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All Outputs (21)

A regulatory module mediating temperature control of cell-cell communication facilitates tree bud dormancy release (2024)
Journal Article
Pandey, S. K., Maurya, J. P., Aryal, B., Drynda, K., Nair, A., Miskolczi, P., Singh, R. K., Wang, X., Ma, Y., de Souza Moraes, T., Bayer, E. M., Farcot, E., Bassel, G. W., Band, L. R., & Bhalerao, R. P. (2024). A regulatory module mediating temperature control of cell-cell communication facilitates tree bud dormancy release. EMBO Journal, 43(23), 5793-5812.

The control of cell–cell communication via plasmodesmata (PD) plays a key role in plant development. In tree buds, low-temperature conditions (LT) induce a switch in plasmodesmata from a closed to an open state, which restores cell-to-cell communicat... Read More about A regulatory module mediating temperature control of cell-cell communication facilitates tree bud dormancy release.

Quantitative imaging reveals the role of MpARF proteasomal degradation during gemma germination (2024)
Journal Article
Das, S., de Roij, M., Bellows, S., Alvarez, M. D., Mutte, S., Kohlen, W., Farcot, E., Weijers, D., & Borst, J. W. (2024). Quantitative imaging reveals the role of MpARF proteasomal degradation during gemma germination. Plant Communications, 5(11), Article 101039.

The auxin signaling molecule controls a variety of growth and developmental processes in land plants. Auxin regulates gene expression through a nuclear auxin signaling pathway (NAP) consisting of the ubiquitin ligase auxin receptor TIR1/AFB, its Aux/... Read More about Quantitative imaging reveals the role of MpARF proteasomal degradation during gemma germination.

Fluctuations in auxin levels depend upon synchronicity of cell divisions in a one-dimensional model of auxin transport (2023)
Journal Article
Bellows, S., Janes, G., Avitabile, D., King, J. R., Bishopp, A., & Farcot, E. (2023). Fluctuations in auxin levels depend upon synchronicity of cell divisions in a one-dimensional model of auxin transport. PLoS Computational Biology, 19(11), Article e1011646.

Auxin is a well-studied plant hormone, the spatial distribution of which remains incompletely understood. Here, we investigate the effects of cell growth and divisions on the dynamics of auxin patterning, using a combination of mathematical modelling... Read More about Fluctuations in auxin levels depend upon synchronicity of cell divisions in a one-dimensional model of auxin transport.

In silico evidence for the utility of parsimonious root phenotypes for improved vegetative growth and carbon sequestration under drought (2022)
Journal Article
Schäfer, E. D., Ajmera, I., Farcot, E., Owen, M. R., Band, L. R., & Lynch, J. P. (2022). In silico evidence for the utility of parsimonious root phenotypes for improved vegetative growth and carbon sequestration under drought. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, Article 1010165.

Drought is a primary constraint to crop yields and climate change is expected to increase the frequency and severity of drought stress in the future. It has been hypothesized that crops can be made more resistant to drought and better able to sequest... Read More about In silico evidence for the utility of parsimonious root phenotypes for improved vegetative growth and carbon sequestration under drought.

Modeling root loss reveals impacts on nutrient uptake and crop development (2022)
Journal Article
Schäfer, E. D., Owen, M. R., Band, L. R., Farcot, E., Bennett, M. J., & Lynch, J. P. (2022). Modeling root loss reveals impacts on nutrient uptake and crop development. Plant Physiology, 190(4), 2260-2278.

Abstract Despite the widespread prevalence of root loss in plants, its effects on crop productivity are not fully understood. While root loss reduces the capacity of plants to take up water and nutrients from the soil, it may provide benefits by decr... Read More about Modeling root loss reveals impacts on nutrient uptake and crop development.

The effect of renewable energy incorporation on power grid stability and resilience (2022)
Journal Article
Smith, O., Cattell, O., Farcot, E., O'Dea, R. D., & Hopcraft, K. I. (2022). The effect of renewable energy incorporation on power grid stability and resilience. Science Advances, 8(9), Article eabj6734.

Contemporary proliferation of renewable power generation is causing an overhaul in the topology, composition, and dynamics of electrical grids. These low-output, intermittent generators are widely distributed throughout the grid, including at the hou... Read More about The effect of renewable energy incorporation on power grid stability and resilience.

Show me the money: Income inequality and segregation in UK cities (2022)
Journal Article
Cauvain, J., Long, G., Whiteley, T., & Farcot, E. (2022). Show me the money: Income inequality and segregation in UK cities. Area, 54(4), 591-601.

The social geography of cities is argued to be changing globally; rising economic inequality is associated with increasing segregation. Yet, income inequality has been predominantly mobilised through national and regional imaginaries. In cities, a nu... Read More about Show me the money: Income inequality and segregation in UK cities.

Non-cell autonomous and spatiotemporal signalling from a tissue organizer orchestrates root vascular development (2021)
Journal Article
Yang, B. J., Minne, M., Brunoni, F., Plačková, L., Petřík, I., Sun, Y., Nolf, J., Smet, W., Verstaen, K., Wendrich, J. R., Eekhout, T., Hoyerová, K., Van Isterdael, G., Haustraete, J., Bishopp, A., Farcot, E., Novák, O., Saeys, Y., & De Rybel, B. (2021). Non-cell autonomous and spatiotemporal signalling from a tissue organizer orchestrates root vascular development. Nature Plants, 7(11), 1485-1494.

During plant development, a precise balance of cytokinin is crucial for correct growth and patterning, but it remains unclear how this is achieved across different cell types and in the context of a growing organ. Here we show that in the root apical... Read More about Non-cell autonomous and spatiotemporal signalling from a tissue organizer orchestrates root vascular development.

Cauliflower fractal forms arise from perturbations of floral gene networks (2021)
Journal Article
Azpeitia, E., Tichtinsky, G., Le Masson, M., Serrano-Mislata, A., Lucas, J., Gregis, V., Gimenez, C., Prunet, N., Farcot, E., Kater, M. M., Bradley, D., Madueño, F., Godin, C., & Parcy, F. (2021). Cauliflower fractal forms arise from perturbations of floral gene networks. Science, 373(6551), 192-197.

Throughout development, plant meristems regularly produce organs in defined spiral, opposite, or whorl patterns. Cauliflowers present an unusual organ arrangement with a multitude of spirals nested over a wide range of scales. How such a fractal, sel... Read More about Cauliflower fractal forms arise from perturbations of floral gene networks.

A network of transcriptional repressors modulates auxin responses (2020)
Journal Article
Truskina, J., Han, J., Chrysanthou, E., Galvan-Ampudia, C. S., Lainé, S., Brunoud, G., Macé, J., Bellows, S., Legrand, J., Bågman, A. M., Smit, M. E., Smetana, O., Stigliani, A., Porco, S., Bennett, M. J., Mähönen, A. P., Parcy, F., Farcot, E., Roudier, F., Brady, S. M., …Vernoux, T. (2020). A network of transcriptional repressors modulates auxin responses. Nature, 589, 116–119.

The regulation of signalling capacity, combined with the spatiotemporal distribution of developmental signals themselves, is pivotal in setting developmental responses in both plants and animals. The hormone auxin is a key signal for plant growth and... Read More about A network of transcriptional repressors modulates auxin responses.

Understanding microwave heating in biomass-solvent systems (2020)
Journal Article
Taqi, A., Farcot, E., Robinson, J. P., & Binner, E. R. (2020). Understanding microwave heating in biomass-solvent systems. Chemical Engineering Journal, 393, Article 124741.

A new mechanism is proposed to provide a viable physical explanation for the action of microwaves in solvent extraction processes. The key innovation is Temperature-Induced Diffusion, a recently-demonstrated phenomenon that results from selective hea... Read More about Understanding microwave heating in biomass-solvent systems.

Cascading failures in networks of heterogeneous node behavior (2020)
Journal Article
Smith, O., Crowe, J., Farcot, E., O'Dea, R., & Hopcraft, K. (2020). Cascading failures in networks of heterogeneous node behavior. Physical Review E, 101(2), Article 020301(R).

Variability in the dynamical function of nodes comprising a complex network impacts upon cascading failures that can compromise the network's ability to operate. Node types correspond to sources, sinks or passive conduits of a current ow, applicable... Read More about Cascading failures in networks of heterogeneous node behavior.

Chaos in a ring circuit (2019)
Journal Article
Farcot, E., Best, S., Edwards, R., Belgacem, I., Xu, X., & Gill, P. (2019). Chaos in a ring circuit. Chaos, 29(4), Article 043103.

A ring-shaped logic circuit is proposed here as a robust design for a True Random Number Generator (TRNG). Most existing TRNGs rely on physical noise as a source of randomness, where the underlying idealized deterministic system is simply oscillatory... Read More about Chaos in a ring circuit.

Local negative circuits and cyclic attractors in Boolean networks with at most five components (2019)
Journal Article
Tonello, E., Farcot, E., & Chaouiya, C. (2019). Local negative circuits and cyclic attractors in Boolean networks with at most five components. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 18(1), 68-79.

We consider the following question on the relationship between the asymptotic behaviors of asynchronous dynamics of Boolean networks and their regulatory structures: Does the presence of a cyclic attractor imply the existence of a local negative circ... Read More about Local negative circuits and cyclic attractors in Boolean networks with at most five components.

The logic of the floral transition: reverse-engineering the switch controlling the identity of lateral organs (2017)
Journal Article
Dinh, J.-L., Farcot, E., & Hodgman, C. (in press). The logic of the floral transition: reverse-engineering the switch controlling the identity of lateral organs. PLoS Computational Biology, 13(9), Article e1005744.

Much laboratory work has been carried out to determine the gene regulatory network (GRN) that results in plant cells becoming flowers instead of leaves. However, this also involves the spatial distribution of different cell types, and poses the quest... Read More about The logic of the floral transition: reverse-engineering the switch controlling the identity of lateral organs.

A stochastic multicellular model identifies biological watermarks from disorders in self-organized patterns of phyllotaxis (2016)
Journal Article
Refahi, Y., Brunoud, G., Farcot, E., Jean-Marie, A., Pulkkinen, M., Vernoux, T., & Godin, C. (2016). A stochastic multicellular model identifies biological watermarks from disorders in self-organized patterns of phyllotaxis. eLife, 5, Article e14093.

Exploration of developmental mechanisms classically relies on analysis of pattern regularities. Whether disorders induced by biological noise may carry information on building principles of developmental systems is an important debated question. Here... Read More about A stochastic multicellular model identifies biological watermarks from disorders in self-organized patterns of phyllotaxis.

A modular analysis of the Auxin signalling network (2015)
Journal Article
Farcot, E., Lavedrine, C., & Vernoux, T. (2015). A modular analysis of the Auxin signalling network. PLoS ONE, 10(3), Article e0122231.

Auxin is essential for plant development from embryogenesis onwards. Auxin acts in large part through regulation of transcription. The proteins acting in the signalling pathway regulating transcription downstream of auxin have been identified as well... Read More about A modular analysis of the Auxin signalling network.

Inference of the Arabidopsis lateral root gene regulatory network suggests a bifurcation mechanism that defines primordia flanking and central zones (2015)
Journal Article
Lavenus, J., Goh, T., Guyomarc’h, S., Hill, K., Lucas, M., Voß, U., Kenobi, K., Wilson, M. H., Farcot, E., Hagen, G., Guilfoyle, T. J., Fukaki, H., Laplaze, L., & Bennett, M. J. (2015). Inference of the Arabidopsis lateral root gene regulatory network suggests a bifurcation mechanism that defines primordia flanking and central zones. Plant Cell, 27(5), 1368-1388.

A large number of genes involved in lateral root (LR) organogenesis have been identified over the last decade using forward and reverse genetic approaches in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nevertheless, how these genes interact to form a LR regulatory network... Read More about Inference of the Arabidopsis lateral root gene regulatory network suggests a bifurcation mechanism that defines primordia flanking and central zones.

Cytokinin signalling inhibitory fields provide robustness to phyllotaxis (2013)
Journal Article
Besnard, F., Farcot, E., Refahi, Y., Morin, V., Marteaux, B., Brunoud, G., Chambrier, P., Rozier, F., Mirabet, V., Legrand, J., Lainé, S., Thévenon, E., Cellier, C., Das, P., Bishopp, A., Dumas, R., Parcy, F., Helariutta, Y., Boudaoud, A., Godin, C., …Vernoux, T. (2014). Cytokinin signalling inhibitory fields provide robustness to phyllotaxis. Nature, 505(7483), 417-421.

How biological systems generate reproducible patterns with high precision is a central question in science. The shoot apical meristem (SAM), a specialized tissue producing plant aerial organs, is a developmental system of choice to address this quest... Read More about Cytokinin signalling inhibitory fields provide robustness to phyllotaxis.