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All Outputs (120)

Impact of environmental radiation on the health and reproductive status of fish from Chernobyl (2018)
Journal Article
Lerebours, A., Gudkov, D., Nagorskaya, L., Kaglyan, A., Rizewski, V., Leshchenko, A., Bailey, E. H., Bakir, A., Ovsyanikova, S., Laptev, G., & Smith, J. T. (2018). Impact of environmental radiation on the health and reproductive status of fish from Chernobyl. Environmental Science and Technology, 52(16), 9442-9450.

© 2018 American Chemical Society. Aquatic organisms at Chernobyl have now been chronically exposed to environmental radiation for three decades. The biological effects of acute exposure to radiation are relatively well documented, but much less is kn... Read More about Impact of environmental radiation on the health and reproductive status of fish from Chernobyl.

Chromium speciation in foodstuffs: a review (2018)
Journal Article
Hamilton, E. M., Young, S. D., Bailey, E. H., & Watts, M. J. (2018). Chromium speciation in foodstuffs: a review. Food Chemistry, 250,

Numerous critical reviews have evaluated exposure to toxic and carcinogenic hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) from a number of pathways; including workplace air, cement and packaging materials. The contribution of foodstuffs to dietary Cr(VI) has been inc... Read More about Chromium speciation in foodstuffs: a review.

Iodine soil dynamics and methods of measurement: a review (2017)
Journal Article
Humphrey, O., Young, S., Bailey, E., Crout, N., Ander, E., & Watts, M. (2018). Iodine soil dynamics and methods of measurement: a review. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 20(2),

Iodine is an essential micronutrient for human health: insufficient intake can have multiple effects on development and growth, affecting approximately 1.9 billion people worldwide. Previous reviews have focussed on iodine analysis in environmental a... Read More about Iodine soil dynamics and methods of measurement: a review.

Lead in Egyptian soils: Origin, reactivity and bioavailability measured by stable isotope dilution (2017)
Journal Article
Shetaya, W. H., Marzouk, E. R., Mohamed, E. F., Elkassas, M., Bailey, E. H., & Young, S. D. (2018). Lead in Egyptian soils: Origin, reactivity and bioavailability measured by stable isotope dilution. Science of the Total Environment, 618, 460-468.

© 2017 Elsevier B.V. The current availability of Pb in Egyptian soils and associated plants were studied in 15 locations (n = 159) that had been historically subjected to industrial and automobile Pb emissions. Isotopic dilution with enriched 204Pb w... Read More about Lead in Egyptian soils: Origin, reactivity and bioavailability measured by stable isotope dilution.

Lead in Egyptian Soils: Origin, reactivity and bioavailability measured by stable isotope. (2017)
Journal Article
Shetaya, W., Marzouk, E., Mohamed, E., Elkassas, M., Bailey, E., & Young, S. (2018). Lead in Egyptian Soils: Origin, reactivity and bioavailability measured by stable isotope. Science of the Total Environment, 618, Article 460-468.

The current availability of Pb in Egyptian soils and associated plants were studied in 15 locations (n = 159) that had been historically subjected to industrial and automobile Pb emissions. Isotopic dilution with enriched 204Pb was used to estimate t... Read More about Lead in Egyptian Soils: Origin, reactivity and bioavailability measured by stable isotope..

Predicting trace metal solubility and fractionation in urban soils from isotopic exchangeability (2017)
Journal Article
Mao, L., Young, S., Tye, A., & Bailey, E. (in press). Predicting trace metal solubility and fractionation in urban soils from isotopic exchangeability. Environmental Pollution,

Metal-salt amended soils (MA, n = 23), and historically-contaminated urban soils from two English cities (Urban, n = 50), were investigated to assess the effects of soil properties and contaminant source on metal lability and solubility. A stable is... Read More about Predicting trace metal solubility and fractionation in urban soils from isotopic exchangeability.

Determining the fate of selenium in wheat biofortification: an isotopically labelled field trial study (2017)
Journal Article
Mathers, A. W., Young, S. D., McGrath, S., Zhao, F.-J., Crout, N. M., & Bailey, E. H. (in press). Determining the fate of selenium in wheat biofortification: an isotopically labelled field trial study. Plant and Soil, 420(1-2),

The principal aim of this research was to quantify retention of a single, realistic Se biofortification application (10 g ha-1) in contrasting soils over two growing seasons utilizing an enriched stable Se isotope (77Se) to discriminate between... Read More about Determining the fate of selenium in wheat biofortification: an isotopically labelled field trial study.

Effects of incubation time and filtration method on Kd of indigenous selenium and iodine in temperate soils (2017)
Journal Article
Al Mahayni, T., Bailey, E. H., Crout, N. M., & Shaw, G. (2017). Effects of incubation time and filtration method on Kd of indigenous selenium and iodine in temperate soils. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 177, 84-90.

In this study, the effects of incubation time and the method of soil solution extraction and filtration on the empirical distribution coefficient (Kd) obtained by de-sorbing indigenous selenium (Se) and iodine (I) from arable and woodland soils under... Read More about Effects of incubation time and filtration method on Kd of indigenous selenium and iodine in temperate soils.

Historical trends in iodine and selenium in soil and herbage at the Park Grass experiment, Rothamsted Research, UK (2017)
Journal Article
Bowley, H. E., Mathers, A. W., Young, S. D., MacDonald, A. J., Ander, E. L., Watts, M. J., Zhao, F. J., McGrath, S., Crout, N. J., & Bailey, E. H. (2017). Historical trends in iodine and selenium in soil and herbage at the Park Grass experiment, Rothamsted Research, UK. Soil Use and Management, 33(2), 252-262.

Long term trends in iodine and selenium retention in soil, and uptake by herbage, were investigated in archived samples from the Park Grass Experiment, initiated in 1856 at Rothamsted, UK. Soil (0-23 cm) and herbage samples from plots receiving vario... Read More about Historical trends in iodine and selenium in soil and herbage at the Park Grass experiment, Rothamsted Research, UK.

Population exposure to trace elements in the Kilembe copper mine area, Western Uganda: a pilot study (2016)
Journal Article
Mwesigye, A. R., Young, S. D., Bailey, E. H., & Tumwebaze, S. B. (2016). Population exposure to trace elements in the Kilembe copper mine area, Western Uganda: a pilot study. Science of the Total Environment, 573,

The mining and processing of copper in Kilembe, Western Uganda, from 1956 to 1982 left over 15 Mt. of tailings containing cupriferous and cobaltiferous pyrite dumped within a mountain river valley. This pilot study was conducted to assess the nature... Read More about Population exposure to trace elements in the Kilembe copper mine area, Western Uganda: a pilot study.

Kinetic study of time-dependent fixation of UVI on biochar (2016)
Journal Article
Ashry, A., Bailey, E. H., Chenery, S., & Young, S. D. (2016). Kinetic study of time-dependent fixation of UVI on biochar. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 320,

Biochar, a by-product from the production of biofuel and syngas by gasification, was tested as a material for adsorption and fixation of UVI from aqueous solutions. A batch experiment was conducted to study the factors that influence the adsorption a... Read More about Kinetic study of time-dependent fixation of UVI on biochar.

Iodine binding to humic acid (2016)
Journal Article
Bowley, H. E., Young, S. D., Ander, E. L., Crout, N. J., Watts, M. J., & Bailey, E. H. (2016). Iodine binding to humic acid. Chemosphere, 157,

The rate of reactions between humic acid (HA) and iodide (I-) and iodate (IO3-) have been investigated in suspensions spiked with 129I at concentrations of 22, 44 and 88 µg L-1 and stored at 10oC. Changes in the speciation of 129I-, 129IO3- and mixe... Read More about Iodine binding to humic acid.

Using isotopic dilution to assess chemical extraction of labile Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in soils (2016)
Journal Article
Garforth, J. M., Bailey, E. H., Tye, A. M., Young, S. D., & Lofts, S. (2016). Using isotopic dilution to assess chemical extraction of labile Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in soils. Chemosphere, 155,

Chemical extractants used to measure labile soil metal must ideally select for and solubilise the labile fraction, with minimal solubilisation of non-labile metal. We assessed four extractants (0.43 M HNO3, 0.43 M CH3COOH, 0.05 M Na2H2EDTA and 1 M Ca... Read More about Using isotopic dilution to assess chemical extraction of labile Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in soils.

Lability of copper bound to humic acid (2015)
Journal Article
Mao, L., Young, S. D., & Bailey, L. (2015). Lability of copper bound to humic acid. Chemosphere, 131,

Geochemical speciation models generally include the assumption that all metal bound to humic acid and fulvic acid (HA, FA) is labile. However, in the current study, we determined the presence of a soluble ‘non-labile’ Cu fraction bound to HA extracte... Read More about Lability of copper bound to humic acid.

Selenium in commercial beer and losses in the brewing process from wheat to beer (2015)
Journal Article
Rodrigo, S., Young, S., Cook, D., Wilkinson, S., Clegg, S., Bailey, L., Mathers, A., & Broadley, M. (2015). Selenium in commercial beer and losses in the brewing process from wheat to beer. Food Chemistry, 182, 9-13.

There is increasing interest in enhancing the micronutrient composition of cereals through fertilization. The aims of this study were (1) to determine the Se concentration of commercial beers retailing in the UK, and (2) to test if the transfer of Se... Read More about Selenium in commercial beer and losses in the brewing process from wheat to beer.

Lability of Pb in soil: effects of soil properties and contaminant source (2014)
Journal Article
Mao, L., Bailey, E. H., Chester, J., Dean, J., Ander, E. L., Chenery, S. R., & Young, S. D. (2014). Lability of Pb in soil: effects of soil properties and contaminant source. Environmental Chemistry, 11(6), 690-701.

Environmental Context: There is growing concern that lead (Pb) in the environment may cause adverse health effects in human populations. We investigated the combined use of isotopic abundance and isotopic dilution to show how the origins of soil Pb... Read More about Lability of Pb in soil: effects of soil properties and contaminant source.

Quantification of changes in zero valent iron morphology using X-ray computed tomography (2013)
Journal Article
Luo, P., Bailey, E. H., & Mooney, S. J. (2013). Quantification of changes in zero valent iron morphology using X-ray computed tomography. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 25(11), 2344-2351.

Morphological changes within the porous architecture of laboratory scale zero valent iron (ZVI) permeable reactive barriers (PRBs), after exposure to different groundwater conditions, have been quantified experimentally for different ZVI/sand ratios... Read More about Quantification of changes in zero valent iron morphology using X-ray computed tomography.

Does returning sites of historic peri-urban waste disposal to vegetable production pose a risk to human health? - A case study near Manchester, UK (2012)
Journal Article
Atkinson, N. R., Young, S. D., Tye, A. M., Breward, N., & Bailey, E. H. (2012). Does returning sites of historic peri-urban waste disposal to vegetable production pose a risk to human health? - A case study near Manchester, UK. Soil Use and Management, 28(4), 559-570.

Urban waste disposal occurred on fenland to the west of Manchester, England, between 1900 and 1964. The reclaimed fenland, Chat Moss, is now used for mixed arable farming. A total of 1.92 Mt of waste including privy midden, street sweepings, clinkers... Read More about Does returning sites of historic peri-urban waste disposal to vegetable production pose a risk to human health? - A case study near Manchester, UK.

Iodine dynamics in soils (2011)
Journal Article
Shetaya, W. H., Young, S. D., Watts, M. J., Ander, E. L., & Bailey, E. H. (2012). Iodine dynamics in soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 77, 457-473.

We investigated changes in iodine ( 129I) solubility and speciation in nine soils with contrasting properties (pH, Fe/Mn oxides, organic carbon and iodine contents), incubated for nine months at 10 and 20°C. The rate of 129I sorption was greater in s... Read More about Iodine dynamics in soils.

Fractionation of lead in soil by isotopic dilution and sequential extraction (2011)
Journal Article
Atkinson, N. R., Bailey, E. H., Tye, A. M., Breward, N., & Young, S. D. (2011). Fractionation of lead in soil by isotopic dilution and sequential extraction. Environmental Chemistry, 8(5), 493-500.

Environmental contextThe chemical reactivity of lead in soil is difficult to assess and depends on both soil conditions and the origins of the lead. This paper tests the combined application of lead isotopic techniques and chemical extraction against... Read More about Fractionation of lead in soil by isotopic dilution and sequential extraction.