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Antimicrobial resistance in dairy slurry tanks: a critical point for measurement and control

Baker, Michelle; Williams, Alexander D; Hooton, Steven P.T.; Helliwell, Richard; King, Elizabeth; Dodsworth, Thomas; María Baena-Nogueras, Rosa; Warry, Andrew; Ortori, Catherine A.; Todman, Henry; Gray-Hammerton, Charlotte J.; C. W. Pritchard, Alexander; Iles, Ethan; Cook, Ryan; Emes, Richard D.; Jones, Michael A; Kypraios, Theodore; West, Helen; Barrett, David A; Ramsden, Stephen J; Gomes, Rachel L; Hudson, Chris; Millard, Andrew D; Raman, Sujatha; Morris, Carol; E R Dodd, Christine; Kreft, Jan-Ulrich; Hobman, Jon L; Stekel, Dov J

Antimicrobial resistance in dairy slurry tanks: a critical point for measurement and control Thumbnail


Alexander D Williams

Steven P.T. Hooton

Richard Helliwell

Elizabeth King

Thomas Dodsworth

Rosa María Baena-Nogueras

Andrew Warry

Catherine A. Ortori

Henry Todman

Charlotte J. Gray-Hammerton

Alexander C. W. Pritchard

Ethan Iles

Ryan Cook

Richard D. Emes

David A Barrett

Stephen J Ramsden

Rachel L Gomes

Andrew D Millard

Sujatha Raman

Christine E R Dodd

Jan-Ulrich Kreft


Waste from dairy production is one of the largest sources of contamination from antimicrobial resistant bacteria (ARB) and genes (ARGs) in many parts of the world. However, studies to date do not provide necessary evidence to inform antimicrobial resistance (AMR) countermeasures. We undertook a detailed, interdisciplinary, longitudinal analysis of dairy slurry waste. The slurry contained a population of ARB and ARGs, with resistances to current, historical and never-used on-farm antibiotics; resistances were associated with Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and mobile elements (ISEcp1, Tn916, Tn21-family transposons). Modelling and experimental work suggested that these populations are in dynamic equilibrium, with microbial death balanced by fresh input. Consequently, storing slurry without further waste input for at least 60 days was predicted to reduce ARB spread onto land, with > 99 % reduction in cephalosporin resistant Escherichia coli. The model also indicated that for farms with low antibiotic use, further reductions are unlikely to reduce AMR further. We conclude that the slurry tank is a critical point for measurement and control of AMR, and that actions to limit the spread of AMR from dairy waste should combine responsible antibiotic use, including low total quantity, avoidance of human critical antibiotics, and choosing antibiotics with shorter half-lives, coupled with appropriate slurry storage.


Baker, M., Williams, A. D., Hooton, S. P., Helliwell, R., King, E., Dodsworth, T., María Baena-Nogueras, R., Warry, A., Ortori, C. A., Todman, H., Gray-Hammerton, C. J., C. W. Pritchard, A., Iles, E., Cook, R., Emes, R. D., Jones, M. A., Kypraios, T., West, H., Barrett, D. A., Ramsden, S. J., …Stekel, D. J. (2022). Antimicrobial resistance in dairy slurry tanks: a critical point for measurement and control. Environment International, 169, Article 107516.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 14, 2022
Online Publication Date Sep 16, 2022
Publication Date 2022-11
Deposit Date Mar 18, 2024
Publicly Available Date Mar 21, 2024
Journal Environment International
Print ISSN 0160-4120
Electronic ISSN 1873-6750
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 169
Article Number 107516
Keywords General Environmental Science
Public URL
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