An extended pressure range comparison of the blower door and novel pulse method for measuring the airtightness of two outdoor chambers with different levels of airtightness
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wood, C., Zheng, X., Vega Pasos, A., Hsu, Y.-S., & Smith, L. (2018, September). An extended pressure range comparison of the blower door and novel pulse method for measuring the airtightness of two outdoor chambers with different levels of airtightness. Presented at 39th AIVC - 7th TightVent & 5th venticool Conference
The steady pressurisation method measures the building leakage in a range of high pressures, typically 10-60 Pa. It is implemented by creating a steady pressure difference across the building envelope and measuring the corresponding airflow exchange... Read More about An extended pressure range comparison of the blower door and novel pulse method for measuring the airtightness of two outdoor chambers with different levels of airtightness.