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All Outputs (35)

Predictive Models for the Implementation of Targeted Reproductive Management in Multiparous Cows on Automatic Milking Systems (2024)
Journal Article
Hannon, F. P., Green, M. J., O'Grady, L., Hudson, C., Gouw, A., & Randall, L. V. (2024). Predictive Models for the Implementation of Targeted Reproductive Management in Multiparous Cows on Automatic Milking Systems. Journal of Dairy Science,

Targeted reproductive management (TRM) aims to improve the fertility efficiency of the dairy herd by applying group-level management strategies based on expected reproductive performance. Key to the utility of TRM is the accuracy with which an animal... Read More about Predictive Models for the Implementation of Targeted Reproductive Management in Multiparous Cows on Automatic Milking Systems.

Predictive modelling of deviation from expected milk yield in transition cows on automatic milking systems (2024)
Journal Article
Hannon, F. P., Green, M. J., O’Grady, L., Hudson, C., Gouw, A., & Randall, L. V. (2024). Predictive modelling of deviation from expected milk yield in transition cows on automatic milking systems. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 225, Article 106160.

The transition period is a pivotal time in the production cycle of the dairy cow. It is estimated that between 30% and 50% of all cows experience metabolic or infectious disease during this time. One of the most common and economically consequential... Read More about Predictive modelling of deviation from expected milk yield in transition cows on automatic milking systems.

Associations between Johne’s disease and fertility in UK dairy herds (2023)
Journal Article
Reynolds, J. A., Bradley, A. J., Sherwin, V. E., Remnant, J. G., & Hudson, C. D. (2023). Associations between Johne’s disease and fertility in UK dairy herds. Veterinary Journal, 298-299, Article 106015.

The objective of this observational study was to quantify associations between Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) antibody status and a variety of fertility outcomes, in UK dairy cattle. Longitudinal milk recording, fertility and M... Read More about Associations between Johne’s disease and fertility in UK dairy herds.

Herd health: approach to assessing fertility data quality (2023)
Journal Article
Reynolds, J., & Hudson, C. (2023). Herd health: approach to assessing fertility data quality. In Practice, 45(4), 222-230.

Background: Farm animal veterinarians are increasingly using routinely collected farm data to assess performance and enable implementation of preventive management changes on farm. Furthermore, the significance of data collection and data management... Read More about Herd health: approach to assessing fertility data quality.

Hoof lesions in partly housed pasture-based dairy cows (2022)
Journal Article
Browne, N., Hudson, C., Crossley, R., Sugrue, K., Huxley, J., & Conneely, M. (2022). Hoof lesions in partly housed pasture-based dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 105(11), 9038-9053.

Lameness is a symptom of a painful disorder affecting the limbs, which impacts dairy cow welfare and productivity. Lameness is primarily caused by hoof lesions. The prevalence of different lesion types can differ depending on environmental conditions... Read More about Hoof lesions in partly housed pasture-based dairy cows.

Antimicrobial resistance in dairy slurry tanks: a critical point for measurement and control (2022)
Journal Article
Baker, M., Williams, A. D., Hooton, S. P., Helliwell, R., King, E., Dodsworth, T., María Baena-Nogueras, R., Warry, A., Ortori, C. A., Todman, H., Gray-Hammerton, C. J., C. W. Pritchard, A., Iles, E., Cook, R., Emes, R. D., Jones, M. A., Kypraios, T., West, H., Barrett, D. A., Ramsden, S. J., …Stekel, D. J. (2022). Antimicrobial resistance in dairy slurry tanks: a critical point for measurement and control. Environment International, 169, Article 107516.

Waste from dairy production is one of the largest sources of contamination from antimicrobial resistant bacteria (ARB) and genes (ARGs) in many parts of the world. However, studies to date do not provide necessary evidence to inform antimicrobial res... Read More about Antimicrobial resistance in dairy slurry tanks: a critical point for measurement and control.

Lameness prevalence and management practices on Irish pasture-based dairy farms (2022)
Journal Article
Browne, N., Hudson, C. D., Crossley, R. E., Sugrue, K., Kennedy, E., Huxley, J. N., & Conneely, M. (2022). Lameness prevalence and management practices on Irish pasture-based dairy farms. Irish Veterinary Journal, 75, Article 14.

Background: Lameness is a painful disease, which negatively impacts dairy cow production and welfare. The aim of this observational study was to determine herd lameness prevalence, describe current lameness management practices and identify the prese... Read More about Lameness prevalence and management practices on Irish pasture-based dairy farms.

Use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Attitudes to Pain in Pasture-Based Dairy Cows: A Comparative Study of Farmers and Veterinarians (2022)
Journal Article
Browne, N., Conneely, M., & Hudson, C. (2022). Use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Attitudes to Pain in Pasture-Based Dairy Cows: A Comparative Study of Farmers and Veterinarians. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, Article 912564.

Pain is a significant welfare concern within the dairy industry. Recognizing and managing pain are important factors for safeguarding animal welfare. A questionnaire was sent via post to Irish dairy farmers and large animal veterinarians to assess at... Read More about Use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Attitudes to Pain in Pasture-Based Dairy Cows: A Comparative Study of Farmers and Veterinarians.

A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the impact of indoor living space on dairy cow production, reproduction and behaviour (2022)
Journal Article
Thompson, J. S., Hudson, C. D., Huxley, J. N., Kaler, J., Robinson, R. S., Woad, K. J., …Green, M. J. (2022). A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the impact of indoor living space on dairy cow production, reproduction and behaviour. Scientific Reports, 12(1), Article 3849.

As a global society, we have a duty to provide suitable care and conditions for farmed livestock to protect animal welfare and ensure the sustainability of our food supply. The suitability and biological impacts of housing conditions for intensively... Read More about A randomised controlled trial to evaluate the impact of indoor living space on dairy cow production, reproduction and behaviour.

The effect of environmental temperature on average daily gain in preweaned calves: A randomized controlled trial and Bayesian analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Hyde, R. M., Green, M. J., Hudson, C., & Down, P. M. (2022). The effect of environmental temperature on average daily gain in preweaned calves: A randomized controlled trial and Bayesian analysis. Journal of Dairy Science, 105(4), 3430-3439.

Neonatal calves are relatively susceptible to heat loss, and previous research suggests that reduced environmental temperatures are associated with reduced average daily gain (ADG) during the preweaning phase. Current methods of mitigating negative e... Read More about The effect of environmental temperature on average daily gain in preweaned calves: A randomized controlled trial and Bayesian analysis.

Preventive hoof trimming in dairy cattle: Determining current practices and identifying future research areas (2022)
Journal Article
Pedersen, S. I., I. L. Pedersen, S., N. Huxley, J., D. Hudson, C., J. Green, M., & J. Bell, N. (2022). Preventive hoof trimming in dairy cattle: Determining current practices and identifying future research areas. Veterinary Record,

Background: The extent to which preventive hoof trimming is implemented on Great Britain's (GB) dairy farms is unknown. The aims of this study were to determine common practices and capture producers’ input on key areas that require further research.... Read More about Preventive hoof trimming in dairy cattle: Determining current practices and identifying future research areas.

Cow- and herd-level risk factors for lameness in partly housed pasture-based dairy cows (2021)
Journal Article
Browne, N., Hudson, C., Crossley, R., Sugrue, K., Kennedy, E., Huxley, J., & Conneely, M. (2022). Cow- and herd-level risk factors for lameness in partly housed pasture-based dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 105(2), 1418-1431.

Lameness in dairy cows is a major animal welfare concern and has substantial economic impact through reduced production and fertility. Previous risk factor analyses have focused on housed systems, rather than those where cows were grazed for the majo... Read More about Cow- and herd-level risk factors for lameness in partly housed pasture-based dairy cows.

Improving growth rates in preweaning calves on dairy farms: A randomized controlled trial (2021)
Journal Article
Hyde, R. M., Green, M. J., Hudson, C., & Down, P. M. (2022). Improving growth rates in preweaning calves on dairy farms: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Dairy Science, 105(1), 782-792.

Previous research has identified key factors associated with improved average daily gain (ADG) in preweaning dairy calves and these factors have been combined to create a web app–based calf health plan ( A rand... Read More about Improving growth rates in preweaning calves on dairy farms: A randomized controlled trial.

Practical data skills for the farm animal vet (2021)
Journal Article
Hyde, R., Green, M., Hudson, C., & Remnant, J. (2021). Practical data skills for the farm animal vet. In Practice, 43(5), 257-268.

Background: While farm animal veterinarians receive extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of individual animals, population medicine or ‘herd health’ has also become commonplace in modern production animal veterinary medicine. Clinicians... Read More about Practical data skills for the farm animal vet.

From the other perspective: Behavioural factors associated with UK sheep farmers’ attitudes towards antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance (2021)
Journal Article
Doidge, C., Lima, E., Lovatt, F., Hudson, C., & Kaler, J. (2021). From the other perspective: Behavioural factors associated with UK sheep farmers’ attitudes towards antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance. PLoS ONE, 16(5), Article e0251439.

Research suggests that many sheep farmers continue to carry out traditional antibiotic use practices despite new’good practice’ recommendations. The aim of this study was to group farmers depending on their attitudes around antibiotic use and antibio... Read More about From the other perspective: Behavioural factors associated with UK sheep farmers’ attitudes towards antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance.

Antimicrobial use practices and opinions of beef farmers in England and Wales (2020)
Journal Article
Doidge, C., Hudson, C. D., Burgess, R., Lovatt, F., & Kaler, J. (2020). Antimicrobial use practices and opinions of beef farmers in England and Wales. Veterinary Record, 187(12), e119-e119.

© British Veterinary Association. Background Limited research exists on antimicrobial use practices of beef farmers. This study aimed to investigate antimicrobial practices and perceptions of beef farmers in England and Wales, and identify drivers of... Read More about Antimicrobial use practices and opinions of beef farmers in England and Wales.

Farmers' Perceptions of Preventing Antibiotic Resistance on Sheep and Beef Farms: Risk, Responsibility, and Action (2020)
Journal Article
Doidge, C., Ruston, A., Lovatt, F., Hudson, C., King, L., & Kaler, J. (2020). Farmers' Perceptions of Preventing Antibiotic Resistance on Sheep and Beef Farms: Risk, Responsibility, and Action. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, Article 524.

© 2020 Doidge, Ruston, Lovatt, Hudson, King and Kaler.

Antibiotic resistance is one of the most serious public health risks facing humanity. The overuse of antibiotics in the treatment of infectious disease have been identified as sources of the... Read More about Farmers' Perceptions of Preventing Antibiotic Resistance on Sheep and Beef Farms: Risk, Responsibility, and Action.

Field survey to evaluate space allowances for dairy cows in Great Britain (2020)
Journal Article
Thompson, J. S., Huxley, J. N., Hudson, C. D., Kaler, J., Gibbons, J., & Green, M. J. (2020). Field survey to evaluate space allowances for dairy cows in Great Britain. Journal of Dairy Science, 103(4), 3745-3759.

© 2020 American Dairy Science Association Housing conditions can affect health of cows by increasing exposure to biological, chemical, and physical hazards, resulting in increased disease. A report in 2014 indicated that 99% of UK dairy cows are hous... Read More about Field survey to evaluate space allowances for dairy cows in Great Britain.

Quantitative analysis of calf mortality in Great Britain (2020)
Journal Article
Hyde, R. M., Green, M. J., Sherwin, V. E., Hudson, C., Gibbons, J., Forshaw, T., …Down, P. M. (2020). Quantitative analysis of calf mortality in Great Britain. Journal of Dairy Science, 103(3), 2615–2623.

National bodies in Great Britain (GB) have expressed concern over young stock health and welfare and identified calf survival as a priority; however, no national data have been available to quantify mortality rates. The aim of this study was to quant... Read More about Quantitative analysis of calf mortality in Great Britain.

Long-Term Ibrutinib Therapy Reverses CD8+ T Cell Exhaustion in B Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (2019)
Journal Article
Parry, H. M., Mirajkar, N., Cutmore, N., Zuo, J., Long, H., Kwok, M., …Moss, P. (2019). Long-Term Ibrutinib Therapy Reverses CD8+ T Cell Exhaustion in B Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia. Frontiers in Immunology, 10, 1-7.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) is associated with immune suppression and susceptibility to infection. CD8+ T cell numbers are increased and demonstrate elevated expression of PD-1 and impaired function. The mechanisms driving these features of e... Read More about Long-Term Ibrutinib Therapy Reverses CD8+ T Cell Exhaustion in B Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia.