Childhood bone tumours in primary care: helping GPs to identify ‘the needle in the haystack’
Journal Article
Shanmugavadivel, D., Liu, J.-F., Ball-Gamble, A., Polanco, A., Vedhara, K., Nathan, P., Walker, D., & Ojha, S. (2023). Childhood bone tumours in primary care: helping GPs to identify ‘the needle in the haystack’. British Journal of General Practice, 73(733), 377-379.
In 2018, the World Health Organization declared childhood cancer as a global disease burden, launching a Global Initiative to improve survival to 60% worldwide by 2030. If achieved, it is estimated that an extra 1 million children’s lives will be sav... Read More about Childhood bone tumours in primary care: helping GPs to identify ‘the needle in the haystack’.