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All Outputs (38)

Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Detect & Prevent -presymptomatic AD detection and prevention
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dong, M., Husain, M., Brooks, D., Wilson, M., Craven, M., Destrebecq, F., Georges, J., Aps, B., & Baden-Kristensen, K. (2019, September). Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Detect & Prevent -presymptomatic AD detection and prevention. Presented at International MinD Conference 2019 - Designing with and for People with Dementia: Well-being, Empowerment and Happiness, Dresden, Germany

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a major cause of the rapidly growing and crushing aging challenge that threatens to economically undermine today's healthcare system. AD prevalence will grow to over 100 million cases in 2050. AD is incurable but can be pr... Read More about Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Detect & Prevent -presymptomatic AD detection and prevention.

The Impact of Motion Scaling and Haptic Guidance on Operators’ Workload and Performance in Teleoperation
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Parsa, S., Maior, H. A., Thumwood, A. R. E., Wilson, M. L., Hanheide, M., & Esfahani, A. G. (2022, April). The Impact of Motion Scaling and Haptic Guidance on Operators’ Workload and Performance in Teleoperation. Presented at CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans LA USA

The use of human operator managed robotics, especially for safety critical work, includes a shift from physically demanding to mentally challenging work, and new techniques for Human-Robot Interaction are being developed to make teleoperation easier... Read More about The Impact of Motion Scaling and Haptic Guidance on Operators’ Workload and Performance in Teleoperation.

Exploring the Impact of Verbal-Imagery Cognitive Style on Web Search Behaviour and Mental Workload
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tang, H., Benerradi, J., Maior, H. A., Pike, M., Landowska, A., & Wilson, M. L. (2024, March). Exploring the Impact of Verbal-Imagery Cognitive Style on Web Search Behaviour and Mental Workload. Presented at CHIIR '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, Sheffield, UK

Cognitive style has been shown to influence users’ interaction with search interfaces. However, as a fundamental dimension of cognitive styles, the relationship between the Verbal-Imagery (VI) cognitive style dimension and search behaviour has not be... Read More about Exploring the Impact of Verbal-Imagery Cognitive Style on Web Search Behaviour and Mental Workload.

Lived Experiences of Mental Workload in Everyday Life
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Midha, S., Wilson, M. L., & Sharples, S. (2022, April). Lived Experiences of Mental Workload in Everyday Life. Presented at CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans LA USA

We can now buy consumer brain-computer interface devices to help us meditate and focus, but what are we aiming to achieve? Mental workload (MWL) is an established concept, and as a form of personal data could be useful for making positive life change... Read More about Lived Experiences of Mental Workload in Everyday Life.

Ethical Concerns and Perceptions of Consumer Neurotechnology from Lived Experiences of Mental Workload Tracking
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Midha, S., Wilson, M. L., & Sharples, S. (2022, June). Ethical Concerns and Perceptions of Consumer Neurotechnology from Lived Experiences of Mental Workload Tracking. Presented at FAccT '22: 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, Seoul Republic of Korea

With rapid growth in the development of consumer neurotechnology, it is imperative to consider the ethical implications that this might have in order to minimise consumer harm. Whilst ethical and legal guidelines for commercialisation have previously... Read More about Ethical Concerns and Perceptions of Consumer Neurotechnology from Lived Experiences of Mental Workload Tracking.

Designing for Reflection on our Daily Mental Workload
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shaban, J., Wilson, M. L., & Sharples, S. (2023, April). Designing for Reflection on our Daily Mental Workload. Presented at CHI Workshop 2023: Integrating Individual and Social Contexts into Self-Reflection Technologies, Hamburg, Germany

This paper presents a research plan, at the outset of new doctoral research, designing for reflection on cognitive personal informatics and self-tracking of Mental Workload. The research will build upon the Mental Workload cycle, considering how peop... Read More about Designing for Reflection on our Daily Mental Workload.

CHI2023 Course on How to Peer Review for CHI (and Beyond)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wilson, M. L. (2023, April). CHI2023 Course on How to Peer Review for CHI (and Beyond). Presented at Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, Hamburg, Germany

A key challenge for people that are new to reviewing is pitching the review at the right level, and getting the tone and structure of a review right. This course aims to help participants understand a) the different expectations of different venues a... Read More about CHI2023 Course on How to Peer Review for CHI (and Beyond).

Improvising a Live Score to an Interactive Brain-Controlled Film
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ramchurn, R., Martinez-Avila, J., Martindale, S., Chamberlain, A., Wilson, M. L., & Benford, S. (2019, June). Improvising a Live Score to an Interactive Brain-Controlled Film. Presented at International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), Porto Alegre, Brazil

We report on the design and deployment of systems for the performance of live score accompaniment to an interactive movie by a Networked Musical Ensemble. In this case, the audiovisual content of the movie is selected in real time based on user input... Read More about Improvising a Live Score to an Interactive Brain-Controlled Film.

How Stress and Mental Workload are Connected
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alsuraykh, N. H., Wilson, M. L., Tennent, P., & Sharples, S. (2019, May). How Stress and Mental Workload are Connected. Presented at PervasiveHealth'19: The 13th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Trento, Italy

Mental Workload (MWL) can be both good and bad; we can thrive under high MWL, or our performance can drop if the demands become either too low or too high. Similarly, stress is not always bad, short term stress can be beneficial to overcome a challen... Read More about How Stress and Mental Workload are Connected.

The Multi-Stage Experience: the Simulated Work Task Approach to Studying Information Seeking Stages
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Huurdeman, H., Kamps, J., & Wilson, M. L. (2019, March). The Multi-Stage Experience: the Simulated Work Task Approach to Studying Information Seeking Stages. Presented at Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use 2019, Glasgow, UK

This experience paper shines more light on a simulated work task approach to studying information seeking stages. This explicit multistage approach was first utilized in Huurdeman, Wilson, and Kamps [14] to investigate the utility of search user inte... Read More about The Multi-Stage Experience: the Simulated Work Task Approach to Studying Information Seeking Stages.

Enslaved to the Trapped Data: A Cognitive Work Analysis of Medical Systematic Reviews
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Knight, I. A., Wilson, M. L., Brailsford, D. F., & Milic-Frayling, N. (2019, March). Enslaved to the Trapped Data: A Cognitive Work Analysis of Medical Systematic Reviews. Presented at CHIIR '19: Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Systematic reviews are a comprehensive and parameterised form of literature review, found in most disciplines, that involve exhaustive analyses and rigorous interpretation of prior literature. Performing systematic reviews, however, can involve repet... Read More about Enslaved to the Trapped Data: A Cognitive Work Analysis of Medical Systematic Reviews.

From Director's Cut to User's Cut: to Watch a Brain-Controlled Film is to Edit it
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ramchurn, R., Martindale, S., Wilson, M. L., & Benford, S. (2019, May). From Director's Cut to User's Cut: to Watch a Brain-Controlled Film is to Edit it. Presented at CHI '19: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

© 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Introducing interactivity to films has proven a longstanding and difficult challenge due to their narrative-driven, linear and theatre-based nature. Previous research has suggested that Brain-Computer Int... Read More about From Director's Cut to User's Cut: to Watch a Brain-Controlled Film is to Edit it.

When size matters: Towards evaluating perceivability of choropleths
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McNabb, L., Laramee, R. S., & Wilson, M. L. (2018, September). When size matters: Towards evaluating perceivability of choropleths. Presented at Computer Graphics and Visual Computing, CGVC 2018, Swansea, UK

Choropleth maps are an invaluable visualization type for mapping geo-spatial data. One advantage to a choropleth map over other geospatial visualizations such as cartograms is the familiarity of a non-distorted landmass. However, this causes challeng... Read More about When size matters: Towards evaluating perceivability of choropleths.

More than Liking and Bookmarking? Towards Understanding Twitter Favouriting Behaviour
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meier, F., Elsweiler, D., & Wilson, M. L. (2014, June). More than Liking and Bookmarking? Towards Understanding Twitter Favouriting Behaviour. Presented at Proceedings of the Eighth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Microblogging services, such as Twitter, offer a variety of interactive features that allow users to engage with contacts in their social network and the content they produce. One such feature is the favourite button on Twitter, an icon in the form o... Read More about More than Liking and Bookmarking? Towards Understanding Twitter Favouriting Behaviour.

Finding information about mental health in microblogging platforms: a case study of depression
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wilson, M. L., Ali, S. A., & Valstar, M. F. (2014, August). Finding information about mental health in microblogging platforms: a case study of depression. Presented at 5th Information Interaction in Context Symposium (IIiX'14), Regensburg, Germany

Searching for online health information has been well studied in web search, but social media, such as public microblogging services, are well known for different types of tacit information: personal experience and shared information. Finding useful... Read More about Finding information about mental health in microblogging platforms: a case study of depression.

#Scanners: Exploring the Control of Adaptive Films using Brain-Computer Interaction
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pike, M., Ramchurn, R., Benford, S., & Wilson, M. L. (2016, May). #Scanners: Exploring the Control of Adaptive Films using Brain-Computer Interaction. Presented at CHI'16: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, San Jose, California, USA

This paper explores the design space of bio-responsive entertainment, in this case using a film that responds to the brain and blink data of users. A film was created with four parallel channels of footage, where blinking and levels of attention and... Read More about #Scanners: Exploring the Control of Adaptive Films using Brain-Computer Interaction.

#Scanners 2 – The MOMENT: a new brain-controlled movie
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ramchurn, R., Wilson, M. L., Martindale, S., & Benford, S. (2018, April). #Scanners 2 – The MOMENT: a new brain-controlled movie. Presented at CHI 2018: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Extended Abstracts), Montreal QC, Canada

While many still consider interactive movies an unrealistic idea, current delivery platforms like Netflix, commercial VR, and the proliferation of wearable sensors mean that adaptive and responsive entertainment experiences are an immediate reality.... Read More about #Scanners 2 – The MOMENT: a new brain-controlled movie.