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RAPID-2 study protocol: a cluster randomised feasibility trial of a midwife facilitated intervention for pregnant women with symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety (2022)
Journal Article
Evans, K., Spiby, H., Slade, M., Jomeen, J., & Beckhelling, J. (2022). RAPID-2 study protocol: a cluster randomised feasibility trial of a midwife facilitated intervention for pregnant women with symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety. BMJ Open, 12(10), Article e064659.

INTRODUCTION: Many women experience symptoms during pregnancy. Elevated and prolonged anxiety can have negative effects on the woman and baby. The RAPID intervention aims to provide suitable, timely support for women with mild-moderate anxiety. The R... Read More about RAPID-2 study protocol: a cluster randomised feasibility trial of a midwife facilitated intervention for pregnant women with symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety.

Realist inquiry into Maternity care @ a Distance (ARM@DA): realist review protocol (2022)
Journal Article
Evans, C., Evans, K., Booth, A., Timmons, S., Jones, N., Nazmeen, B., Sunney, C., Clowes, M., Clancy, G., & Spiby, H. (2022). Realist inquiry into Maternity care @ a Distance (ARM@DA): realist review protocol. BMJ Open, 12(9), Article e062106.

INTRODUCTION: One of the most commonly reported COVID-19-related changes to all maternity services has been an increase in the use of digital clinical consultations such as telephone or video calling; however, the ways in which they can be optimally... Read More about Realist inquiry into Maternity care @ a Distance (ARM@DA): realist review protocol.

Birth environments for women with complex pregnancies: A mixed-methods systematic review (2022)
Journal Article
Sands, G., Evans, K., Spiby, H., Eldridge, J., Pallotti, P., & Evans, C. (2023). Birth environments for women with complex pregnancies: A mixed-methods systematic review. Women and Birth, 36(1), 39-46.

Background: Birth environments can help support women through labour and birth. Home-like rooms which encourage active birthing are embraced in midwifery-led settings. However, this is often not reflected in obstetric settings for women with more com... Read More about Birth environments for women with complex pregnancies: A mixed-methods systematic review.

The importance of face to face, group antenatal education classes for first time mothers: A qualitative study (2022)
Journal Article
Spiby, H., Stewart, J., Watts, K., Hughes, A., & Slade, P. (2022). The importance of face to face, group antenatal education classes for first time mothers: A qualitative study. Midwifery, 109, Article 103295.

Objectives: To explore and understand perspectives of women expecting their first child and why they wanted to attend NHS antenatal education. This included what worries and concerns they wanted to be addressed and why this would be beneficial. It al... Read More about The importance of face to face, group antenatal education classes for first time mothers: A qualitative study.

Remotely Delivered Interventions to Support Women With Symptoms of Anxiety in Pregnancy: Mixed Methods Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Evans, K., Rennick-Egglestone, S., Cox, S., Kuipers, Y., & Spiby, H. (2022). Remotely Delivered Interventions to Support Women With Symptoms of Anxiety in Pregnancy: Mixed Methods Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(2), Article e28093.

Background: Symptoms of anxiety are common in pregnancy, with severe symptoms associated with negative outcomes for women and babies. Low-level psychological therapy is recommended for women with mild to moderate anxiety, with the aim of preventing a... Read More about Remotely Delivered Interventions to Support Women With Symptoms of Anxiety in Pregnancy: Mixed Methods Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Midwifery students' perspectives of physical and virtual mobility activities including preferences for e-learning: A cross-sectional survey (2021)
Journal Article
Borrelli, S., Walker, L., Coolin, K., Fumagalli, S., Karema, A., Konstantinidis, S., Mets-Oja, S., Nespoli, A., Smit, A.-M., Van Oost, M., & Spiby, H. (2022). Midwifery students' perspectives of physical and virtual mobility activities including preferences for e-learning: A cross-sectional survey. Nurse Education Today, 109, Article 105214.

Background: Contemporary higher education requires that all midwifery students have insight and understanding of global health practice and demonstrate intercultural sensitivity. However, the mobility models currently offered do not often fit the liv... Read More about Midwifery students' perspectives of physical and virtual mobility activities including preferences for e-learning: A cross-sectional survey.

The effect of iron deficiency and anaemia on women's health (2021)
Journal Article
Benson, C., Shah, A., Stanworth, S., Frise, C., Spiby, H., Lax, S., Murray, J., & Klein, A. (2021). The effect of iron deficiency and anaemia on women's health. Anaesthesia, 76(S4), 84-95.

Iron deficiency and anaemia are global health problems and major causes of morbidity in women. Current definitions of anaemia in women are historic and have been challenged by recent data from observational studies. Menstrual loss, abnormal uterine b... Read More about The effect of iron deficiency and anaemia on women's health.

Spontaneous rupture of membranes and potential use of reagent pads: midwives' experiences and perspectives (2021)
Journal Article
Borrelli, S., Harton, S., Poole, G., Robertson, K., Walmsley, A., Jomeen, J., Walker, L., & Spiby, H. (2021). Spontaneous rupture of membranes and potential use of reagent pads: midwives' experiences and perspectives. Midirs Midwifery Digest, 31(1), 89-95

Aims and objective: The aim of this study was to explore midwives' experiences and perspectives of current approaches to midwifery care for women with pre-labour or early labour spontaneous rupture of membranes (SROM), with a focus on the potential u... Read More about Spontaneous rupture of membranes and potential use of reagent pads: midwives' experiences and perspectives.

Establishing information needs and research priorities in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in the local maternity setting (2021)
Journal Article
Evans, K., Janiszewski, H., Evans, C., & Spiby, H. (2021). Establishing information needs and research priorities in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in the local maternity setting. Midwifery, 95, Article 102922.

The purpose of this project was to identify gaps in the current evidence base and to identify research priorities in the local context during the Covid-19 pandemic. This paper reports on the application and adaptation of the CHNRI methodology which f... Read More about Establishing information needs and research priorities in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in the local maternity setting.

A systematic review of supportive interventions to promote women's comfort and well-being during induction of labour (2020)
Journal Article
Evans, K., Sands, G., Spiby, H., Evans, C., Pallotti, P., & Eldridge, J. (2021). A systematic review of supportive interventions to promote women's comfort and well-being during induction of labour. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(5), 2185-2196.

© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness of non-pharmacological non-invasive supportive interventions for impacts on women's comfort and well-being during induction of labour. Design: A quantitative systematic review without... Read More about A systematic review of supportive interventions to promote women's comfort and well-being during induction of labour.

Developing a complex intervention to support pregnant women with mild to moderate anxiety: application of the Medical Research Council framework (2020)
Journal Article
Evans, K., Spiby, H., & Morrell, C. J. (2020). Developing a complex intervention to support pregnant women with mild to moderate anxiety: application of the Medical Research Council framework. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20(1), Article 777.

Background: To design and develop an intervention to support women with symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety in pregnancy. Methods: The development followed the MRC framework for complex interventions, utilising psychological theory, review level evi... Read More about Developing a complex intervention to support pregnant women with mild to moderate anxiety: application of the Medical Research Council framework.

Midwifery students’ views and experiences of birth on mainstream factual television (2020)
Journal Article
Roberts, J., Bennett, B., Slack, H., Borrelli, S., Spiby, H., Walker, L., & Jomeen, J. (2021). Midwifery students’ views and experiences of birth on mainstream factual television. Midwifery, 92, Article 102859.

© 2020 Objectives: To investigate midwifery students’ experiences of viewing childbirth on mainstream factual television and to explore implications for student career intentions and potential pedagogical uses of television excerpts in midwifery educ... Read More about Midwifery students’ views and experiences of birth on mainstream factual television.

Mixed-methods systematic review: Childbearing women's views, experiences, and decision-making related to epidural analgesia in labour (2020)
Journal Article
Borrelli, S., Evans, K., Pallotti, P., Evans, C., Eldridge, J., & Spiby, H. (2020). Mixed-methods systematic review: Childbearing women's views, experiences, and decision-making related to epidural analgesia in labour. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(12), 3273-3292.

© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Aims: To investigate childbearing women's views, experiences and decision-making related to epidural analgesia in labour. Design: Mixed-methods systematic review. Data Sources: A comprehensive literature search was impl... Read More about Mixed-methods systematic review: Childbearing women's views, experiences, and decision-making related to epidural analgesia in labour.

Introducing midwifery students to the world of research: building the basis for future leaders in evidence-based practice (2020)
Journal Article
Borrelli, S., Walker, L., Jomeen, J., Roberts, J., Edgley, A., Bennett, B., Harton, S., Poole, G., Robertson, K., Slack, H., Walmsley, A., & Spiby, H. (2020). Introducing midwifery students to the world of research: building the basis for future leaders in evidence-based practice. Midirs Midwifery Digest, 30(3), 324-329

This educational project aimed at involving undergraduate midwifery students as co-investigators in research studies, with the primary aim of acquiring first-hand experience of operationalising fundamental aspects of the research process by working w... Read More about Introducing midwifery students to the world of research: building the basis for future leaders in evidence-based practice.

Factors influencing utilisation of ‘free-standing’ and ‘alongside’ midwifery units for low-risk births in England: a mixed-methods study (2020)
Journal Article
Walsh, D., Spiby, H., McCourt, C., Coleby, D., Grigg, C., Bishop, S., Scanlon, M., Culley, L., Wilkinson, J., Pacanowski, L., & Thornton, J. (2020). Factors influencing utilisation of ‘free-standing’ and ‘alongside’ midwifery units for low-risk births in England: a mixed-methods study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 8(12), 1-106.

STRAWB2 (Stress and Wellbeing After Childbirth): a randomised controlled trial of targeted self‐help materials to prevent post‐traumatic stress disorder following childbirth (2020)
Journal Article
Slade, P., West, H., Thomson, G., Lane, S., Spiby, H., Tudor Edwards, R., Charles, J., Garrett, C., Flanagan, B., Treadwell, M., Hayden, E., & Weeks, A. (2020). STRAWB2 (Stress and Wellbeing After Childbirth): a randomised controlled trial of targeted self‐help materials to prevent post‐traumatic stress disorder following childbirth. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 127(7), 886-896.


To test whether providing psychological self‐help materials would significantly lower the incidence of post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at 6–12 weeks postnatally.


Open‐label randomised controlled trial, with blinded ou... Read More about STRAWB2 (Stress and Wellbeing After Childbirth): a randomised controlled trial of targeted self‐help materials to prevent post‐traumatic stress disorder following childbirth.

Women's information needs, decision-making and experiences of membrane sweeping to promote spontaneous labour (2020)
Journal Article
Spiby, H., Roberts, J., Evans, K., Evans, C., Pallotti, P., & Eldridge, J. (2020). Women's information needs, decision-making and experiences of membrane sweeping to promote spontaneous labour. Midwifery, 83, Article 102626.

© 2019 Objective: To explore and synthesise evidence of women's information needs, decision-making and experiences of membrane sweeping to promote spontaneous labour. Design: A systematic review following the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) meta-aggreg... Read More about Women's information needs, decision-making and experiences of membrane sweeping to promote spontaneous labour.