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All Outputs (9)

Uncertainty and variability in models of the cardiac action potential: Can we build trustworthy models? (2015)
Journal Article
Johnstone, R. H., Chang, E. T., Bardenet, R., de Boer, T. P., Gavaghan, D. J., Pathmanathan, P., Clayton, R. H., & Mirams, G. R. (2016). Uncertainty and variability in models of the cardiac action potential: Can we build trustworthy models?. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 96, 49-62.

Cardiac electrophysiology models have been developed for over 50 years, and now include detailed descriptions of individual ion currents and sub-cellular calcium handling. It is commonly accepted that there are many uncertainties in these systems, wi... Read More about Uncertainty and variability in models of the cardiac action potential: Can we build trustworthy models?.

Mathematical Modelling of Heart Rate Changes in the Mouse (2015)
Christie, M., Nandi, M., Borg, Y., Carapella, V., Mirams, G., Aston, P., Bayram, S., D. Simitev, R., Siggers, J., & Chakrabarti, B. Mathematical Modelling of Heart Rate Changes in the Mouse. NC3Rs

The CVS is composed of numerous interacting and dynamically regulated physiological subsystems which each generate measurable periodic components such that the CVS can itself be presented as a system of weakly coupled oscillators. The interactions be... Read More about Mathematical Modelling of Heart Rate Changes in the Mouse.

Hydroxychloroquine reduces heart rate by modulating the hyperpolarization-activated current If: Novel electrophysiological insights and therapeutic potential (2015)
Journal Article
Capel, R. A., Herring, N., Kalla, M., Yavari, A., Mirams, G. R., Douglas, G., Bub, G., Channon, K., Paterson, D. J., Terrar, D. A., & Burton, R. A. B. (2015). Hydroxychloroquine reduces heart rate by modulating the hyperpolarization-activated current If: Novel electrophysiological insights and therapeutic potential. Heart Rhythm, 12(10), 2186-2194.

© 2015 Heart Rhythm Society. Background Bradycardic agents are of interest for the treatment of ischemic heart disease and heart failure, as heart rate is an important determinant of myocardial oxygen consumption. Objectives The purpose of this study... Read More about Hydroxychloroquine reduces heart rate by modulating the hyperpolarization-activated current If: Novel electrophysiological insights and therapeutic potential.

Voltage protocol design for determining hERG channel kinetics (2015)
Journal Article
Beattie, K., de Boer, T., Gavaghan, D., Louttit, J., & Mirams, G. (2015). Voltage protocol design for determining hERG channel kinetics. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, 75, 164.

Drug interactions with cardiac ion channels can cause disturbances to normal electrical activity in the heart. In particular, hERG channel block has been linked with QT prolongation and increased pro-arrhythmic risk. Consequently, hERG channel screen... Read More about Voltage protocol design for determining hERG channel kinetics.

Ca2+ Channel Re-localization to Plasma-Membrane Microdomains Strengthens Activation of Ca2+-Dependent Nuclear Gene Expression (2015)
Journal Article
Samanta, K., Kar, P., Mirams, G. R., & Parekh, A. B. (2015). Ca2+ Channel Re-localization to Plasma-Membrane Microdomains Strengthens Activation of Ca2+-Dependent Nuclear Gene Expression. Cell Reports, 12(2), 203-216.

© 2015 The Authors. In polarized cells or cells with complex geometry, clustering of plasma-membrane (PM) ion channels is an effective mechanism for eliciting spatially restricted signals. However, channel clustering is also seen in cells with relati... Read More about Ca2+ Channel Re-localization to Plasma-Membrane Microdomains Strengthens Activation of Ca2+-Dependent Nuclear Gene Expression.

A web portal for in-silico action potential predictions (2015)
Journal Article
Williams, G., & Mirams, G. R. (2015). A web portal for in-silico action potential predictions. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, 75, 10-16.

© 2015 . Introduction: Multiple cardiac ion channels are prone to block by pharmaceutical compounds, and this can have large implications for cardiac safety. The effect of a compound on individual ion currents can now be measured in automated patch c... Read More about A web portal for in-silico action potential predictions.

Cardiac tissue slices: Preparation, handling, and successful optical mapping (2015)
Journal Article
Wang, K., Lee, P., Mirams, G. R., Sarathchandra, P., Borg, T. K., Gavaghan, D. J., Kohl, P., & Bollensdorff, C. (2015). Cardiac tissue slices: Preparation, handling, and successful optical mapping. AJP - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 308(9), H1112-H1125.

© 2015 the American Physiological Society. Cardiac tissue slices are becoming increasingly popular as a model system for cardiac electrophysiology and pharmacology research and development. Here, we describe in detail the preparation, handling, and o... Read More about Cardiac tissue slices: Preparation, handling, and successful optical mapping.

Novel Voltage Protocols for Determining hERG Channel Kinetics (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
R. Mirams, G., Beattie, K., B. Louttit, J., de Boer, T., & J. Gavaghan, D. (2015, February). Novel Voltage Protocols for Determining hERG Channel Kinetics. Presented at Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland

Drug interactions with cardiac ion channels can cause disturbances to normal electrical activity in the heart. In particular, hERG channel block has been linked with QT prolongation and increased pro-arrhythmic risk. Consequently, hERG channel screen... Read More about Novel Voltage Protocols for Determining hERG Channel Kinetics.

Cellular cardiac electrophysiology modeling with Chaste and CellML (2015)
Journal Article
Cooper, J., Spiteri, R. J., & Mirams, G. R. (2015). Cellular cardiac electrophysiology modeling with Chaste and CellML. Frontiers in Physiology, 5, Article 511.

© 2015 Cooper, Spiteri and Mirams. Chaste is an open-source C++ library for computational biology that has well-developed cardiac electrophysiology tissue simulation support. In this paper, we introduce the features available for performing cardiac e... Read More about Cellular cardiac electrophysiology modeling with Chaste and CellML.