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Opportunities and challenges to delivering a trial for depressive symptoms in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from the Alpha-Stim-D randomised controlled trial (2025)
Journal Article
Patel, S., Patel, P., Boutry, C., Guo, B., Butler, D., Higton, F., McNaughton, R., Briley, P. M., Griffiths, C., Nixon, N., Prasad, V., Sayal, K., Smart, D., Zafar, A., Kai, J., & Morriss, R. (2025). Opportunities and challenges to delivering a trial for depressive symptoms in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from the Alpha-Stim-D randomised controlled trial. Trials, 26(1), Article 62.

Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are widely regarded as the most powerful research design for evidence-based practice. However, recruiting to RCTs can be challenging resulting in heightened costs and delays in research completion and i... Read More about Opportunities and challenges to delivering a trial for depressive symptoms in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from the Alpha-Stim-D randomised controlled trial.

A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Well Parent Japan in routine care in Japan: The training and nurturing support for mothers (TRANSFORM) study (2024)
Journal Article
Shimabukuro, S., Oshio, T., Endo, T., Harada, S., Yamashita, Y., Tomoda, A., Guo, B., Goto, Y., Ishii, A., Izumi, M., Nakahara, Y., Yamamoto, K., Daley, D., & Tripp, G. (2024). A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Well Parent Japan in routine care in Japan: The training and nurturing support for mothers (TRANSFORM) study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 65(12), 1624-1637.

Well Parent Japan (WPJ) is a new hybrid group parent training programme combining sessions to improve mothers' psychological well-being with a culturally adapted version of the New Forest Parenting Programme (NFPP). This study investigate... Read More about A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Well Parent Japan in routine care in Japan: The training and nurturing support for mothers (TRANSFORM) study.

When a test is more than just a test: Findings from patient interviews and survey in the trial of a technology to measure antidepressant medication response (the PReDicT Trial) (2024)
Journal Article
Brown, S., Ploeger, C., Petersen, J. J., Guo, B., Beckenstrom, A. C., Petersen, J. J., Beckenstrom, A. C., Dawson, G. R., Browning, M., Dawson, G. R., Deckert, J., Dourish, C. T., Dias, R., Dourish, C. T., Gorwood, P., Kingslake, J., Menke, A., Sola, V. P., Reif, A., Ruhe, H., …Morriss, R. (2024). When a test is more than just a test: Findings from patient interviews and survey in the trial of a technology to measure antidepressant medication response (the PReDicT Trial). Comprehensive Psychiatry, 132, Article 152467.


A RCT of a novel intervention to detect antidepressant medication response (the PReDicT Test) took place in five European countries, accompanied by a nested study of its acceptability and implementation presented here. The RCT results i... Read More about When a test is more than just a test: Findings from patient interviews and survey in the trial of a technology to measure antidepressant medication response (the PReDicT Trial).

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescent mental health inpatient service use in England: An interrupted time-series analysis of national patient records (2024)
Journal Article
Tsiachristas, A., Holland, J., Guo, B., Chitsabesan, P., Sayal, K., & Pari, A. A. A. (2024). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescent mental health inpatient service use in England: An interrupted time-series analysis of national patient records. BJPsych Open, 10(2), Article e69.


During the initial phases of the COVID 19 pandemic children and young people (CYP) faced significant restrictions. The virus and mitigation approaches significantly impacted how health services could function, and be safely delivered.... Read More about The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescent mental health inpatient service use in England: An interrupted time-series analysis of national patient records.

Using a Novel Gameplay Intervention to Target Intrusive Memories After Work-Related Trauma: Iterative Qualitative Analysis of Intensive Care Unit Staff Experiences (2024)
Journal Article
Patel, P., Brown, S., Guo, B., Holmes, E. A., Iyadurai, L., Kingslake, J., Highfield, J., & Morriss, R. (2024). Using a Novel Gameplay Intervention to Target Intrusive Memories After Work-Related Trauma: Iterative Qualitative Analysis of Intensive Care Unit Staff Experiences. JMIR Formative Research, 8(1), Article e47458.

Background: Many intensive care unit (ICU) staff experience intrusive memories following work-related traumatic events, which can lead to long-term mental health outcomes and impact work functioning. There is a need for interventions that target intr... Read More about Using a Novel Gameplay Intervention to Target Intrusive Memories After Work-Related Trauma: Iterative Qualitative Analysis of Intensive Care Unit Staff Experiences.

'Far Away from Home': adolescent inpatient admissions far from home, out of area or to adult wards: a national surveillance study. (2023)
Journal Article
Holland, J., Roe, J., Guo, B., Dasilva-Ellimah, M., Burn, A.-M., Dubicka, B., Ford, T., Wagner, A. P., Nazir, S., James, A., Morriss, R., & Sayal, K. (2023). 'Far Away from Home': adolescent inpatient admissions far from home, out of area or to adult wards: a national surveillance study. BMJ Mental Health, 26(1), Article e300843.

Background The increasing prevalence and acuity of mental disorders among children and adolescents have placed pressure on services, including inpatient care, and resulted in young people being admitted at-distance or to adult wards. Little empirical... Read More about 'Far Away from Home': adolescent inpatient admissions far from home, out of area or to adult wards: a national surveillance study..

Specialist treatment for persistent depression in secondary care: Sustained effects from a multicentre UK study at 24 and 36 months (2023)
Journal Article
Nixon, N., Guo, B., Kaylor-Hughes, C., Simpson, S., Garland, A., Dalgleish, T., & Morriss, R. (2024). Specialist treatment for persistent depression in secondary care: Sustained effects from a multicentre UK study at 24 and 36 months. Journal of Affective Disorders, 345, 70-77.

Background: Despite the known health costs of persistent depression, there is no established service framework for the treatment of this disorder and a lack of long-term outcome data to inform commissioning. To address this gap, we report the long-te... Read More about Specialist treatment for persistent depression in secondary care: Sustained effects from a multicentre UK study at 24 and 36 months.

Clinical Perspectives on Using Remote Measurement Technology in Assessing Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, and Depression: Delphi Study (2023)
Journal Article
Andrews, J. A., Craven, M. P., Guo, B., Weyer, J., Lees, S., Zormpas, S. I., Thorpe, S. E., Devonshire, J., San Antonio-Arce, V., Whitehouse, W. P., Julie, J., Malins, S., Hammers, A., Reif, A., Ruhe, H. G., Durbano, F., Barlati, S., Sen, A., Frederiksen, J. L., Martinelli, A., …RADAR-CNS Consortium. (2023). Clinical Perspectives on Using Remote Measurement Technology in Assessing Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, and Depression: Delphi Study. JMIR Neurotechnology, 2, Article e41439.

Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS), epilepsy, and depression are chronic central nervous system conditions in which remote measurement technology (RMT) may offer benefits compared with usual assessment. We previously worked with clinicians, patients... Read More about Clinical Perspectives on Using Remote Measurement Technology in Assessing Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, and Depression: Delphi Study.

Clinical effectiveness of active Alpha-Stim AID versus sham Alpha-Stim AID in major depression in primary care in England (Alpha-Stim-D): a multicentre, parallel group, double-blind, randomised controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article
Morriss, R., Patel, S., Boutry, C., Patel, P., Guo, B., Briley, P. M., Butler, D., Craven, M., Duncan, A., Griffiths, C., Higton, F., McNaughton, R., Nixon, N., Prasad, V., Sayal, K., Smart, D., Zafar, A., & Kai, J. (2023). Clinical effectiveness of active Alpha-Stim AID versus sham Alpha-Stim AID in major depression in primary care in England (Alpha-Stim-D): a multicentre, parallel group, double-blind, randomised controlled trial. Lancet Psychiatry, 10(3), 172-183.

Background: Randomised sham-controlled trials of cranial electrostimulation with the Alpha-Stim Anxiety Insomnia and Depression (AID) device have reported improved anxiety and depression symptoms; however, no adequately powered sham-controlled trials... Read More about Clinical effectiveness of active Alpha-Stim AID versus sham Alpha-Stim AID in major depression in primary care in England (Alpha-Stim-D): a multicentre, parallel group, double-blind, randomised controlled trial.

A Self-management App for People Living With Mild Dementia (PRIDE): Protocol for a Pre-Post Feasibility Study (2022)
Journal Article
Lee, A. R., McDermott, O., Guo, B., Roe, J., & Orrell, M. (2022). A Self-management App for People Living With Mild Dementia (PRIDE): Protocol for a Pre-Post Feasibility Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(7), Article e33881.

Background: With the rapid increase in the prevalence of dementia in the United Kingdom and beyond, the emotional, social, and economic burden on individuals, families, and health care services continues to rise. Currently, interventions that enable... Read More about A Self-management App for People Living With Mild Dementia (PRIDE): Protocol for a Pre-Post Feasibility Study.

Making remote measurement technology work in multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and depression: survey of healthcare professionals (2022)
Journal Article
Andrews, J. A., Craven, M. P., Lang, A. R., Guo, B., Morriss, R., Hollis, C., & RADAR-CNS Consortium. (2022). Making remote measurement technology work in multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and depression: survey of healthcare professionals. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 22(1), Article 125.

BACKGROUND: Epilepsy, multiple sclerosis(MS) and depression are long term, central nervous system disorders which have a significant impact on everyday life. Evaluating symptoms of these conditions is problematic and typically involves repeated visit... Read More about Making remote measurement technology work in multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and depression: survey of healthcare professionals.

A randomised controlled trial investigating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of Alpha-Stim AID cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) in patients seeking treatment for moderate severity depression in primary care (Alpha-Stim-D Trial) (2022)
Journal Article
Patel, S., Boutry, C., Patel, P., Craven, M. P., Guo, B., Zafar, A., Kai, J., Smart, D., Butler, D., Higton, F., McNaughton, R., Briley, P. M., Griffiths, C., Nixon, N., Sayal, K., & Morriss, R. (2022). A randomised controlled trial investigating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of Alpha-Stim AID cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) in patients seeking treatment for moderate severity depression in primary care (Alpha-Stim-D Trial). Trials, 23(1), Article 250.

Background: Major depression is the second leading cause of years lost to disability worldwide and is a leading contributor to suicide. However, first-line antidepressants are only fully effective for 33%, and only 40% of those offered psychological... Read More about A randomised controlled trial investigating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of Alpha-Stim AID cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) in patients seeking treatment for moderate severity depression in primary care (Alpha-Stim-D Trial).

Service user experiences of care recommendations from the 2014 NICE guideline for bipolar disorder: a survey (2022)
Journal Article
Roe, J., Cresswell, A., Mittal, S., Al-Uzri, M., Tanner, J., Moore, M., Simpson, S., Guo, B., & Morriss, R. (2022). Service user experiences of care recommendations from the 2014 NICE guideline for bipolar disorder: a survey. Journal of Mental Health, 31(5), 724-731.

Clinical guidelines for mental health disorders produced by the National Institute of Care Excellence (NICE) emphasise a recovery-based approach clinical care with collaborative decision-making. The aim of the study was to explore service user experi... Read More about Service user experiences of care recommendations from the 2014 NICE guideline for bipolar disorder: a survey.

Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a Resource Kit (2022)
Journal Article
Coleston-Shields, D. M., Challis, D., Worden, A., Broome, E., Dening, T., Guo, B., Hoe, J., Lloyd-Evans, B., Moniz-Cook, E., Morris, S., Poland, F., Prothero, D., & Orrell, M. (2022). Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a Resource Kit. Trials, 23, Article 54.

Background: Improving care at home for people with dementia is a core policy goal in the dementia strategies of many European countries. A challenge to effective home support is the occurrence of crises in the care of people with dementia which arise... Read More about Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a Resource Kit.

Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): A Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Resource Kit. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
Coleston-Shields, D. M., Challis, D., Worden, A., Broome, E., Dening, T., Guo, B., Hoe, J., Lloyd-Evans, B., Moniz-Cook, E., Morris, S., Poland, F., Prothero, D., & Orrell, M. Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): A Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Resource Kit


Improving care at home for people with dementia is a core policy goal in the dementia strategies of many European countries. A challenge to effective home support is the occurrence of crises in the care of people with dementia which ari... Read More about Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT): A Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Resource Kit..

The impact of data from remote measurement technology on the clinical practice of healthcare professionals in depression, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis: survey (2021)
Journal Article
Andrews, J. A., Craven, M. P., Lang, A. R., Guo, B., Morriss, R., Hollis, C., & The RADAR-CNS Consortium. (2021). The impact of data from remote measurement technology on the clinical practice of healthcare professionals in depression, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis: survey. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21, Article 282.

Background: A variety of smartphone apps and wearables are available both to help patients monitor their health and to support health care professionals (HCPs) in providing clinical care. As part of the RADAR-CNS consortium, we have conducted researc... Read More about The impact of data from remote measurement technology on the clinical practice of healthcare professionals in depression, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis: survey.

Correction: A Direct-to-Public Peer Support Program (Big White Wall) Versus Web-Based Information to Aid the Self-management of Depression and Anxiety: Results and Challenges of an Automated Randomized Controlled Trial (2021)
Journal Article
Morriss, R., Kaylor-Hughes, C., Rawsthorne, M., Coulson, N., Simpson, S., Guo, B., James, M., Lathe, J., Moran, P., Tata, L. J., & Williams, L. (2021). Correction: A Direct-to-Public Peer Support Program (Big White Wall) Versus Web-Based Information to Aid the Self-management of Depression and Anxiety: Results and Challenges of an Automated Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(7), Article e31543.

[This corrects the article DOI: 10.2196/23487.].

The factor structure of the Zanarini Rating Scale for Borderline Personality Disorder: Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling and measurement invariance over time (2021)
Journal Article
Guo, B., Li, L., Crawford, M. J., & Morriss, R. (2021). The factor structure of the Zanarini Rating Scale for Borderline Personality Disorder: Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling and measurement invariance over time. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 30(3), Article e1874.


There is a lack of independent longitudinal evidence on the factor structure and validity of the Zanarini Rating Scale for Borderline Personality Disorder (ZAN‐BPD). This study aimed to investigate the dimensionality of ZAN‐BPD and its... Read More about The factor structure of the Zanarini Rating Scale for Borderline Personality Disorder: Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling and measurement invariance over time.

Correction to: Optimising medication management in children and young people with ADHD using a computerised test (QbTest): a feasibility randomised controlled trial (2021)
Journal Article
Williams, L., Hall, C. L., Brown, S., Guo, B., James, M., Franceschini, M., Clarke, J., Selby, K., Vijayan, H., Kulkarni, N., Brown, N., Sayal, K., Hollis, C., & Groom, M. J. (2021). Correction to: Optimising medication management in children and young people with ADHD using a computerised test (QbTest): a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7, Article 94.

A direct-to-public peer support program (Big White Wall) versus web-based information to aid the self-management of depression and anxiety: Results and challenges of an automated randomized controlled trial (2021)
Journal Article
Rawsthorne, M., Tata, L., Williams, L., Morriss, R., Guo, B., Simpson, S., Coulson, N., Kaylor-Hughes, C., James, M., Lathe, J., & Moran, P. (2021). A direct-to-public peer support program (Big White Wall) versus web-based information to aid the self-management of depression and anxiety: Results and challenges of an automated randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(4), Article e23487.

Background: Effective help for depression and anxiety reaches a small proportion of people who might benefit from it. The scale of the problem suggests the need for effective, safe web-based public health services delivered directly to the public. On... Read More about A direct-to-public peer support program (Big White Wall) versus web-based information to aid the self-management of depression and anxiety: Results and challenges of an automated randomized controlled trial.