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All Outputs (49)

Health state utility values for diabetic retinopathy: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis (2015)
Journal Article
Sampson, C. J., Tosh, J. C., Cheyne, C. P., Broadbent, D., & James, M. (2015). Health state utility values for diabetic retinopathy: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews, 4(1), Article 15.

People with diabetic retinopathy tend to have lower levels of health-related quality of life than individuals with no retinopathy. Strategies for screening and treatment have been shown to be cost-effective. In order to reduce the bias in... Read More about Health state utility values for diabetic retinopathy: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Protocol investigating the clinical utility of an objective measure of activity and attention (QbTest) on diagnostic and treatment decision-making in children and young people with ADHD--'Assessing QbTest Utility in ADHD'(AQUA): a randomised controlled trial (2014)
Journal Article
Hall, C. L., Walker, G. M., Valentine, A. Z., Guo, B., Kaylor-Hughes, C., James, M., Daley, D., Sayal, K., & Hollis, C. (2014). Protocol investigating the clinical utility of an objective measure of activity and attention (QbTest) on diagnostic and treatment decision-making in children and young people with ADHD--'Assessing QbTest Utility in ADHD'(AQUA): a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 4(12), Article e006838.

Introduction: The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) state that young people need to have access to the best evidence-based care to improve outcome. The current ‘gol... Read More about Protocol investigating the clinical utility of an objective measure of activity and attention (QbTest) on diagnostic and treatment decision-making in children and young people with ADHD--'Assessing QbTest Utility in ADHD'(AQUA): a randomised controlled trial.

A randomised controlled trial of laser scanning and casting for the construction of ankle–foot orthoses (2014)
Journal Article
Roberts, A., Wales, J., Smith, H., Sampson, C. J., Jones, P., & James, M. (2016). A randomised controlled trial of laser scanning and casting for the construction of ankle–foot orthoses. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 40(2), 253-261.

Study Design: Randomised controlled trial with blinding of orthotists and patients to the construction technique used. Background: Three-dimensional laser scanning has been used for patient measurement for cranial helmets and spinal braces. Ankle foo... Read More about A randomised controlled trial of laser scanning and casting for the construction of ankle–foot orthoses.

An introduction to economic evaluation in occupational therapy: cost-effectiveness of pre-discharge home visits after stroke (HOVIS) (2014)
Journal Article
Sampson, C. J., James, M., Whitehead, P., & Drummond, A. E. (2014). An introduction to economic evaluation in occupational therapy: cost-effectiveness of pre-discharge home visits after stroke (HOVIS). British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(7),

Introduction: Occupational therapy interventions, such as home visits, have been identified as being resource-intensive, but cost-effectiveness analyses are rarely, if ever, carried out. We sought to estimate the cost-effectiveness of occupational th... Read More about An introduction to economic evaluation in occupational therapy: cost-effectiveness of pre-discharge home visits after stroke (HOVIS).

Cost implications of treatment non-completion in a forensic personality disorder service (2013)
Journal Article
Sampson, C. J., James, M., Huband, N., Geelan, S., & McMurran, M. (2013). Cost implications of treatment non-completion in a forensic personality disorder service. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 23(5),

A high proportion of individuals admitted to specialist secure hospital services for treatment of personality disorder do not complete treatment. Non-completion has been associated with poorer treatment outcomes and increased rates of rec... Read More about Cost implications of treatment non-completion in a forensic personality disorder service.

Spending by primary care practices-does it show what we expect? (2013)
Journal Article
James, M., & Stokes, E. (2014). Spending by primary care practices-does it show what we expect?. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 29(3), 244-259.

Over recent years, a number of policies and financial incentives in primary care have been proposed to tackle issues such as deprivation and health outcomes. This article investigates the association between healthcare spending, deprivati... Read More about Spending by primary care practices-does it show what we expect?.

Protocol evaluating the effectiveness of a school-based group programme for parents of children at risk of ADHD: the ‘PArents, Teachers and CHildren WORKing Together (PATCHWORK)’ cluster RCT protocol (2012)
Journal Article
Sayal, K., Daley, D., James, M., Yang, M., Batty, M. J., Taylor, J. A., Pass, S., Sampson, C. J., Sellman, E., Valentine, A., & Hollis, C. (2012). Protocol evaluating the effectiveness of a school-based group programme for parents of children at risk of ADHD: the ‘PArents, Teachers and CHildren WORKing Together (PATCHWORK)’ cluster RCT protocol. BMJ Open, 2(5), Article e001783.

Early intervention for childhood behavioural problems may help improve health and educational outcomes in affected children and reduce the likelihood of developing additional difficulties. The National Institute for Health and Clinical... Read More about Protocol evaluating the effectiveness of a school-based group programme for parents of children at risk of ADHD: the ‘PArents, Teachers and CHildren WORKing Together (PATCHWORK)’ cluster RCT protocol.

Persistent frequent attenders in primary care: costs, reasons for attendance, organisation of care and potential for cognitive behavioural therapeutic intervention (2012)
Journal Article
Morriss, R. K., Kai, J., Atha, C., Avery, A., Bayes, S., Franklin, M., George, T., James, M., Malins, S., McDonald, R., Patel, S., Stubley, M., & Yang, M. (2012). Persistent frequent attenders in primary care: costs, reasons for attendance, organisation of care and potential for cognitive behavioural therapeutic intervention. BMC Family Practice, 13(39),


The top 3% of frequent attendance in primary care is associated with 15% of all appointments in primary care, a fivefold increase in hospital expenditure, and more mental disorder and functional somatic symptoms compared to normal atte... Read More about Persistent frequent attenders in primary care: costs, reasons for attendance, organisation of care and potential for cognitive behavioural therapeutic intervention.

Lost and stolen dogs - the true sacrifice
James, M. Lost and stolen dogs - the true sacrifice. University of Nottingham

A lost \ stolen dog has a devastating affect on an individual and their family this article attempts to quantify the financial cost of such an event in the UK context.