Disaster Risk Management Plan for Bela Village in Kachchh District State of Gujarat, India
Daberao, S., Dave, N., Devilat, B., & Lanuza, F. (2025). Disaster Risk Management Plan for Bela Village in Kachchh District State of Gujarat, India. Gujarat Institute of Disaster Management
All Outputs (15)
Advanced documentation technologies for people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India (2024)
Journal Article
Devilat, B. M., Lanuza, F., Mane, M., & Pithawalla, Z. (2024). Advanced documentation technologies for people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India. Disaster Prevention and Management, 33(5), 480-501. https://doi.org/10.1108/dpm-12-2023-0316Purpose: Despite the recurrence of earthquakes, responses are usually triggered afterwards, lacking mitigation strategies to diminish risks. Damaged dwellings cannot be immediately reinforced to continue inhabitation, generating disruption. Repairs a... Read More about Advanced documentation technologies for people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India.
Archive and site: The ghost of Peter Eisenman's 1978 Cannaregio Ovest project in Venice (2024)
Journal Article
Lanuza, F. (2024). Archive and site: The ghost of Peter Eisenman's 1978 Cannaregio Ovest project in Venice. ARENA Journal of Architectural Research, 9(1), Article 2. https://doi.org/10.55588/ajar.389In this paper, I discuss Peter Eisenman’s unbuilt proposal for the Cannaregio Ovest district in Venice, and develop a speculative reading linking the project’s archive and the site. I account for different absences involved to visually represent the... Read More about Archive and site: The ghost of Peter Eisenman's 1978 Cannaregio Ovest project in Venice.
The Story of the Design Partnership Behind ZeroCityPlus: A Community Game for Participation and Local Governance Beyond Net Zero Goals (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Vasilikou, C., Papamanousakis, Y., & Lanuza, F. (2023, July). The Story of the Design Partnership Behind ZeroCityPlus: A Community Game for Participation and Local Governance Beyond Net Zero Goals. Presented at 2023 World Congress of Architects, Copenhagen, DenmarkCan playing a game help us raise awareness of the climate crisis, contribute to behavioural change towards a more sustainable way of life, and create plans and strategies for cities that can regenerate the ecosystems we all depend on? What would this... Read More about The Story of the Design Partnership Behind ZeroCityPlus: A Community Game for Participation and Local Governance Beyond Net Zero Goals.
Advanced documentation technologies for a people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Devilat, B., Lanuza, F., Mane, M., & Pithawalla, Z. (2023, June). Advanced documentation technologies for a people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India. Presented at i-Rec conference 2023, Sendai, JapanDespite the recurrence of earthquakes, responses are usually triggered afterwards, lacking mitigation strategies to diminish risks. Damaged dwellings cannot be immediately reinforced to continue inhabitation, generating disruption. Repairs are usuall... Read More about Advanced documentation technologies for a people-centred preparedness and re-construction in Bela, India.
Reconstruction of housing after the 2010 earthquake in Chile. Challenges and Lessons from the Heritage Reconstruction Programme (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DEVILAT, B. (2023, June). Reconstruction of housing after the 2010 earthquake in Chile. Challenges and Lessons from the Heritage Reconstruction Programme. Presented at i-Rec Conference 2023: Tensions Between Tradition and Innovation in Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Action, and Reconstruction: Reflecting on Tohoku’s Recovery Twelve Years Later, Sendai, Japan
A framework for earthquake assessment, re-construction and risk mitigation of buildings in historical settlements of Gujarat using advanced recording technologies (2022)
DEVILAT, B., LANUZA, F., KANJI, R., DESAI, J., MANE, M., PITHAWALLA, Z., SINGH, A., & ACHARYA, M. (2022). A framework for earthquake assessment, re-construction and risk mitigation of buildings in historical settlements of Gujarat using advanced recording technologies. N/A
3D Laser Scanning documentation for informing the post-earthquake recovery of heritage settlements: a practical guide (2022)
Jigyasu, R., Sen, S., Devilat, B., & Lanuza, F. (2022). 3D Laser Scanning documentation for informing the post-earthquake recovery of heritage settlements: a practical guide. ICCROM
The layered absences of the Heygate Estate, South London (1974-2014) (2020)
Journal Article
Lanuza, F. (2020). The layered absences of the Heygate Estate, South London (1974-2014). arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 24(1), 49-65. https://doi.org/10.1017/S135913552000010X
Absence, silence, and the shades of Takemitsu's Ma in Venice (2019)
Journal Article
Rilling, F. L. (2019). Absence, silence, and the shades of Takemitsu's Ma in Venice. Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts, 19, 80-92. https://doi.org/10.24135/ijara.v0i0.557I propose to set up a dialogue between absence and silence; in particular, between my own interpretations of absence through layered images, and silence as it features in the musical works by Tōru Takemitsu. My layered images seek to re-present exper... Read More about Absence, silence, and the shades of Takemitsu's Ma in Venice.
On Margins and Absences: notes on how Enric Miralles engaged with 'place' (2019)
Journal Article
Lanuza, F. (2019). On Margins and Absences: notes on how Enric Miralles engaged with 'place'. InForma, 38-47
Drawing (on) the Context: Scanning, Designing, Building (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Devilat, B., & Lanuza, F. (2017, November). Drawing (on) the Context: Scanning, Designing, Building. Presented at Drawing Millions of Plans, Copenhagen, Denmark
Palimpsests of Light: the Absence of the Heygate Estate (2017)
Journal Article
Lanuza, F. (2017). Palimpsests of Light: the Absence of the Heygate Estate. Urban Transcripts, 1(1),
Parque Lúdico Maestranza San Eugenio: una alternativa para la valorización y uso público del paisaje ferroviario (2015)
Book Chapter
Rilling, F. L. (2015). Parque Lúdico Maestranza San Eugenio: una alternativa para la valorización y uso público del paisaje ferroviario. In L. R. Rojas Morales,, C. M. Maria de los Ángeles, O. E. Astrid Andrea., & L. G. Sergio (Eds.), Entre rieles y chimeneas : un recorrido por el barrio obrero y ferroviario San Eugenio (135-136). Rescata Colectivo/Patrimonio
Re-construcción de viviendas en zonas patrimoniales afectadas por terremotos en Chile: Registro y evaluación del caso de Lolol'. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Devilat, B. (2014, December). Re-construcción de viviendas en zonas patrimoniales afectadas por terremotos en Chile: Registro y evaluación del caso de Lolol'. Poster presented at Encuentros ChileGlobal 2014 Conference, Hotel W, Santiago, Chile