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Fractionation of lead in soil by isotopic dilution and sequential extraction

Atkinson, N. R.; Bailey, E. H.; Tye, A. M.; Breward, N.; Young, S. D.


N. R. Atkinson

A. M. Tye

N. Breward

S. D. Young


Environmental contextThe chemical reactivity of lead in soil is difficult to assess and depends on both soil conditions and the origins of the lead. This paper tests the combined application of lead isotopic techniques and chemical extraction against our understanding of lead fractionation in soils. Possibly against expectation, it appears that the 'reactivity' of lead can be high and yet there is tentative evidence that the original source of the metal affects its fractionation in soil, even after long contact times. Abstract'Reactivity' or 'lability' of lead is difficult to measure using traditional methods. We investigated the use of isotopic dilution with 204Pb to determine metal reactivity in four soils historically contaminated with contrasting sources of Pb, including (i) petrol-derived Pb, (ii) Pb/Zn minespoil, (iii) long-term sewage sludge application and (iv) 19th century urban waste disposal; total soil Pb concentrations ranged from 217 to 13600mgkg-1. A post-spike equilibration period of 3 days and suspension in 5.010-4 M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid provided reasonably robust conditions for measuring isotopically exchangeable Pb. However, in acidic organic soils a dilute Ca(NO3)2 electrolyte may be preferable to avoid mobilisation of 'non-labile' Pb. Results showed that the reactive pool of soil Pb can be a large proportion of the total soil lead content but varies with the original Pb source. A comparison of isotopic exchangeability with the results of a sequential extraction procedure showed that (isotopically) 'non-labile' Pb may be broadly equated with 'residual' Pb in organic soils. However, in mineral soils the 'carbonate' and 'oxide-bound' Pb fractions included non-labile forms of Pb. The individual isotopic signatures of labile and non-labile Pb pools suggested that, despite prolonged contact with soil, differences between the lability of the original contaminant and the native soil Pb may remain. © 2011 CSIRO.


Atkinson, N. R., Bailey, E. H., Tye, A. M., Breward, N., & Young, S. D. (2011). Fractionation of lead in soil by isotopic dilution and sequential extraction. Environmental Chemistry, 8(5), 493-500.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 25, 2011
Online Publication Date Sep 13, 2011
Publication Date Oct 24, 2011
Deposit Date Feb 3, 2020
Journal Environmental Chemistry
Print ISSN 1448-2517
Electronic ISSN 1449-8979
Publisher CSIRO Publishing
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 8
Issue 5
Pages 493-500
Public URL
Publisher URL