Prevalence and Impact of Chronic Edema in Bariatric Patients: A LIMPRINT Study
Journal Article
Newman, A., Keeley, V., Pinnington, L., Green, C., Riches, K., Franks, P. J., Idris, I., & Moffatt, C. J. (2021). Prevalence and Impact of Chronic Edema in Bariatric Patients: A LIMPRINT Study. Lymphatic Research and Biology, 19(5), 431-441.
Background: Chronic edema (CO) is a complex condition, arising from different factors, including immobility and obesity. Edema and obesity can have a significant impact on quality of life of patients and their families. Understanding how to manage ed... Read More about Prevalence and Impact of Chronic Edema in Bariatric Patients: A LIMPRINT Study.