Epilogue: A critical appraisal of ethnic studies in the Iron Age Mediterranean
Book Chapter
Saccoccio, F. (2022). Epilogue: A critical appraisal of ethnic studies in the Iron Age Mediterranean. In F. Saccoccio, & E. Vecchi (Eds.), Who do you think you are? : Ethnicity in the Iron Age Mediterranean. Accordia Research Institute
All Outputs (4)
Biographies of Situla Art objects recycled as ex-votos between the Adige and Inn valleys (NE Italy and west Austria) (2021)
Book Chapter
Saccoccio, F. (2021). Biographies of Situla Art objects recycled as ex-votos between the Adige and Inn valleys (NE Italy and west Austria). In A. Weidinger, & J. Leskovar (Eds.), Interpretierte Eisenzeiten Fallstudien, Methoden, Theorie: Tagungsbeiträge der 9. Linzer Gespräche zur interpretativen Eisenzeitarchäologie (53-74). OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbHThis paper discusses the biographies of Situla Art objects recycled as ex-votos found at four Iron Age sanctuaries – Este-Baratella and Caldevigo (Veneto, NE Italy), Mechel (Cles, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, NE Italy) and Pillerhöhe (Fließ, Tirol,... Read More about Biographies of Situla Art objects recycled as ex-votos between the Adige and Inn valleys (NE Italy and west Austria).
I Campi Fossili Di Gricignano D'Aversa U.S. Navy: Sfruttamento E Impatto Umano In Pianura Campana Nel Bronzo Antico (2021)
Book Chapter
Saccoccio, F., Marzocchella, A., & Vanzetti, A. (2021). I Campi Fossili Di Gricignano D'Aversa U.S. Navy: Sfruttamento E Impatto Umano In Pianura Campana Nel Bronzo Antico. In I. Damiani, A. Cazzella, & V. Copat (Eds.), Preistoria del cibo: L'alimentazione nella preistoria e nella protostoria (241-252). Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria
The Prehistoric Agrarian Management Pattern in the Volcanic Landscape of the Campanian Plain, Southern Italy (2021)
Book Chapter
Saccoccio, F. (2021). The Prehistoric Agrarian Management Pattern in the Volcanic Landscape of the Campanian Plain, Southern Italy. In S. Arnoldussen, R. Johnston, & M. Løvschal (Eds.), Europe's Early Fieldscapes : Archaeologies of Prehistoric Land Allotment (209-224). Springer Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71652-3_14This chapter discusses patterns of prehistoric agrarian management in the Campanian Plain, southern Italy, in particular along the course of the rivers Clanis/Regi Lagni and Sebeto and in the area of Naples. The region was affected by volcanic activi... Read More about The Prehistoric Agrarian Management Pattern in the Volcanic Landscape of the Campanian Plain, Southern Italy.