homeostasis. How this dif... Read More about A dirigent protein complex directs lignin polymerization and assembly of the root diffusion barrier.

High-Productivity Single-Pass Electrochemical Birch Reduction of Naphthalenes in a Continuous Flow Electrochemical Taylor Vortex Reactor (2022)
Journal Article
Lee, D. S., Love, A., Mansouri, Z., Waldron Clarke, T. H., Harrowven, D. C., Jefferson-Loveday, R., Pickering, S. J., Poliakoff, M., & George, M. W. (2022). High-Productivity Single-Pass Electrochemical Birch Reduction of Naphthalenes in a Continuous Flow Electrochemical Taylor Vortex Reactor. Organic Process Research and Development, 26(9), 2674-2684.

We report the development of a single-pass electrochemical Birch reduction carried out in a small footprint electrochemical Taylor vortex reactor with projected productivities of >80 g day-1 (based on 32.2 mmol h-1), using a modified version of our p... Read More about High-Productivity Single-Pass Electrochemical Birch Reduction of Naphthalenes in a Continuous Flow Electrochemical Taylor Vortex Reactor.

Photochemistry of transition metal carbonyls (2022)
Journal Article
Turner, J. J., George, M. W., Poliakoff, M., & Perutz, R. N. (2022). Photochemistry of transition metal carbonyls. Chemical Society Reviews,

The purpose of this Tutorial Review is to outline the fundamental photochemistry of metal carbonyls, and to show how the advances in technology have increased our understanding of the detailed mechanisms, particularly how relatively simple experiment... Read More about Photochemistry of transition metal carbonyls.

High Yielding Continuous-Flow Synthesis of Norketamine (2022)
Journal Article
Hernando, M. V., Moore, J. C., Howie, R. A., Castledine, R. A., Bourne, S. L., Jenkins, G. N., Licence, P., Poliakoff, M., & George, M. W. (2022). High Yielding Continuous-Flow Synthesis of Norketamine. Organic Process Research and Development, 26(4), 1145-1151.

A new continuous-flow process is presented for synthesis of the pharmaceutical intermediate norketamine (5). Our approach has been to take the well-established and industrially applied batch synthetic route to this promising antidepressant precursor... Read More about High Yielding Continuous-Flow Synthesis of Norketamine.

Selective photoinduced charge separation in perylenediimide-pillar[5]arene rotaxanes (2022)
Journal Article
Pearce, N., Reynolds, K. E. A., Kayal, S., Sun, X. Z., Davies, E. S., Malagreca, F., Schürmann, C. J., Ito, S., Yamano, A., Argent, S. P., George, M. W., & Champness, N. R. (2022). Selective photoinduced charge separation in perylenediimide-pillar[5]arene rotaxanes. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 415.

The ability to control photoinduced charge transfer within molecules represents a major challenge requiring precise control of the relative positioning and orientation of donor and acceptor groups. Here we show that such photoinduced charge transfer... Read More about Selective photoinduced charge separation in perylenediimide-pillar[5]arene rotaxanes.

Wavelength dependent photoextrusion and tandem photo-extrusion reactions of ninhydrin bis-acetals for the synthesis of 8-ring lactones, benzocyclobutenes and orthoanhydrides (2021)
Journal Article
Sun, W., Kayal, S., Raimbach, W. A. T., Sun, X. Z., Light, M. E., Hanson-Heine, M. W. D., George, M. W., & Harrowven, D. C. (2022). Wavelength dependent photoextrusion and tandem photo-extrusion reactions of ninhydrin bis-acetals for the synthesis of 8-ring lactones, benzocyclobutenes and orthoanhydrides. Chemical Communications, 58(10), 1546-1549.

Ninhydrin bis-acetals give access to 8-ring lactones, benzocyclo-butenes and spirocyclic orthoanhydrides through photoextrusion and tandem photoextrusion reactions. Syntheses of fimbricalyxlactone B, isoshihunine and numerous biologically-relevant he... Read More about Wavelength dependent photoextrusion and tandem photo-extrusion reactions of ninhydrin bis-acetals for the synthesis of 8-ring lactones, benzocyclobutenes and orthoanhydrides.

Self-Optimization of Continuous Flow Electrochemical Synthesis Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography (2021)
Journal Article
Ke, J., Gao, C., Folgueiras-Amador, A. A., Jolley, K. E., de Frutos, O., Mateos, C., Rincón, J. A., Brown, R. C., Poliakoff, M., & George, M. W. (2022). Self-Optimization of Continuous Flow Electrochemical Synthesis Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography. Applied Spectroscopy, 76(1), 38-50.

A continuous-flow electrochemical synthesis platform has been developed to enable self-optimization of reaction conditions of organic electrochemical reactions using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR FT-IR) and... Read More about Self-Optimization of Continuous Flow Electrochemical Synthesis Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography.

Schengen-pathway controls spatially separated and chemically distinct lignin deposition in the endodermis (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper
Reyt, G., Ramakrishna, P., Salas-Gonzalez, I., Fujita, S., Love, A., Tiemessen, D., Lapierre, C., Morreel, K., Calvo Polanco, M., Flis, P., Geldner, N., Boursiac, Y., Boerjan, W., George, M. W., Castrillo, G., & Salt, D. E. Schengen-pathway controls spatially separated and chemically distinct lignin deposition in the endodermis

Lignin is a complex polymer precisely deposited in the cell wall of specialised plant cells, where it provides essential cellular functions. Plants coordinate timing, location, abundance and composition of lignin deposition in response to endogenous... Read More about Schengen-pathway controls spatially separated and chemically distinct lignin deposition in the endodermis.

Integrated Multistep Photochemical and Thermal Continuous Flow Reactions: Production of Bicyclic Lactones with Kilogram Productivity (2021)
Journal Article
Howie, R. A., Elliott, L. D., Kayal, S., Sun, X. Z., Hanson-Heine, M. W., Hunter, J., Clark, C. A., Love, A., Wiseall, C., Lee, D. S., Poliakoff, M., Booker Milburn, K. I., & George, M. W. (2021). Integrated Multistep Photochemical and Thermal Continuous Flow Reactions: Production of Bicyclic Lactones with Kilogram Productivity. Organic Process Research and Development, 25(9), 2052-2059.

Combining continuous photochemistry and flow reactions in high-temperature/high-pressure water has enabled us to integrate a multistep sequence into a single process with a reduction in reaction time to <10 min compared to >24 h in batch. At the same... Read More about Integrated Multistep Photochemical and Thermal Continuous Flow Reactions: Production of Bicyclic Lactones with Kilogram Productivity.

Multigram Synthesis of Trioxanes Enabled by a Supercritical CO2 Integrated Flow Process (2021)
Journal Article
Wu, L., Abreu, B. L., Blake, A. J., Taylor, L. J., Lewis, W., Argent, S. P., Poliakoff, M., Boufroura, H., & George, M. W. (2021). Multigram Synthesis of Trioxanes Enabled by a Supercritical CO2 Integrated Flow Process. Organic Process Research and Development, 25(8), 1873-1881.

Photochemical synthesis of highly reactive hydroperoxides and their conversion into useful products, such as 1,2,4-trioxanes, are of wide interest for synthetic organic chemistry and pharmaceutical manufacturing particularly because of their relevanc... Read More about Multigram Synthesis of Trioxanes Enabled by a Supercritical CO2 Integrated Flow Process.

Excited-State Switching in Rhenium(I) Bipyridyl Complexes with Donor-Donor and Donor-Acceptor Substituents (2021)
Journal Article
Sutton, J. J., Preston, D., Traber, P., Steinmetzer, J., Wu, X., Kayal, S., Sun, X.-Z., Crowley, J. D., George, M. W., Kupfer, S., & Gordon, K. C. (2021). Excited-State Switching in Rhenium(I) Bipyridyl Complexes with Donor-Donor and Donor-Acceptor Substituents. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143(24), 9082-9093.

The optical properties of two Re(CO)3(bpy)Cl complexes in which the bpy is substituted with two donor (triphenylamine, TPA, ReTPA2) as well as both donor (TPA) and acceptor (benzothiadiazole, BTD, ReTPA-BTD) groups are presented. For ReTPA2 the absor... Read More about Excited-State Switching in Rhenium(I) Bipyridyl Complexes with Donor-Donor and Donor-Acceptor Substituents.

Two chemically distinct root lignin barriers control solute and water balance (2021)
Journal Article
Reyt, G., Ramakrishna, P., Salas-González, I., Fujita, S., Love, A., Tiemessen, D., Lapierre, C., Morreel, K., Calvo Polanco, M., Flis, P., Geldner, N., Boursiac, Y., Boerjan, W., George, M. W., Castrillo, G., & Salt, D. E. (2021). Two chemically distinct root lignin barriers control solute and water balance. Nature Communications, 12(1), Article 2320.

Lignin is a complex polymer deposited in the cell wall of specialised plant cells, where it provides essential cellular functions. Plants coordinate timing, location, abundance and composition of lignin deposition in response to endogenous and exogen... Read More about Two chemically distinct root lignin barriers control solute and water balance.

N-doping enabled defect-engineering of MoS2 for enhanced and selective adsorption of CO2: A DFT approach (2020)
Journal Article
Enujekwu, F. M., Zhang, Y., Ezeh, C. I., Zhao, H., Xu, M., Besley, E., George, M. W., Besley, N. A., Do, H., & Wu, T. (2021). N-doping enabled defect-engineering of MoS2 for enhanced and selective adsorption of CO2: A DFT approach. Applied Surface Science, 542, Article 148556.

A density functional theory study was conducted to analyze CO2 adsorption on defective and non-defective MoS2 surfaces with or without nitrogen doping. The MoS2_1VS and MoS2_1VMo_3NS were found exhibiting outstanding adsorption activity and stability... Read More about N-doping enabled defect-engineering of MoS2 for enhanced and selective adsorption of CO2: A DFT approach.

Porous Metal–Organic Polyhedra: Morphology, Porosity, and Guest Binding (2020)
Journal Article
Argent, S. P., Da Silva, I., Greenaway, A., Savage, M., Humby, J., Davies, A. J., Nowell, H., Lewis, W., Manuel, P., Tang, C. C., Blake, A. J., George, M. W., Markevich, A. V., Besley, E., Yang, S., Champness, N. R., & Schröder, M. (2020). Porous Metal–Organic Polyhedra: Morphology, Porosity, and Guest Binding. Inorganic Chemistry, 59(21), 15646-15658.

Designing porous materials which can selectively adsorb CO2 or CH4 is an important environmental and industrial goal which requires an understanding of the host-guest interactions involved at the atomic scale. Metal-organic polyhedra (MOPs) showing p... Read More about Porous Metal–Organic Polyhedra: Morphology, Porosity, and Guest Binding.

Highly Ordered BN⊥–BN⊥ Stacking Structure for Improved Thermally Conductive Polymer Composites (2020)
Journal Article
Ghosh, B., Xu, F., Grant, D. M., Giangrande, P., Gerada, C., George, M. W., & Hou, X. (2020). Highly Ordered BN⊥–BN⊥ Stacking Structure for Improved Thermally Conductive Polymer Composites. Advanced Electronic Materials, 6(11), Article 2000627.

The substantial heat generation in modern electronic devices is one of the major issues requiring efficient thermal management. This work demonstrates a novel concept for the design of thermally conducting networks inside a polymer matrix for the dev... Read More about Highly Ordered BN⊥–BN⊥ Stacking Structure for Improved Thermally Conductive Polymer Composites.

Rational Design of Triplet Sensitizers for the Transfer of Excited State Photochemistry from UV to Visible (2020)
Journal Article
Elliott, L. D., Kayal, S., George, M. W., & Booker-Milburn, K. (2020). Rational Design of Triplet Sensitizers for the Transfer of Excited State Photochemistry from UV to Visible. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142(35), 14947-14956.

Time Dependent Density Functional Theory has been used to assist the design and synthesis of a series thioxanthone triplet sensitizers. Calculated energies of the triplet excited state (ET) informed both the type and position of auxochromes placed on... Read More about Rational Design of Triplet Sensitizers for the Transfer of Excited State Photochemistry from UV to Visible.

Understanding the factors controlling the photo-oxidation of natural DNA by enantiomerically pure intercalating ruthenium polypyridyl complexes through TA/TRIR studies with polydeoxynucleotides and mixed sequence oligodeoxynucleotides (2020)
Journal Article
Keane, P. M., O'Sullivan, K., Poynton, F. E., Poulsen, B. C., Sazanovich, I. V., Towrie, M., Cardin, C. J., Sun, X.-Z., George, M. W., Gunnlaugsson, T., Quinn, S. J., & Kelly, J. M. (2020). Understanding the factors controlling the photo-oxidation of natural DNA by enantiomerically pure intercalating ruthenium polypyridyl complexes through TA/TRIR studies with polydeoxynucleotides and mixed sequence oligodeoxynucleotides. Chemical Science, 32, 8600-8609.

Ruthenium polypyridyl complexes which can sensitise the photo-oxidation of nucleic acids and other biological molecules show potential for photo-therapeutic applications. In this article a combination of transient visible absorption (TrA) and time-re... Read More about Understanding the factors controlling the photo-oxidation of natural DNA by enantiomerically pure intercalating ruthenium polypyridyl complexes through TA/TRIR studies with polydeoxynucleotides and mixed sequence oligodeoxynucleotides.