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When a test is more than just a test: Findings from patient interviews and survey in the trial of a technology to measure antidepressant medication response (the PReDicT Trial)

Brown, Susan; Ploeger, Cornelia; Guo, Boliang; Petersen, Juliana J; Petersen, Juliana J.; Beckenstrom, Amy C; Beckenstrom, Amy C.; Browning, Michael; Dawson, Gerard R; Dawson, Gerard R.; Deckert, Jürgen; Dias, Rebecca; Dourish, Colin T; Dourish, Colin T.; Gorwood, Philip; Kingslake, Jonathan; Menke, Andreas; Sola, Victor Perez; Reif, Andreas; Ruhe, Henricus; Simon, Judit; Stäblein, Michael; van Schaik, Anneke; Veltman, Dick J; Veltman, Dick J.; Morriss, Richard

When a test is more than just a test: Findings from patient interviews and survey in the trial of a technology to measure antidepressant medication response (the PReDicT Trial) Thumbnail


Susan Brown

Cornelia Ploeger

Juliana J Petersen

Juliana J. Petersen

Amy C Beckenstrom

Amy C. Beckenstrom

Michael Browning

Gerard R Dawson

Gerard R. Dawson

Jürgen Deckert

Rebecca Dias

Colin T Dourish

Colin T. Dourish

Philip Gorwood

Jonathan Kingslake

Andreas Menke

Victor Perez Sola

Andreas Reif

Henricus Ruhe

Judit Simon

Michael Stäblein

Anneke van Schaik

Dick J Veltman

Dick J. Veltman



A RCT of a novel intervention to detect antidepressant medication response (the PReDicT Test) took place in five European countries, accompanied by a nested study of its acceptability and implementation presented here. The RCT results indicated no effect of the intervention on depression at 8 weeks (primary outcome), although effects on anxiety at 8 weeks and functioning at 24 weeks were found.


The nested study used mixed methods. The aim was to explore patient experiences of the Test including acceptability and implementation, to inform its use within care. A bespoke survey was completed by trial participants in five countries (n = 778) at week 8. Semi-structured interviews were carried out in two countries soon after week 8 (UK n = 22, Germany n = 20). Quantitative data was analysed descriptively; for qualitative data, thematic analysis was carried out using a framework approach. Results of the two datasets were interrogated together.


Survey results showed the intervention was well received, with a majority of participants indicating they would use it again, and it gave them helpful extra information; a small minority indicated the Test made them feel worse. Qualitative data showed the Test had unexpected properties, including: instigating a process of reflection, giving participants feedback on progress and new understanding about their illness, and making participants feel supported and more engaged in treatment.


The qualitative and quantitative results are generally consistent. The Test's unexpected properties may explain why the RCT showed little effect, as properties were experienced across both trial arms. Beyond the RCT, the qualitative data sheds light on measurement reactivity, i.e., how measurements of depression can impact patients.


Brown, S., Ploeger, C., Petersen, J. J., Guo, B., Beckenstrom, A. C., Petersen, J. J., Beckenstrom, A. C., Dawson, G. R., Browning, M., Dawson, G. R., Deckert, J., Dourish, C. T., Dias, R., Dourish, C. T., Gorwood, P., Kingslake, J., Menke, A., Sola, V. P., Reif, A., Ruhe, H., …Morriss, R. (2024). When a test is more than just a test: Findings from patient interviews and survey in the trial of a technology to measure antidepressant medication response (the PReDicT Trial). Comprehensive Psychiatry, 132, Article 152467.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 29, 2024
Online Publication Date Apr 11, 2024
Publication Date 2024-07
Deposit Date Apr 16, 2024
Publicly Available Date Apr 16, 2024
Journal Comprehensive Psychiatry
Print ISSN 0010-440X
Electronic ISSN 1532-8384
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 132
Article Number 152467
Keywords Depression; PRIMARY CARE; Digital Technology; Qualitative; Measurement reactivity
Public URL
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