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All Outputs (28)

Gesture bike: examining projection surfaces and turn signal systems for urban cycling (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dancu, A., Vechev, V., Unluer, A. A., Nilson, S., Nygren, O., Eliasson, S., Barjonet, J.-E., Marshall, J., & Fjeld, M. (2015, November). Gesture bike: examining projection surfaces and turn signal systems for urban cycling. Presented at ITS 2015: ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, Madeira Portugal

Interactive surfaces could be employed in urban environments to make people more aware of moving vehicles, showing drivers’ intention and the subsequent position of vehicles. To explore the usage of projections while cycling, we created a system that... Read More about Gesture bike: examining projection surfaces and turn signal systems for urban cycling.

Utilizing gravity in movement-based games and play (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hämäläinen, P., Marshall, J., Kajastila, R., Byrne, R., & Mueller, F. ‘. (2015, October). Utilizing gravity in movement-based games and play. Presented at CHI PLAY '15: Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, London United Kingdom

This paper seeks to expand the understanding of gravity as a powerful but underexplored design resource for movement-based games and play. We examine how gravity has been utilized and manipulated in digital, physical, and mixed reality games and spor... Read More about Utilizing gravity in movement-based games and play.

Grand Push Auto: a car based exertion game (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Marshall, J., Loesche, F., Linehan, C., Johnson, D., & Martelli, B. (2015, October). Grand Push Auto: a car based exertion game. Presented at CHI PLAY '15: The annual symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, London United Kingdom

Grand Push Auto is an exertion game in which players aim to push a full sized car to ever increasing speeds. The re-appropriation of a car as essentially a large weight allows us to create a highly portable and distributable exertion game in which th... Read More about Grand Push Auto: a car based exertion game.

The Challenges of Using Biodata in Promotional Filmmaking (2015)
Journal Article
Reeves, S., Martindale, S., Tennent, P., Benford, S., Marshall, J., & Walker, B. (2015). The Challenges of Using Biodata in Promotional Filmmaking. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 22(3), 1-26.

© 2015 ACM. We present a study of how filmmakers collected and visualized physiological data - "biodata" - to construct a series of short promotional films depicting people undergoing "thrilling" experiences. Drawing on ethnographic studies of two ma... Read More about The Challenges of Using Biodata in Promotional Filmmaking.

Performance-Led Research in the Wild (2013)
Journal Article
Benford, S., Adams, M., Tandavanitj, N., Row Farr, J., Greenhalgh, C., Crabtree, A., Flintham, M., Walker, B., Marshall, J., Koleva, B., Rennick Egglestone, S., & Giannachi, G. (2013). Performance-Led Research in the Wild. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 20(3), 1-22.

We explore the approach of performance-led research in the wild in which artists drive the creation of novel performances with the support of HCI researchers that are then deployed and studied at public performance in cultural settings such as galler... Read More about Performance-Led Research in the Wild.

Locating experience: touring a pervasive performance (2011)
Journal Article
Chamberlain, A., Oppermann, L., Flintham, M., Benford, S., Tolmie, P., Adams, M., Row Farr, J., Tandavanitj, N., Marshall, J., & Rodden, T. (2011). Locating experience: touring a pervasive performance. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 15, 717–730.

Touring location-based experiences is chal- lenging, as both content and underlying location services must be adapted to each new setting. A study of a touring performance called Rider Spoke as it visited three different cities reveals how profession... Read More about Locating experience: touring a pervasive performance.

Analysing the playground: sensitizing concepts to inform systems that promote playful interaction (2011)
Book Chapter
Rennick-Egglestone, S., Walker, B., Marshall, J., Benford, S., & McAuley, D. (2011). Analysing the playground: sensitizing concepts to inform systems that promote playful interaction. In P. Campos, N. Graham, J. Jorge, N. Nunes, P. Palanque, & M. Winckler (Eds.), Human-computer interaction - INTERACT 2011:13th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, September 5-9, 2011: proceedings. Springer.

Playful interaction in an important topic in HCI research, and there is an ongoing debate about the fundamental principles that underpin playful systems. This paper makes a contribution to this debate by outlining a set of sensitizing concepts which... Read More about Analysing the playground: sensitizing concepts to inform systems that promote playful interaction.